actually loved it. i haven’t played this one in so long and i never hear anyone talk about it but it’s a ton of fun. it’s not as good as Pikmin 1, no matter what people tell you, but it does expand on everything that game introduced and more

i’ve grown to appreciate it more but it’s very telling that the majority of my playtime was spent thinking “i wish i was playing 🅱️ikmin right now”


“Done? It’s only been an hour”

OBJECTIVELY, yes it is very flawed. do i care? not really man

my favorite Paper Mario game to date and it’s not even close. the soundtrack, the environments, the writing, and CHARACTERS (yes it has those lol) all are just amazing. it’s not trying to be TTYD 2, and i respect that a lot. it’s rarely dark or brooding, but it’s oozing with so much charm and originality as previous games if you’re willing to give it a chance

lots of people complained about the Koopalings being the main villains, but i strongly disagree. they are fleshed out and given actual personalities for the first time, maybe ever. they are great and steal the show whenever they are on screen. the same can’t really be said for their previous appearances, so to equate them as the same shows a disregard for the writing

the levels are expansive and varied too. i understand disliking the level map system, but i think it totally works here. it’s nice, it helps keep everything organized, and the levels never felt sacrificed because of the map design

anyways, yeah i love Color Splash. it’s my new favorite Paper Mario game and i will forever talk about how it is the peak of the franchise. go play it, please. give it a second chance if you didn’t like it before

consistently my favorite Pikmin game. the improvements here are amazing compared to the original GCN version. i love it so much

jokes on you, this appeals to my exact specific niche


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what the fuck

it’s really nice when a game is incredibly simple and knows exactly what it wants to be

number 1 most important thing about this game: why is Picky Minch the first character shown in the credits when he isn’t relevant to the story after the first 10 minutes? these are the REAL questions

played with friends tonight. i don’t imagine it would’ve been fun by myself

going into this game, i thought "nah it can't be that bad, right?" and at first, i thought i was right. the game is visually nice, the soundtrack is good, and it's polished. i was so young, so naive

sticker star is one of the worst games i've ever played and for so many more reasons than what i had expected them to be. people talk about how derivative and boring this game is, but they dont really talk about how the game is designed. some truly baffling design decisions went into this game. the two cacti mission, the wiggler segments goose chase that goes on for WAY too long, the final boss (dear god), and tons more. the enigmasion is a highlight in this sea of utter filth and contempt, it actually felt like a video game for once in its pitiful, meaningless existence. unfortunately, it doesn't take long for the swill to return, and we are back into contempt land. i used a guide for probably half of this game and it's absolutely necessary. the amount of ass-pullery this game does is insane. frustrating is the only word that could really and truly describe what we have here

i love mario, and i can defend a lot of mario stuff. i can defend the 1993 live action movie AND the animated movie from 2023. i can defend hotel mario. this? this is shit.

it was an honor to serve alongside all of you 🫡

we truly are at the end of an era. as you probably know, the wii u and 3ds online service has officially ended. i’m proud of the time i’ve spent with this console, even if it wasn’t a fan favorite. i remember getting a free one from nintendo for my make-a-wish trip, packed in a zelda themed backpack. i remember my first experience playing pikmin 3 without the tv, and how cool i thought that was. i remember my first experience playing splatoon, and 3d world, and mario kart 8, and smash 4, and mario maker, and wind waker, and so many more. obviously these games aren’t unplayable now, but the online features will be missed

as for splatoon 1 itself, tons of fun. i used to be a certified splatoon hater, but this has completely changed my opinion on the game. i have to give the sequels a second chance. especially the dlc

anyways, time to homebrew my wii u

yeah, im playing some old games in memory of the wii u online being shut down. this is one i’m logging early cause it’s literally just mario kart 8 deluxe but worse LOL