Another low chaos Clean Hands/Ghost run (or low chaos highly chaotic "bend time and run like a jackrabbit in the last mission" run), this time to finish off the platinum. You can see the improvements they made to this game in Dishonored 2 (you cannot underestimate how good a mid-mission stats screen is when you're trying not to get spotted or kill people) but this is still 100% worth playing.

Not gonna lie, it's a lot of fun being a big gory monster eating the humans who have imprisoned you and collecting the bits of your monster back that they cut out. Gameplay is straightfoward, although backtracking to find the containment unit upgrades (passives) once you have all your active powers is slightly less so, if you're no good without a map.

Carrion is a great looking game with a simple but fun gameplay and a neat soundtrack. A really good time.

One of the best puzzle games ever made, to be honest.

It does what it says on the tin. It's a hidden object game where you're looking in a castle for cats, lots of cats. The art is extremely charming, the music isn't tedious when you're trying to find that one last cat... it's a great time filler where you're not looking for a dude in a red and white striped hat and I'm here for it.

A cute little match 3 game with a neat concept of growing a civilisation through various eras. The food bottleneck is real.

A really interesting game with a lot of really ambitious mechanics all at once, some of which worked (plants!) and some that kind of didn't (early game loops). The start required a lot of patience, but in the end I loved my time with the game, and I really respect the devs for trying something this imaginative. Also it's a visual delight. Look at that cover art. Delicious.

A solidly mediocre game. The character animations - even with any "updates" are still worse than Mass Effect 1. It's also graphically glitchy as hell, and there are game breaking bugs still in the game that I first encounted back in 2017 when the game launched. Do like the changes to combat though which drags it up to 3 stars. While I usually have a specific play style with the ME trilogy, I actually enjoyed being able to swap up the skills, and doing it for trophies let me try out things I mightn't have normally. I'm sure I'll come back to finish it eventually and to get the platinum, but for now I think I'm done.

Doesn't have even half the charm of the cartoon, but as a tie-in, it would still be a good little game to get the little ones learning how to play video games. Played it on Game Pass which is fine, however this game is definitely not worth full price.

I knew about this game via it's soundtrack a long, long time before I played it thanks to the UK official charts deciding this "bona fide classical album" (their words) wasn't actually eligible for the classical charts. ANYWAY what I'm saying is this is a very good, if flawed game with a 5 star soundtrack.

Generation trauma: the video game. Some of these stories really linger with me... what a great game.

I enjoyed it so much the first time I made a whole new PSN account just to platinum and 100% it again. In other news: the RNG still sucks.


No Needles run to clean up the last trophies for the platinum. Unlike Dishonored, this one isn't nearly as fun without powers, BUT outside of that what an absolute banger.

Smashing out a high chaos Flesh and Steel run after doing a low chaos Ghost/Clean Hands run was a good time.

An interesting little game. Not usually one for reading lore/codex stuff if there's too much but I was into the story with this one. Also the puzzles didn't make me feel stupid. Love that for me.

This is the second time I've completed this game and it's much more enjoyable if you turn on the setting that allows you to place things anywhere, so you can decorate how you like it. It's a nice cosy game.