You're a scrimblo controlling an army of skrunklies. Instant classic.

Extra star included for introducing cheese land to the series.

Wastes a lot of its potential and the levels towards the end of the game kinda dragged on or were underdeveloped. Underwhelming final boss too tbh.

would be much more fun if the 3d phase didn't exist.

One of the only times I regret purchasing a game within minutes of playing it.

The second act of the game drags on WAAAYYYY too long but the other two acts were pure kino so it kinda balances out tbh.

Would be 2 stars if not for Yuri

purple pikmin are so good im malding they were nerfed so hard in 3

unironically incredible. packed full of content especially in the post game.

the best mario kart game. im actually seething over the fact they never once brought mission mode back. they had gold with that.

it sure was mario kart on 3ds


The worst of the original trilogy I think but still fun