honestly has a lot of potential

whatever you do just skip the sidequests or skip through them no amount of paying attention can make watching those point a to b cutscenes worth it for me

Parts of the story are definitely predictable and the game isn't that difficult but I enjoyed all of it what else can I say it was a lot of fun!

tomizawa is the greatest of all time

I have had this in my favorite games on backloggd since September I never lost faith

im genuinely just no longer interested in finishing this game tbh

I agree Nasu, I too love Rebuild of Evangelion

i came here to cry and did cry so I am satisfied!

not that good of a gacha but also its ff7 so it cancels out entirely for me i lvoe ff7

soujuurou shizuki top 1, maybe my favorite nasu character

but the cast in this novel is so much fun in general

this route really gave me everything

brightest moments in the game and the darkest moments, had me on the verge of tears for some of the days

builds off the last route perfectly

I've played my fair share of bad games this year. This one takes the cake as the worst so far. No graphics settings. A terrible auto aim coupled with the worst aiming sensitivity I've ever seen. The game just isn't fun, and I think having watched the show just made it worse! Like cool what ifs, but abysmal presentation and handling!

Atmosphere was incredible with headphones, and I love how the game was quite minimal, it was very nice to play the full thing in under 2 hours without feeling like I blasted through it

i have to give it a higher rating than the base game just cause although they mark it as 4 chapters or so it actually feels like 1 mostly well paced chapter

they were feeling way too funny with that ending though, like me personally I would've been so embarrassed at how this game was talked about that I would've cut that final scene out LOL