Every fucked up or silly little thing I could think of doing was possible.

You can tell that the developers did well when the hood actually looks like the hood. This game was the second game I've ever played as a child. The story is so captivating and the cast of characters are all so memorable. I wish the later games in the series kept the charm SR2 had.

I couldn't get through this game. Salazar is my favorite RE villain and they couldn't have fucked him over more. I don't like how they made Leon less of a himbo and instead replaced his ignorance with cheesy dad jokes. Ada's voice also threw me off but it isn't as bad as people make it out to be. The original game wasn't all that great but the remake was trying to hard to be more gritty.

But... Wesker though? Gyaaattttt damn he is so fine. Might play in the future so I can see him in action.

This is the most beautiful game I've ever played by far. I ugly cried when my horse died...

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Lisa Garland's death made me cry so hard...

Born From a Wish is my favorite dlc of all time.

I love how unbothered Heather is.

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This game is my favorite in the Silent Hill series. It really was fun to play as a bystander walking through Walters life.

The only good things in this entire game is Alex's Theme and Nurse titties.

Still better than RE3 remake lmao

I have so many good memories playing this game with friends

You know the game is good when you're dtf 90% of the characters

Would give a higher rating if Myron wasn't in the game :)