March, 2024



2h 0m


Almost made it on my first non tutorial run, then made an error at the end and… it all crumbled. This is great!




2h 0m


Dabbled back in the day but a proper attempt now.

Love thiiiiis



0h 30m

Lab lab lab lab


February, 2024


3h 0m

Did the fire dungeon! Really cool. Had a blast finding silly ways to do things. Hell of a game, this.


2h 0m

You read that right! ZELDA.

Left this at a shrine that confused me, opened up a month later and solved it instantly.

It do be like that.

Then, found Goron city and have started that quest line, which had a fighter plane boss battle??!!! Controlled annoyingly but I love how they keep these digressions within the language of the game’s core mechanics. Testament to what an emergent space they’ve created.


2h 0m

This may be my final vroom vroom. Good game.


2h 0m


I’m caught between difficulty settings. Too good for one and not good enough for another.

Bad times.


2h 0m

I like to race in this game. I like to do it.

It's fun.

Vroom vroom vroom.


0h 45m

Racing racing racing.


3h 0m

Okay. This single player mode is awesome. Awesome I say.

What a game.




2h 0m

Did all the tutorials. Labbed out combos and then had a run at arcade mode. Beat it on easy, good enough for now.

Started the campaign thing which is veeeeery silly. Cool, though.




1h 20m

Spent whole time in tutorials.





0h 30m


Stylish as hell and feels awesome, so far. Going to put a lot of time into this.




3h 0m

Just doing the tower several times. Mei Ling is great, I like her.



0h 30m

Still fun to race in this. Ngl.


4h 0m


Cool final chapter but the story is marked by missed potential in terms of narrative and gameplay. Been noodling around to wrap up some achievements but a tad underwhelmed by the whole package.





4h 0m

Loaded up Invasions again and it reset all my progress. Very annoying.

Some time in practice and the campaign is good! I wish it spent more time in normalcy before becoming more multiple timeline stuff. The cutscenes are pretty exceptional.

Love how this looks and how it plays.




1h 0m

Invading. Labbing. Love how this plays, I think.




2h 0m

Invasions mode is almost what I’m looking for, but there needs to be a mix of its ideas with the campaign. I still like the storytelling of the campaign and the board game structure of Invasions — and it’s seasonalness — isn’t quite for me.

Seems a touch under done, more potential for creative and interesting stuff. But I do like it.




1h 0m


The cinematic storytelling has taken a step up. This feels confident and assured, happy to scene set and build incidental moments. It also feels more narratively engaging and cohesive at this early stage — it also seems like move sets are matching the arc of a character.

I still think the way it intertwines with gameplay is so static. They should make this campaign more of a tutorial for one, and also have special conditions on fights and do something a tad different. The effect is repetitious as you play as a character for five fights then do the same again with a new character. Gameplay is fun because the systems are fun, and it’s nice to get a handle on different folks. There’s just so much more they could do.





6h 0m


Finished! Playing as Alan Wake is kind of annoying but the highs of this are so damn high. Satisfyingly pulpy and always ambitious and interesting. Great video game.





4h 0m

Love this. Really like the locations and the atmosphere. Just full of great writing and interesting moments.




4h 0m

Just a great time playing as Saga. Some really cool stuff going on, just love the environments. Viva Coffee World.




2h 0m

Very cool but also irritating to play in extended gameplay segments. Directionless and a tad clunky when it works better in scripted sequences — or one’s just focused on storytelling and weird stuff.




4h 0m

Consistently very impressive, if not always spectacular in the gamey-er sections. Doing some bold, creative and just awesome stuff.




2h 0m

I literally bought Alan Wake II and played an hour of it. I’m now playing through a remake of a game I’ve already played instead. I like Persona 3…




0h 20m


Why can’t I play as a girl?? Strange when you could in in P3 Portable.

This is still P3. Love P3. Update visuals are cool.




1h 0m


This is awesome. Played through the first chapter. Just the kind of ambitious, playful, creative thing that you so rarely see at this scale and with this polish.

The very start is really striking, then is just a pretty corridor but it leads up to an all timer of a title card.

From then on, just brilliant. Takes its time while always being interesting. Evidence board is all on rails, yes, but what a cool way of dealing with exposition. Bends interactivity to narrative purposes very well.

Writing awesome, location awesome. Linear but with room to pole at edges, and to find this rewarding — not just in a collectibles sense.

The TV and radio stuff is amazing. That ‘fuck the government clip’ where a guy plays two brothers… Genuinely amazing.

