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rusbo commented on MultiGenre's review of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
Yeah, surely everyone who disagrees with your opinion disagree only because they're afraid of being called casuals, not because they have their own opinions, this is one of the most arrogant reviews i've ever seen

1 day ago

3 days ago

4 days ago

rusbo reviewed Ico
Ico has always been one of the games I was most curious to play. Since childhood, I was fascinated by Shadow of the Colossus and spent hours watching videos about the game's many mysteries, and, of course, during this time, I always heard about Ico, and I started hearing even more about it when I delved into the Souls series and discovered that it was also one of Miyazaki's main inspirations. Now, having finally played it, I can clearly understand why it is so influential and well-remembered even 20 years after its release. It is a simple but strangely touching experience. That mysterious atmosphere and tone that SotC players are used to were already present here. There's something about the experience of navigating this fortress as just a boy who has to protect a life you know absolutely nothing about but still feel deeply connected to that touches anyone who dedicates themselves to see it through to the end. And although the controls or the AI can sometimes be frustrating, those who persevere to the end will not regret it and will have one of the most unforgettable experiences the medium can offer. 9.5/10, third best game I've played this year.

4 days ago

rusbo finished Ico
Ico has always been one of the games I was most curious to play. Since childhood, I was fascinated by Shadow of the Colossus and spent hours watching videos about the game's many mysteries, and, of course, during this time, I always heard about Ico, and I started hearing even more about it when I delved into the Souls series and discovered that it was also one of Miyazaki's main inspirations. Now, having finally played it, I can clearly understand why it is so influential and well-remembered even 20 years after its release. It is a simple but strangely touching experience. That mysterious atmosphere and tone that SotC players are used to were already present here. There's something about the experience of navigating this fortress as just a boy who has to protect a life you know absolutely nothing about but still feel deeply connected to that touches anyone who dedicates themselves to see it through to the end. And although the controls or the AI can sometimes be frustrating, those who persevere to the end will not regret it and will have one of the most unforgettable experiences the medium can offer. 9.5/10, third best game I've played this year.

4 days ago

rusbo is now playing Ico

7 days ago

rusbo earned the Replay '14 badge

9 days ago

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