May, 2024



0h 45m

Playing some table tennis, basketball, and canoeing. Who knew canoeing could be tough on shoulders.



0h 10m

Day 55: The dream started off pleasant with an unaltered Kyoto, I linked to the Temple Pits, then linked to a forest with a bunch of islands, then linked back to Kyoto. Kyoto seemed to be recurring here, with a bunch of different interpretations of it. My dream went quickly violent, as I kept linking back to what looked like a bunch of mudered baby tigers. When I entered a Red industrial building, I saw a murder chalk outline. I went out to talk to the sailor, but by then my dream was ending in red.

The music in this game does such a great job of setting the tone.



3h 0m

The final clean-up. I'm running on fumes here. The story is done, and I had to spend so much damn time to find those H-Bomber Advanced Knights, it's done now though. The Spider Emblems is a nice coda to it all. They're located in some more structurally unique spots so discovering the little details that are somewhat scattered made me appreciate the open world a little bit more. A little more time in the oven would have made this a better game, but I guess that's true for a lot of movie tie-ins


4h 0m

Clean-up. Finishing all the crime patrols have really exposed how boring this combat can get over time. I just found myself button mashing to eliminate gangs. Something feel's incomplete here, as it seems like there was supposed to be some "gang trends" and whatever, but it doesn't matter much. Would have been a lot more fun if working on some gangs made other gangs more aggressive in taking over police patrols, etc. Guess it's too little too late for this damn near 17 year old-game.


4h 0m

Finished up some fragments and continued the story. Although you can get by the story fast, I wouldn't say that's a detriment because it's clear that this game should be played for a good time... and not a long time. Combat is nifty with the combos you can chain but get's repetitive, especially when you try to go through the crime patrols. I can appreciate how the story here somewhat tries to integrate the Black Suit a lot more with the Morbius and Shriek storyline. The Lizard portion of this game seems to have been the most fleshed out during development, as the whole storyline seems to a bit a downport from it's "Next-Gen" counterparts. There's some novelty to the Morbius storyline as it actually feels a bit unique when compared to other Spider-Man games. I can't think of much other games where we get to fight Morbius.


4h 0m

Collected the meteorite fragments and got up to the Kraven boss fight. Fragments are just kind of scattered about. Their detection is easy with their characteristic sound, but they're not very fun to collect. It's scattered about in a visual "bleh" of buildings with a repetitive background noise (atleast the PSP version had some OST version playing in the background at times). The web-swinging between the fragments was nice but it's clear that although it's functionally sound, it's in dire need of some polishing and movement. My guess is that this was made for the Wii in the mind, because when I played this on the Wii a while back the swinging actually felt much more fun due to the motion controls. The PSP has the novelty that you're playing this on the go. The PS2 doesn't have any ace up it's sleeve and so the swinging jankiness is kind of exposed. Nevertheless i'm happy i'm done with this.

April, 2024



0h 15m

Day 17 Dream: Started a bit eerie with the giant head in one of the corners of the tiny room. I got transported to the Violence District pier but immediately red linked to a "store" with a black entry that white linked me to a white, foggish mountainous area with lots of cliffs and bridges. I somehow white-linked to the "temple pits" where I encountered a giant floating elephant, before making my way across the hall, where I white-linked to the Strange World. Before getting there I kept getting worried if I'll encounter the gray man or not, but thankfully I didn't. I saw a giant turtle, some big fish in a shallow river, and a dorsal fin before my "dream" was over. This game does a good job of making you feel eerie and on your feet. The music really works most of the time, and the genuine wonder about what you're gonna encounter next is always there.


2h 15m


I played until I unlocked the symbiote. Finished 13 races on "Super Hero" ranking out of the 24. The trick races mostly are fine, but the ones reliant on parkouring kind of suck because the traversal in this game feels a bit floaty and imprecise. Combat is underrated, you can get good combos with nice timing and dodging. Collected 16/100 meteorites. Wished there was some ambience music like the PS3/X360 version, as the game kind of feels lifeless without it. Took some photos for the 100%. Photo detection can be off at times, but atleast there's some use to it unlike the next-gen counterparts. Emulation on PS2 kind of sucks though, but i'm doing it for the cheevos (rhyme?)


March, 2024

December, 2023


3h 0m


Beat Super Exhibition match


October, 2023


Started / Finished

November, 2020


12h 0m


No mastery bonus.



35h 0m


You get a suit immune to law enforcement for 100%




6h 0m


No mastery bonus.

For 100% get all stars on all maps and fill the trophy room.


October, 2020


12h 0m


Not much bonus apart from concept art and the like


August, 2020


4h 0m


To master the game, you need to clear the game once on Hyper. Wait for the credits to end and then complete it again. You will get "The Hero" ranking and The End on the bottom right.

This has no effect on cutscenes or gameplay, but it is satisfying.

0h 45m


I was so close to 1 ccing...


1h 30m


I didn't bother 1CC'ing and there is no "master" possible.


5h 45m


Normal + Professional



2h 0m


No way to "master" the game from what I know.


4h 0m


To master the game you need to beat all leagues on expert and then again on master in the top 3.
