75 Reviews liked by saintssoul

Take the "Drakengard Review" challenge! Do NOT start your 5 star review with "this is the worst game I've ever played"!

Woke SJW propaganda where the traditionally masculine protagonist is killed off and replaced with a girl with green hair and pronouns

the kalpa levels are the devil, and the classic smt maze / puzzle level... but otherwise my favorite SMT by a mile. visual design, story, atmosphere, characterization are all quite good. the gameplay is... well you know what you are getting into. man some of the bosses are so devious though i am having war flashbacks just typing this rn. stop giving yourself extra turns stop it this is not fairrrrr

They call it SMT 4 because it’s SMT 4 people who get no bitches and stack no paper

set aside the timeless art style, engulfing atmosphere, robust battle system, cast of colourful demons, etc — why do i love a game that can just ambush me and one shot me whenever it wants? the answer is simple: i am its bitch, and by god i shall stay that way even after conquering it on hard (i do not recommend this as it is the one poorly designed thing about this game)

the world dies. but it doesn’t stop existing. its post-mortem is a decaying place, where demons full of different desires and wandering souls full of regrets roam around. the world is the way it is because a conception occurred. it’s on stand-by, waiting for someone with strong will to create a new world based on their reasons. “reason” is an individual’s inner philosophy. it’s not the first time that an individual with a “reason” creates a new world. it will not be the last. someone will always want to change the status quo. so the cycle continues, a new world dies and a new world is reborn, as god intended.

shin megami tensei: nocturne is a videogame about cycles.

it follows this idea to its core: kagutsuchi, the center of this universe, probably “god”, follows the cycle of the moon. it starts as a new phase, until it becomes “full” and goes down until it becomes new again, thus continuing the cycle. this translates to in-game events that vary according to kagutsuchi phases, as enemies becoming stronger or specific items being acquired once the it is in its “full” phase.

the concept of “reason” to continue the samsara is also something very important in-game. it is the mechanic of “alignments” from shin megami tensei but contextualized to nocturne’s setting, where your choices affect the course of the game’s narrative and leads you to a specific ending. each character represents a “reason” and is very interesting to see how each reason has its own implications on society (and i assume that early 2000s japanese society is the biggest parameter) and character’s motivations, as well some political ones (hikawa wants a world of peace where humanity will cease to desire. thus, there will be no evil. still he drops the equivalent of a nuclear bomb in a place to achieve his goals). as the game goes, the characters progressively get deeper into their ideals until abandoning their humanities (philo-phsyi-cally) and becoming ideas themselves.

you don’t have to go further, you can go back.

in the middle of all of this, there is a single character that is the most interesting one for me: yuko takao. she’s your school teacher that you visit in the hospital at the beginning of the game and, together with hikawa, she triggers the conception in order to create a new world. however, she regrets what she did: she does not believe in the reason of shijima. she believes in something else. what? well, she doesn’t know. still, she lives searching for her truth. what enchants me about her is how she doesn't sink into ideology, becoming only a vessel for a “reason”, but keeps struggling, searching for her own truth with hope in her heart that she will create a better world. she’s the most human character in this game.

and, while you have to be a human to create a new world, you must summon a god and become one with them in order to conceive a new world. believing in someone that keeps struggling the way she is to achieve her goals is the true way to break the status quo? or perhaps you are just regressing to the old world? is the old world really that bad?

you don’t have to follow the cycle. you can break it.

there’s also the enigmatic figure of a blonde boy/oldman with an old/young lady in black, who gives you “magatama” in order for you to become the demi-fiend and has its own views on the situation. following their path will lead you to the labyrinth of amala, where you commit the worst sin: search for knowledge. suffering through the most head-wrenching dungeons will lead you to the truth, even if you have to follow a dark path. the blonde wants to break the cycle, but instead of having hope, he is full of hate for being submitted to the eternal cycle of life and death of the universe. maybe it is the time for the oppressed to go against the oppressor, breaking the status quo, defying the great will and starting a new world where they are the ones that rule.

shin megami tensei: nocturne is a videogame about cycles.

it does not blame you for following the cycle and choosing a reason and does not blame you for the reason you choose. however, it presents you with the choice of breaking the cycle and following a different path. it does not matter which path you follow anyway.

someone will always want to kill the world you created.



bro thinks hes silent hill 2😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂

I think anybody who says they enjoy the gameplay of this game is lying for attention

Chapter 3-5? "We will be there." Chapter 6-7? "We will be there, we will be there."

"Find something to believe in, and find it for yourself. When you do, pass it on to the future."

This isn't a game, it's art.
Kojima and his team have used the opportunity of a game to create something that cannot be recaptured.

This unique piece of media has touched me more than once and I will always remember the importance of freedom.
In the grand scheme of things, it's not enough to live life to the fullest, you have to find yourself and pass the torch to the next generation.

I have never been so moved while playing a video game.
And the fact that I arrived so late to witness the legacy of the game which is worth it, when I see that this game was a prelude to what my life has been up to now.

I'm here to double down, THAT SHIT IS A TWO PACK OF ASS!

The only things i can praise this game on is its soundtrack and its visuals... yeah thats pretty much it lmfaoo.

For a platinum game who set the bar extremely high in terms of gameplay, this was a huge letdown. It was so plain and uninteresting that i had to do a double take, no fucking way platinum cooked this up bro. Gameplay being monotonous only made the experience even longer than it actually was.

Bro also talk about how theres like barely any story to latch onto or should i say lack thereof. Like isn't nier praised on its storytelling just to have a rather safe and generic presentation of a theme i fw which is the meaning of life and what not. Like nier really pulled it off in the most dull and monotonous way i've ever seen dawg, like the ending really had me rolling my eyes back ffs.

Characters suck too lmfaoo.

I dropped this game like 4 times prior but something in me just had to finish this so i could have an opinion on this "Masterpiece".

Yeah this is not good lmao

Omg noooo Raiden don't fight your adoptive father all oiled up