April, 2024


4h 0m

I returned water! Stole that chip but also fixed their water and killed those super mutants.

I have the alien pistol. I also am about to join the Brotherhood of Steel.


5h 0m


Very very cool! Lots to get used to at the start and not sure how far I’ll get — very liberal walkthrough use the whole time, for sure.

Did Junktown and now I’m The Hub. Found the casino and how to get infinite money… heheheheh




5h 0m

And I’m away for a week so big session. Maxed out warrior and now onto magic spear hand. Fun main story stuff and some lovely exploration. Map is interconnected in cool ways. A ruined castle rose from the sea.




2h 0m

Poking around in the new zone. It’s coooool.




2h 0m

Exploring the woods. An amazing dungeon and then discovered the elven arbor… and the game’s language system and separate upgrade rules.

There’s so much here and it’s so great, and unshowy about its brilliance.




5h 0m


I did the quest stuff to unlock the next area. Some nifty stuff in there but quest design isn’t in always in concert with gameplay design. Then I thought I’d explore the edges of the map…

That’s where cool stuff is. An ancient battleground; a ruined castle; a multi level dungeon…. A sphinx!!! Then into the misty marshes.

That was wild as my main pawn had fell. I just needed to find a way shrine to get him back. I plodded on. My other two pawns fell and then it was just me. I locked in and tanked a few desperate battles, fought my way out to a way shrine and headed back in as I needed main pawn for a quest.

Then I headed out again, boss in the marshes was cool, as was a dungeon that kept going. Now I’m in a malachite forest.

This game is special. The adventuring is incredible, the moments in between that come from the game’s decisions to create friction. Oh it rules.




3h 0m

Highlight today was a flight with a chimera that got gatecrashed by a lich… hard but awesome.

Did the thieves assault course, explored almost all the first area. Fought a gross dragon. Loada cool stuff. Now some main quests, I guess.

Oh, I levelled up fighter all the way and now am doing warrior… such a different game. Getting used to it.

Accidentally scrapped my best sword for fighter then it autosaved. Guess I’m staying as warrior.




6h 0m

At the end, I was chilling in capital and a cyclops attacked. Madness.

Love every moment playing this, just our adventuring, spiralling moments. You find lots of cool stuff while the world still has space. Some quests that make you actually engage your mind, too, not just follow the objective marker.

And I’m still so early, just been exploring and doing ephemera.

Level 22.




1h 0m

Picked back up on console.



2h 0m

Two hours of co-op. Fun boss in a story mission then wrapping stuff up. I hate the interface.



7h 0m

Hehehehehehehehe. I like this a lot.




2h 0m





6h 0m


Finished it!! What an incredibly cool and interesting game. Just full of delightful oddness



5h 0m

Played lots. Actually did some side quest stuff because I enjoy this world and game so much.

Quit for today on the final phase of the dragon fight. Good fight so far. Maybe a touch under levelled for it. .. we will see


2h 0m

Wizard guy battle great. Cockatrice was a pain until it suddenly wasn’t.


2h 0m

I thought I couldn’t be arsed to walk all that way for that mission. The journey was worth it. Some amazing fights, even the unfair one with the archers.

March, 2024



1h 30m


Yup. This is Diablo. Deceptively not crunchy. Lots of menus that seem to suggest there’s more to it than it is and I’m not sure the open world means much.

I like it, though.



3h 0m

Mad stuff. Griffin quest incredible. I also was in prison


1h 0m

I can dodge roll and double jump. The best game


1h 0m

I met the duke and regretted attacking the duke


3h 0m

I just think it’s neat.


1h 0m

I retook a fort and it was AMAZING


2h 0m

My beautiful janky darling.


5h 0m

Genuinely love this. There’s a sense of danger to the world, embarking out feels like a journey and the combat is really fun. It’s janky as hell and has some arcane quest design but this still feels very fresh



2h 0m

Combat… not sure. Digging the rest though. I like the world and the presentation a lot. Early, early days




5h 0m




1h 0m


Thought I’d give this an actual go.

It starts really cool. The combat system feels its age, and not as dynamic as they want it to be. It’s still solid turn based RPG fun, though.

I love the still backgrounds, how they make the world feel so much more detailed and interactive. And, again, just a cool start.





5h 0m

This deck cannot be stopped. It’s unkillable.

Oh that boss blind destroyed me.




2h 0m

Failing in style. Getting my eye in, always having fun.
