A beautiful open world with amazing mechanics and captivating storyline.

putting aside the memes its an ok party game

Complicated, conveluted, impossibly long. I don't think a game has ever challenged me in reading the dialogue. The most immersive game I've ever played.

Played it from before Season 1 pretty much everyday up until 8 or so, came back to it 2024 and really enjoy playing with friends. Kudos to the devs for managing to keep it alive for so long.

You'll understand it's a masterpiece after a 6 hour lore explanation essay.

"Do you like dressing up in animal masks and doing weird shit at night?"

Started out pretty good, sfter the first case everything went downhill.

I hate myself for loving this game so much. Beat it 3 times already.

Take it slow, nice and easy and wear a condom. This game was revolutionary for its time and still holds up really well.

Dan Salvato you sick son of a bitch.