36 Reviews liked by rolff

maluco não to acreditando nisso a gente pegou a blade of olympus devolta viadoooooo

did they use the same resources and engine as yanderedev

█░░░░░░░░←◘░██This is not valid housing

I used to dream about doing the wood plank swing animation on my boss at my retail job

i hate art. i hate art. i despise art. artists should be eliminated... grrrr... art... art.... artt

To be a Warframe player is to be an unpaid QA staffer for a game that continuously shoots for, and falls short of, the stars. The game is a decade old sprawling mass of “what if we got the engine to do THIS?”, and that in its own way makes it fun. It is never polished, but always audacious.

Amazing movement controls and an unapologetically weird aesthetic, helmed by the most likeable live service dev team this side of FFXIV. And the mmo fashion game is unmatchable.

The type of game that is really fun to be lost in until it stops being fun and then you just end up lost

Beautiful. Graphic design is, in fact, their passion

i want shorter games with worse graphics made by people who are paid more to work less and i'm not kidding

a capa do jogo tem o rolas grandes rolas saborosas google buscar, e a ult do lanterna verde tem uns png feião

Forget about the whole narrative of "Death Stranding is unique because no other developer would make a game about just walking across open world and doing deliveries." Anyone who thinks like that don't know a single thing about video games (also somehow doesn't know games like Euro Truck exists). The achievement of this game has nothing to do with how "novel" it is with its core theme or some bullshit.

Death Stranding is great because gameplay mechanics supporting the idea of doing deliveries are thoroughly and meticulously systematized and game-ified that their feedback loops are incredibly addicting, while also buttressing the core conceptual themes of connection, being alone and altruism. Kojima and his team made sure that fetch quests are fun not just because of the instant gratification of achieving grades at the end and people giving you likes, but because of your own planning before making the delivery and making sure you are going through your routes while in full understanding of your current resources. Once you begin to see the larger picture and build network of roads and ziplines, the game now becomes something else, testing you to be as efficient as possible, and rewarding you for being smart.

Kojima has always loved systemic gameplay, but he always understood how to balance it out to make sure it's manageable, localized and most importantly, exploitable. Death Stranding is no exception. The game's focus is in the systemic exploration, but unlike other emergent open world games and "immersive sims," Death Stranding is not about emergent experiences; it's about constantly dangling the carrot of "you can be even more efficient here." And it's damn good at amplifying that gameplay loop. But instead of the pursuit of efficiency diminishing the humanity of the narrative and the world, it makes it stronger because you are creating these "strands" tighter and tighter.

Domingo a noite

I don't care that it's essentially just an asset flip campaign, Risky to me is how some of you bitches feel with Ryan Gosling.



"Nós compreendemos esta fome que o europeu e o brasileiro na maioria não entende. Para o europeu é um estranho surrealismo tropical. Para o brasileiro é uma vergonha nacional. Ele não come, mas tem vergonha de dizer isto; e, sobretudo, não sabe de onde vem esta fome. Sabemos nós – que fizemos estes filmes feios e tristes, estes filmes gritados e desesperados onde nem sempre a razão falou mais alto – que a fome não será curada pelos planejamentos de gabinete e que os remendos do tecnicolor não escondem mas agravam seus tumores. Assim, somente uma cultura da fome, minando suas próprias estruturas, pode superar-se qualitativamente: a mais nobre manifestação cultural da fome é a violência."
Glauber Rocha, Eztetyka da Fome

Sou Colonizado e Quero Continuar Sendo: O Jogo

Mundo aberto genérico da Rockstar/Ubisoft, ou seja, não dá nem pra chamar isso de GTA brasileiro

"There was a HOLE here, its gone now." - Neely's Bar Try to not engage your foes, they might kill you. James Sunderland Level 32 4052/8000 XP You have 5 Unspent Skill Points Auto-Heal: ON 8 Health Drinks 36 meters Photo Mode Crafting/Upgrade Menu Flashlight Battery Radio Battery Next Login Reward: 14:59 Story Missions: Find mary Escape Silent Hill Daily Missions: Kill 5 Mannequins (2/5) Silent Instinct Press R3 to active your Silent Instinct. When Silent Instinct is active, you can tag your enemies through walls, tagging will help you perform a stealth kill more efficiently. These things are not fucking human! Checkpoint reached! Mary... where the fuck are you?!? Achievement Unlocked! Travel for a total of 5km/3:11 mi through Silent Hill. Press Options to close Stuck? Try asking Stadia how to solve this puzzle! Auto-Saving, Do not turn off the console. YOUR RADIO BATTERY IS RUNNING LOW!! Shit!! Mary Shepherd incoming call I gotta get the fuck outta this damn town!!