The back end of the campaign certainly does feature a lot of identical corridors, truly exciting stuff. Cracking grappling hook, too short by about 1/2.

Fun cleaning up, more revealing of character than you might imagine, but very limited in scope.

I found the initial card game too random for my tastes (I don't want to replay a section over and over if I understand what's being asked of me), but let's just say there's plenty more in there to grab your attention.

What can I say, I didn't enjoy the EMMIs or the boss fights. The Metroid bits were fun though, and it looks quite nice.

Resi 7 is a better game in every way that matters to me.

What availeth a man if he gain the world, only to release a janky video game which people laugh at.

I highly enjoyed ignoring the dumb main plot and punching everyone in Night City to death with my roided out cyber-arms.


This game is dreadful. I'm utterly stunned they didn't can the series after this. Still, 7 was great, so what do I know about anything.


I don't think I can be trusted about this one. Disregard anything I say since this game pressed itself into my brain while it was still soft and squishy. That said, it's the best puzzle game ever made.

There simply has never been a better translation of the Alien aesthetic since the first movie.

Definitely didn't outstay its welcome, bonus points.

Textbook example of how to waste an interesting premise with poor plotting.