It's kinda stale throughout, still good. A lot of enemy variety, fun and powerful weapons. Level design is very interesting and abstract looking due to the dream-like theming of the game. However overall I think it may be because I am burned out on boomer shooters or this game does nothing too unique other than having the Postal license with the genre.

Wasted potential of a game. Rips out mechanics that made OG RE3 stand out from the rest of the games and made it a action horror set-piece akin to RE6's Leon's Campaign. Due to the removal of selectable pathways it leaves no desire replay the game to discover new routes. Nemesis himself is a setpiece and not a chaser type enemy due to agressive cull back from RE2R Mr. X.

Very uninteresting game but Jill is hot.

A special kind of garbage, it feels like someone wanted to make a beat'em up/hack n slash without understanding what made those games good. 1 point for graphics.

Solid game, good combat with a lot of variety between characters. Substory content is spread thin across the characters however, so it feels a little draught.

The core gameloop is resemblant of the Hitman games. Mix this with no punishment for being non-stealthy or lethal and you get a game that embraces all playstyles, an immersive sim.
The visuals are a big deterrent or a big appeal depending on who you are. I was afraid of getting a seizure when I started this game but luckily it's less intense than you think it may be (it's still an insane artstyle).

Combat is dull and mere servicable due to lack in variety the game offers in these systems. It will be largely the same for the 40+ hours you play. It is near comparable to the beginning of Arkham Asylum as enemies don't test your skills other than if you prepared the right buffs and right gear. It took me 7 years to give this game a proper go due to the combat just feeling janky and exploitable with a one trick tactic.

The main story just kinda sucks. The real meat of the game is in its sidequests since most of the interesting stuff happens there. The narrative pushed me forward to playing and finishing this. Horse riding from location to location is very much a waste of time and the developers know this by putting fast travel locations at every town.

Ruined with updates, miserable experience.

Very hard to get into due to outdated design. I would love to try it again some day but dropping it.

Way too hard and stressful for me to enjoy. Nice music and visuals.

It's so much easier on an arcade machine. Best engineering and design put into an arcade cabinet. It's a crazy ass game.

Dark Souls walked so Dark Souls 2 could run.

Story is decent, combat is horrid. It's like it's being held together by ductape, enemies teleporting to where your moves should land and generally very janky. Webslinging is piss easy and doesn't allow for much freedom of expression or variable speeds.

I fucking hate the combat so much how do you people stand it.

Good game but I suck at it, it feels like I'm wasting my time trying to get better.