i dont really like old rpgs like this. more of a DQ guy, but we gotta appreciate the groundwork somewhat.

i could gush for hours about this game and how important it is to me. without this game i wouldn't like a lot of the things i do today

defined a whole era of platforming games at the time and drove all of the chumps out of the scene. what else can i say?

some of the stuff is really vague but once you get into it its like a cozy game in a way, you know? its so primitive its kind of charming just to mess around.

why is the spirit of death himself trying to boycott my newspaper

sure is a game.....
whisper whisper
huh, what's that? it's two games? oh. uh-uh. ok.

i'm wrong!

"but what if he was golf ball?"
"sure why not"

we as a civilization did not deserve this game. it's too good for us.

why are all of these games so good why did hudson have to go under

also this game is just bomberman 94 with extra steps which is fine by me

i'll be honest they couldn't have brought classic donkey kong back in a better way than this. this will be donkey kong in 2010

link found the mall hole-in-the-wall hot topic and stole all of the grunge clothes

can we please stop hating on games for using motion controls? the game is fine aside from the hand holding

way too many people give lego indy flak because its "boring and uninspired" this game changed my childhood it taught me what a parcel was

i'd say this game gets even more flak than lego indy 1 because of the hubs and recycled levels from the first three movies, but if you didn't play lego indy 1 it's awesome. plus it's one of the first lego games with a level editor so A+

honestly its good, but i dont like the way the people look. i get its supposed to reflect the new lego art style mixed with the clone wars art style, but it just does not work with the main dudes brick hard chiseled jaws, especially anakin.

the game is fun though, and the battle areas with like the huge scale wars are cool. 8/10