anyone that says they played this is lying

what if space invaders had the 90s rave culture thing from wipE'out"

this game fucking rules

two games haphazardly smooshed together, working harmoniously as one in a way that makes perfect sense. also, you can just play tetris. i love it.

you take a barrel full of monkeys and you make it boring

smash bros before it got all overstuffed

i truly believe that this game was made with a single, powerful burst of black magic that can never be replicated. play metroid prime 2 and 3 and tell me i'm wrong.

it's got that weird guy from fargo in it, being real weird. i like it.

the rom kept crashing but i love to bully virtual kids from other virtual schools


take the worst parts of zelda, mixed with the boring parts from a team ico game, and make it pretty.

this hits so many of the now-ubiquitous zelda beats in superlative ways. i love it so, so much.