I'll be honest. I don't get the hype.

GTA is a series I never really understood. there's a good amount of good writing here and the presentation is phenomenal, but when that presentation actively sabotages the gameplay at every turn, I take issue with it. This game just didn't feel good to play. Maybe I played it wrong by mainlining the story content. IDK.

Delivered the best experience I've ever had in a metroid game and made me excited for what would happen next. It's an excellent game, period.

I won't get into the discourse surrounding the development studio behind it though. A lot of people apparently suffered a lot of shit in making this game, and I hope that is addressed in the future. If your employees make a game this good and resent you for how you treated them, something has gone terribly, terribly wrong, and you'd best treat them better when the time to make Metroid 6 comes around.

...I don't really get it. I appreciate it, I appreciate how much people love this game, but it just never clicked for me. There are a lot of fun moments but the overall story and ending... I dunno. maybe it's not for me.

Also the combat is kinda whatever. it's fun but it's not the character action game I expected going into it.

It's a small game that accomplishes big things. There's nothing to be said about undertale that hasn't been said already.

While it's a fine remake, the change to the difficulty makes the game a tad too easy for my tastes. that said, the additional story elements added to the game are excellent and the final semester was one of the most fun dungeons I've played in any rpg. Fantastic stuff.

An excellent RPG that, despite it's length, always encourages you to take your time and enjoy it. I love this game for many reasons, some of them unconventional.

Excellent, possibly the best mario RPG. Colorful, Fun, Charming, at times Serious, and all-around Epic.


Jak 3 takes every problem I had with Jak 2 and fixes them, while adding a whole slew of new features and fun characters to the mix. If you're a fan of the series it's well worth playing, even if at times it can feel a little rushed.

I'll be honest: I hate and love what this game did to Jak and Daxter. I am so conflicted when it comes to this game and what it represents, where it took a series I really loved and appreciated and replaced it with essentially a watered down GTA clone that had really well-executed 3d platforming in it.

I don't like how the new system of progression forces so much backtracking, I don't like the number of mandatory difficult challenges with so few checkpoints, and I don't like that the game's cutscenes have a tendency to jump from one barely-cobbled-together plot beat to the next, with some important main characters feeling like their entire personalities change at the drop of a hat with nothing to really prompt that change.

That said, I LOVE the edge. There's a lot of witty banter and fun moments here, and a lot of charm. that's what saves this game in my mind. The gunplay is also pretty fun for a game that doesn't have your typical over-the-shoulder aiming system.

This may be just nostalgia, as this is one of my first ever video games I've owned, but Jak and Daxter will always hold a special place in my heart. Where other 3d platformers may have more content or more interesting levels, Jak and Daxter makes up for it by putting in a dedicated effort to creating a cohesive 3d world, where levels load in seamlessly. There's just enough collectibles in the game that a first time player can strive for 100% completion without it feeling too daunting, though the actual reward for 100% completion may leave some players feeling disappointed.

When I first played this game, I played it on ps4 and a glitch caused constant crashing, which forced me to buy the game again on PC. It was worth it. This is a phenomonal DLC pack that adds new, intriguing aspects to the original game's story and fills a hole in the narrative I didn't know existed. The one issue is that some sections which require stealth can feel a bit unfair due to the game's usage of light. That said this is still an excellent expansion that is a must-play for anyone who likes the base game.

My favorite game. Nothing more to say, really.

Were it not for one level, this game would be perfect, and the game MORE than made up for that one level. While it lacks any of the ludo-narrative harmony the original had with it's narrative, it makes up for that with sheer inventiveness, a constant stream of new mechanics, and a skill ceiling that constantly pushes players to their limits. This game is not perfect, but it deserves a perfect score.

While some mechanics are taught in a way that is somewhat obtrusive, and the story feels more like its own thing than a natural extension of what came before, Farewell still delivers an excellent platforming experience and a fantastic expansion that will also encourage new players to go back and finally 100% the base game.