Brilliant story, as well as a satisfying gameplay loop for a hack n slash made by a western studio, but Jesus fuck the difficulty makes me want to kill myself.

Fun fact: The sex minigame at the beginning gives you red orbs. Have fun :P

Half Life 1 is the perfect 90s shooter until the last 5% of the game when you're yeeted into Xen and are subjected to the worst level design in any shooter ever. Not even MWIII's Open Combat Missions were as mind-bogglingly bad as Xen. Half Life is still an S Tier game though.

I am really going to get a lot of hate for this, but I really don't think the Last of Us is hot shit to be honest. Much like every other zombie apocalypse game ever made, the Last of Us is a game about surviving in a dead and dreary post-apocalyptic America where everyone is varying levels of psychopathic, except now its a dude and some teenage girl killing everyone and everything in their sight instead of a generic group of survivors. The gameplay is solid, but The Last of Us feels like a checkbox of every deplorable zombie apocalypse trope possible. The Last of Us Part II on the other hand...

Played on PlayStation 5

A sequel with significantly more well rounded game design compared to the first. Even if it still suffers from having weak antagonists, Corvo and Emily's characterizations are a very warm welcome to the narrative. In terms of gameplay this is easily one of the best stealth games ever made despite the narrative woes. This would be a perfect 5 stars if it had a better story.

This game lasted longer than the Arrowverse and the DC Extended Universe.

Let that sink in.

I just started playing and already I got like two aces back to back I'm so fucking cracked at this game its insane

also any game with a soundtrack as good as this is automatically good

The last time I played Fire Emblem Three Houses was back in 2019 when I got this for my birthday. I played for two hours, found out that Claude didn't have an S support for male Byleth, and decided to play Modern Warfare 2019 instead lol

I'm sticking through this time though, so far the Golden Deer are pretty good (Besides the lack of Claude S support for male MC).

Currently I'm going for either Rhea, Dorothea, Petra, or Hilda.

Objectively the best way to experience STALKER (until STALKER 2 comes out). Take the Call of Pripyat engine and make a standalone game where everything is modular.

Autistic people really can bunnyhop backwards.

An overall solid, albeit generic shooter experience. The campaign did a good job at taking hallmarks of classic Modern Warfare and making it more... realistic, I guess. Multiplayer is the best in the franchise bar-none. Warzone is also great, since it's a slice of Call of Duty mixed with free-to-play battle royale not unlike that of Fortnite.

I was going to give it 1 star, but after remembering I had Genshin Impact at 1.5 stars and remembering that this game gave us Half Life 2, I decided to bump Genshin down to 1 star. Nothing is worse than Genshin, not even this pile of dysfunctional filth.

One star shaven off because RWBY is in it. And Yosuke/Teddie too.

Xen feels like actual fun to play now so I'd consider this a 10/10.

Blizzard dropped TWO of the worst balance patches of all time back to back you can't make this shit up