This game is comparable to the original.
It doesn't add much stuff and it improves a bit in some areas. But the last moments of the game are not that fun.
If it wasn't for the super shotgun this game would be a lot worse.
Like the pinnacle of online entertainment, Civvie11 or CV-11 said: "If Batman was a gun, he'd be this."

a solid rpg with fun combat, annoying loading screens and too much grinding near the end if you don't obtain the update 2/halloween characters

i finished this game in one sitting on launch day
it was not a very good idea

This game is weird, but in a good way.
You are in this facility, with this robot telling you what to do.
The portal gun is a massive innovation that will never be topped. The possibilites are endless with the portal gun. This is one of those games that can only be played once. The second, third, fourth time can be... boring. You already know the solution to all the puzzles so it's less impactful.

This game is the ultimate definition of a mixed bag.
At it's peak it has some of the most iconic moments in sonic history.
At it's worst it's.... ok.
The time travel mechanic has some rather poor execution, due to it's lack of importance gameplay-wise.

A whole lot more jankier and less-good than the first one, but it strangely gets more fun the more you play it.

Talk about a remaster that pisses on the original game

It's fun with friends, but gets boring after a while.
There's not much meat in this game. But i still love it nontheless

This game can be described as the ultimate clusterfuck.
But in a good way! There are so many animatronics that are balanced and you feel like a mastermind avoiding each one at the same time. And RNG ain't too heavy on this one! But the gameplay suffers like all the FNaF games. More nights without little innovation can lead to burnout. But this game is at least fun in a way.

A very slow-paced and relaxing game.
Usually not my cup of tea but the world, characters and simple mechanics are really enjoyable.

the jump sucks ass tho

This game has NO right to be as charming and funny as it is.

Oh boy the controls have not aged that well. But it's still has it's charm.

Really damn fun and almost a polar opposite to what Mario 64 brought to the table.

SM64 is about pulling off cool-ass tricks and using your movement to succeed.

B-K is all about the exploration and discovery of these big worlds and i love it. I haven't finished it but i should do it someday.

You can't move, you're stuck in this tiny room with a couple of buttons and a screen. It's excellent the first couple of playthroughs. Then you progress and the game becomes harder. That's expected. But it gets into the no-fun kind of hard. It gets way to stress-inducing to try and beat this game. The RNG screws everything up.

Jesus christ this game is hard as hell
The fact that everything can one-hit-ko you really adds to the difficulty and the mask system gives you a reason to replay and approach levels differently