Fun as hell, captures classic KOF but gives it a modern twist for most people to get into it, without alienating the older fanbase. PC Port is a little wonky but it's worth the price considering the amount of characters.

Great tribute as a fan of the franchise. This is the type of game you boot up every now and then to steamroll survivors. It may get repetitive but the fun comes in when you make your build work. For example as Evil Ash (Necromancer), I focused my skills in summoning basic skeletons and Evil Ash, leaving out the elite enemies. Which means for survivors they have a lot to deal with. I will update this reviews as I play more, get this on a sale or next year on steam.

Story could have been better, dialogue is okay. Gameplay is crazy good, I thought the teleport ability would make me sick but it is done just right that it doesn't turn me sick.


Solid game, does get repetitive with the gore nests. Once you figure out Super Shotgun and Gauss Rifle are the best it becomes even more repetitive.

I loved this game on release but the expansions and updates have deprived any enjoyment I can get out of this game. Battlemode is fun. Base game was fun until the last boss.
The game right now is bloated to 90GB. On release it was more than half of that size.

Solid game with good combat, a bit limited and janky in some areas however. The skill ceiling isn't high that it compels me to come back to revisit this game.

The missing link from 2D to 3D beat 'em ups. It plays so well, you can see the basis of it being used in the Yakuza games.
Massive blast to play

Solid entry, a bit limited in terms of possibilities but it's a solid reboot of a great franchise.

Switched to the Director's Cut version on PC

It's kind of boring, PC has some issues with frame rate physics and timing.

Promising game. In early access right now but I will keep this review up to date per content release.


This is a very opinionated review but I do not enjoy rogue-likes in the slightest. I have bought and tried a dozen but they do not appeal not to me. If you are however capable of enjoying these types of games, Hades offers a rogue experience with extensive dialogue and story. That is what initially appealed to me but my brain rejects the randomisation elements that are iconic to the genre.

Dialogue transitions is a bit weird at times and it is not that scary for me. But it has a great atmosphere and compelling characters. Your choices don't matter much despite what the game says however. I did get a few Cthulhu nightmares after my first session.