Fallout 4 felt like a game that could have been a masterpiece of gaming if it just had a little more time in the oven.

It's still a great game and a lot of fun to play.

I have the Royal Edition on Backlog. As much as I liked this game it definitely felt like something was missing and a bit disjointed.

Much like GTA, my favorite parts were just driving around with the boys listening to music and checking out the scenery.

To be continued...

I can't wait to see where this franchise goes. A lot of love went in to making this game. Holy shit that combat..

This is the game you show to comic book fans who want to know why they should get into gaming.

This is a must play for any Star Wars fan whether you are a gamer or not. A great entry into the Star Wars canon

Hot damn that ending!

One of the things I love about video games is companies are not afraid to try and create a new IP. Something sorely lacking with film production companies right now.

Zero Dawn reminded me so much of A New Hope as I was playing through it. An exciting and dangerous new world to discover through the eyes of a protagonist that is learning her way just as we are.

I've played through this game twice now and I'm sure I'll keep coming back to it again and again. The start to what looks to be one of the greatest video game franchises ever created.

The only reason I got Xenoblade Chronicles was...
(1) I loved RPGs
(2) I owned a Switch
(3) Persona 5 opened up my eyes to JRPGS

I'm so glad I did because Xenoblade Chronicles has quickly become one of my favorite video game franchises.

I know this is a great game. It's just not what I want in my life right now. Maybe that's the best compliment to Naughty Dog. This game is just too real

I had as much fun just driving around listening to the different radio stations as I did playing the missions.

You hear the term "sandbox" used a lot with open world games. GTA perfected the sandbox format.

I convinced my poor Mom to buy this game for me for Christmas. Sorry Mom I know how much this game disturbed you but I'm fine it's all good

Basically my jaw was on the floor for the entire play through of this game. I'm still not sure it has sunk in how good this game really is. CD Project RED obviously took a hit with the release of Cyberpunk. That shouldn't take away from what they achieved with The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt. The best open world action RPG ever created

My review is this is the best video game ever made.

To be continued when the PS5 version comes out...

This is the game that opened up my eyes to JRPGs. To this point I had only really played Western titles.

Quite simply this is a masterpiece. I've never played a game like this before or since.