What could it have been... Cannot imagine.
Without the DLCs it's like it's amputated. And with them (and additional bunch of non-game stuff) it's still hanged up. Projects got canceled and FF15 never got to reach its final form.
Eh, if you don't going to spam on the fucking turtle it's still a fun game. Open world killed it quite a lot unfortunately. I had an urge to rush the game when I was closing up to the final. For the sake of Ignis and the cool soundtrack, it has a place in my heart.

Was a day-one PSN Plus title. I have no regrets playing it. It was a simplistic perspective game. Puzzles were fair and not much thought provoking. You can complete it pretty much in 3 to 4 hours and that'd be effortless. If you want to chill, it's a way to go. Story was also decent too.

One of the better arcade racing games. I'd appreciate a full blown sequel. Not sure if EA would ever let Codemasters to revisit it though.

If you want to dive straight into the deep ocean and into the food chain. There ya go. I have no idea why Tripwire was busy with an AA Shark ARPG but, okay. Sometimes we need some of these stuff too.

Spooky? Perhaps. It's more eerie and provokative which is prolly why it's loved in the first place. That is one of the most valuable and strongest assets that the game carries with it. A stronger entry than the first one.

I had to resist unmeasurable to complete it.
The developers clearly had a love for the franchise but the gunplay, exploration, stealth, story, all were rather weak.

Luckily they did it just with Robocop.

I never got to finish The Surge. I appreciated its limb tearing but it was not enough to have me hooked on. Now, The Surge 2, steps up its game. With a better enemy variety, better close-knit levels and far more enjoyable bosses, it made me happy that I somehow got to embrace the franchise eventually. Being still the most of souls-likes in High Fantasy settings, a sci-fi take is very well noteworthy.

I rarely replay games. I replayed TWAU 4 times and didn't get bored a bit. It is one my of go-to games to describe my taste in narratives as well as personality. As a person who often likes dark takes on different mythos and fables, TWAU got me introduced to Vertigo's Fables series. I also must mention the choices you take in this one (although still somewhat limited) is far more intricate when poising an ethical standpoint than any other TellTale game up to date. Its setting is that good and TWAU2 needs to build upon that shit.

Nobody is ever happy and at the end of the fucking day the sheriff is still the bad guy. Bigby being straight up relatable.

Cartoonish visuals, good dosage of humour, well thought puzzles (with some of them being just for the sake of being there) and damn cool abilities. Plus I like myths. This could have been improved by a lot. Ubisoft gave up on it. Great!

I'd rather have an usual LBP but Sackboy is an interesting enough spin-off to give a chance. The main problem with it, most of the levels are not quite though provoking and challenging. Perhaps except for the Knitted Knight's ultimate trial which was a plat breaker all by itself.

Platinuming this game was soul breaking. I had countless mental breakdowns. Strongly recommended.

Ollie ollie bitch. Peak skateboarding, the pinnacle of THPS.

It is really something. People used to play these stuff with their 'Significant one' huh? I played it with my bro and without being any sort of bromance involved (perhaps a lil bit) we trolled the fuck out of it. I like when games creates memories.

While being an enjoyable adventure to embark on it was far less memorable than 2016's R&C. Rivet didn't differ much from Ratchet at all. It was a nobrainer game for absolute no reason.

Name a more iconic duo.

Ratchet & Clank was everything what a reboot was needed to be. Had a heck of a gunplay, cool puzzles and an actual level design that rewarded the exploration and completion. Sad to see those were long gone with Rift Apart.