What a surprising game. I'd heard good things but didn't dig hard before playing it, very glad I did so.

It was oddly cozy. I've been feeling off the past few days and I thought it was the perfect game for my mood. I didn't want to totally ignore my feelings and the atmosphere allowed me to sit in them while also providing comfort.

Plant identifying feels true to its nature. I've gone down Wikipedia holes to determine what a plant was, this felt so similar. The creepy story provided a nice backdrop and I'm excited to play again and make different choices.


Interesting enough! I think the front of the game played better than the back half. It's a gorgeous game with fun mechanics, but kind of like a walking simulator in the end.

The vibe of this game is unreal and scratches such a corporate dystopia itch. There's something about this setting that resonates with me.

But the gameplay was so... typical? It was just generic third person shooting unfortunately. The story is what carries this game, but the mechanics drag it down.

This was rough, as you'd expect. I love the age of licensing, there are some gems in it all. This isn't one of them. Very poorly made Mario Party, without the competition against your friends. To be fair, I played this on Wii which... we know how small games on the Wii are.

There is something oddly captivating about this game. The motion controls are annoying, the dress up options are mid level. But I found myself really going at it.

I think it's success lies in the challenge structure. I appreciate that you're given a vague enough prompt to guide the outfit you need to create while also encouraging you to explore. It does take thought and practice to 5 star the challenges. If you want some mindless dress up, this is the one for you.

This is how mystery games should feel. I appreciate when the in game character does no deductive reasoning. I want to solve it myself and this game gave it to me.

Wonderful visuals, though it made things hard to see at times. But maybe that's the point. Relieving memories of death around us aren't incredibly clear and are subject to our interpretation.

Short lil game. Fun, quirky idea but I feel like it actually needed more time to translate its ideas.

This game was beautiful. Having worked in the bullshit tech world, they've nailed the feeling. It touches on the dystopian and frustrating nature of it all, but what I found most impressive was it's ability to make it all feel cozy at the same time.

It's the same thing tech companies do. You're tricked into spending so much time at the office because it's been made to feel like a second home. The fact that the main character's home is barely used rings so true. It's a place to change your clothes, that's about it.

I found myself missing aspects of working at a startup while playing this game. Which is really saying something considering how traumatic it was. Any game that makes you feel nostalgic for a horrible period of life does is masterful at narrative.

Gameplay wise, it's a roguelite. I'm not sure it does anything there that elevates the genre, but it's still a fun beat em up with plenty of fun powers.

Also I have to callout the beautiful, whacky textures that appear on the character's clothing. Found myself staring at them for way too long.

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Maybe I was too high to figure out what was going on, but idk. God is crazy and I don't want to eat coral.

I wanted a good mystery game and instead I got a glorified walking sim.

I'm wavering on this one. Bite sized re-playable stories are great, I see myself exploring through this game every now and then to find the branching paths.

I was excited about the prospect, but all of the endings I got just kinda gave me the same thought over and over. The game feels like 2013. Granted, there's a ton more to experience and I might change this after I've tried more out.

Just not really for me. Thought I would be pulled in by the setting, but it wasn't quite enough. Cool game if you love in game photography.

What a wonderful little ride. Great for peaceful gaming with such a beautiful little wrap up. I can't wait to give it a second go and take another path.