So much wasted potential. I loved the original ME. It had an unique art design and game direction. Levels was well focused and they did not feel out in order, as you progressed in the game the difficulty and complexity curve meaningfully increased while not overwhelming the player. Here in Catalyst, those are pretty much gone. Combat is a thing and is underwhelming while not being a total wreck. Its closed world design opposed to a linear predecessor didn't elevate the game much as much as I also did not try to mind it. Art design is still cool but you can't select it as easy as the first one, lost some uniqueness. As a byproduct of its world design side activities was also repetitive and bland.

Superb campaign, superb multiplayer (ngl at launch I figured TF1 was a bit better and more fast paced but it grew up on me). Mech controls are fluid, it has unnecessarily good level design and mechanics for an FPS shooter campaign. In or out the mecha, it plays well.

A blend between your usual typing game and rpg(elements). I'd prefer Epistory over this but it could be entertaining for a lil while.

As far as clicker games goes, I'd stick with this capitalist bozo.

Dishonored was a pinnacle, Dishonored 2 yet somehow climbs on top of it. Holds up its title as still one of the best (undebatable) stealth games. Chaos system is improved and there are far more skills to engage in power fantasy to kill in such dishonorable ways. Its level design is otherworldly mind bending. Had a puzzle that required me to actually write it down and take my time to solve it, was completely optional but it rewarded me with a quicker progression. With regards to the Clockwork Mansion (both aesthetically and gameplay-wise is still on the top of mountain), every level is jacked to the their fulled potentional, none of them is an afterthought. Its time manipulation consisting change the past affect the present mindset was indeed a sweet part. My only concern was the portrayal of its themes and characters which D1 handled better in portraying a grotesque steampunk city.

Its launch was not disastrous but rather sloppy and forgettable. Over the years the amount of content Tripwire have added is enormous. Once in a while I kept coming back and the game always welcomed me to blast up more ZEDs. It has a loyal playerbase too.

My indie goty of 2014. Still one of my fav. indies all the time. Scavenging is tense, the atmosphere is oppressive and it enacts the war and conveys the war psychology quite well. As a crafting-survival game I can say it also aged well. Character building might be not perfect but it is often a meaningful progress based on your playstyle & choices.

It was actually fun. Should have been supported more especially with enabling crossplay and perhaps should have went f2p after a while. If it did attract more players, I'd stick around longer.

I never got back to it. My score is for the initial release & that hideous campaign. Forever stained the title. Champion's edition is way better from what I heard but I don't really come back to fighting games after a while. It is what it is.


İçinde değerli bir din adamının olduğu oyunu bu denli yarro yapmak nasıl bir Allahsızlık?

Akç dünyanın en lame senaryolarından birisini bir o kadar ilgi çekici olmayan karakterlerin arcını oynamak adına her bölgeyi it gibi tamamladığınız bir oyun dizaynı arkasına saklıyor. Bu kaçıncı seviye bir yavşaklık? Neyse ki Joseph Seed genel olarak karizmatik bir antagonist.

Türk Twitter time'nin duayen oyunu. Razıyım.

I completed this game so I could distract myself from a group work. If it was avoidable so would be this boredom.

I am unsure what it can be said without the other upcoming two parts but as a beginning it gets the job done. It is well modernized in real-time action, brings the lovely cast back and expands the story (perhaps a bit too much) carrying it to the new heights while also making even more characters relevant. Its level design being the most obvious drawback, some parts of combats (especially those mf flying troopers) could drag your joy down. Party management is fluid as well as not losing its strategic tension.

Hey, you, I want you to petition for Bloodborne Karts.