meatiest midsection of an ace attorney game AND the finale was insane

was it thematically a little all over the place? yes. was simon blackquill in it? also yes.

apollo justice stays winning

youre telling me the third game in a trilogy draws on the previous two games and attempts to make something of it??

shu takumi was drunk the entire time he wrote this game and thats why its so good

i liked the part where he pointed and said objection

what if we took doki doki literature club and made it GOOD LETS GO BABY I LOVE GIRLS

pretty enjoyable and very cute

every part of this game made me feel viscerally unhappy except haruka :(

the doorknob will make you understand metafiction

i like how much the characters hate me, the player, specifically

i am so glad to have an rpg where the main characters are 40+ and miserable

this game brings out the primal violence in me

good "mystery" game, really makes you feel like you have a friend group

3.5 stars for having majima, 0.5 stars for REAL ESTATE