you could curate a mythical all star team of gaming's greatest minds, douse their organs in adderall, and lick their feet at regular intervals, and they still wouldn't be able to make the concept of car football any less annoying and fiddly to me

I made a venn diagram of notable individuals in the human trafficking industry and raymond fans

sorta thing that pisses off the "indie devs can't put substance into anything!!" crowd so I'm automatically in favour

the lebron james of predatory mobile gaming

when i said video game dialogue should strive to be more human i didn't mean a human with a fedora and pit stains

really nice of them to a include a 3x speed and random encounter toggle to accommodate for my rapidly disintegrating frontal lobe

that coin revolver lathers the coldest crevices of my brain with a warm, inviting substance. i will start doing drugs again

mista white let’s cook up a fluid, creative movement shooter with understated depth and a cool core gameplay loop, but make sure we smother it with marketing and optics so cringe that 95% of the western consumer base physically can't take it seriously

first couple emmi sections very quickly reminded me i am a massive pussy

universally among pathetic men like myself, theres a transient window where anything that wears the veil of "cyberpunk" makes our cocks hard and our pussies wet
after developing a frontal lobe, or even better, a conscience, we move on, but occasionally, when something actually palatable like this gets churned out of that turd factory, it momentarily rekindles the dormant soyjack

fitness mode deemed my bitch cousin geriatric which was goated

played this game for like 200 hours, and the last 50 or so were me submerged in an internal conflict about which npc i wanted to romance. happy to announce i never made a decision and dropped the game

my first fromsoft game and i decided to beat it melee only w/ no incants, spells, or summons which was initially pressured onto me via dick measuring contest with my friends, but i was glad for it in the end because it made every triumph much sweeter

really sick that fromsoft decided players will miraculously intuit side quest progression by echolocating specific npcs and items in all the excess of the 10 trillion gigabyte open world. lol every side quest was some flavour of find the needle in the haystack 4 times and then fight glup shitto. if you played this completely blind and completed a good portion of the main and side content you're into being spanked or very patient
as for the difficulty, baffling discourse. if you truly exhausted all your accessibility options i.e. summons/overlevelling and still found the difficulty overbearing, you got filtered through the widest possible funnel, condolences