If you came for more DtL like on the DS, do NOT play this game. I made the mistake of buying this game day one as someone who had this franchise very close to his childhood, and even after three years of waiting, they have not released ANY fixes to major bugs in this game (i.e. softlocking on loading/saving screens, major graphical bugs of missing characters or level assets, falling through the floor for no reason, etc.), nor its tedious and repetitive gameplay/visual style.

The true epitome of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

jimmy lightning cured cancer, 10/10 game

this game is making me rot and fall into a hole of madness but i'm all for it

the fact i was able to pop in a burned cd of weezer and play buddy holly on this SOMEWHAT WELL MIND YOU really is a testament to how versatile this game is

i dont know about you guys but the really bad explosions only add to the crust factor of this game, but it's like a charming kind of crust. the floatiness of crash is kind of hard to control, however.

also i dont get people complaining about the story. it's crash bandicoot, automatically assume cortex is going to be up to some wacky bullshit that will make the game non-canon in about 20 years.

if i were found dead, blame my relapse of this game ruining me

i'd like to let the world know i am not an OoT fan but i do appreciate that this game tried to make it tolerable. i finished the forest temple and was completely lost on where to go, and i have still not finished the game since.

instant ten out of ten. there's a few things i like about this game a LOT, with it being my childhood zelda next to twilight princess.

- they expanded on the whole non-linearity thing. in lttp you can do like three dungeons out of order. HERE IN LORULE, though, you can do turtle rock first and the dark palace last, you can start with misery mire, hell, do the ice palace if you wanna! how cool is that?
-buying tool/use items is far more intuitive than finding them in chests, as chests in dungeons now have cool gear to help you instead of an item you need to unlock a new dungeon.
-being able to upgrade your stuff is really flippin cool
-the art and music are done stupendously, the ost was even composed at a high treble to better suit the 3ds's speakers.
-it has irene

gotta love zelda gaming.

its been years, im too scared to check my island because im worried graham may have moved out.

this game, little would i know, started a problem

my only complaint is that they have really bad online services. like, the game crashed once and i was banned from matchmaking for an hour

story mode is fun, but a bit tedious. i liked the vibe of it all really.

it's like if pokemon go and pokemon yellow were forced together in a vacuum and morphed into this. its fun, but it just aint the same.

Got me back into Zelda, sparked my interest in a lot of things again, and actually stopped me from ending it. I'm serious, this game is what got me out of a really rough patch in my life, and I cant give it and a few other games enough credit for boosting my spirits to such a degree.

I never want to leave Koholint Island.

should be turing complete but probably isn't

the time has come for you to choose: the luigi, the cat luigi, or the hidden retro luigi