This is an infinitely replayable wonder.
You can do anything, anywhere, anytime.
I love this kind of game.
And playing with friends just makes the game more fun.

Now this is how you make a rougelike!
When you lose, yeah it feels horrible to lose all of your progress, but thanks to the random level generation, you don't have to repeat "that part" which makes this game super replayable.

This game is a relic of the past.
It's fine. The roster is small, but creative, the 1P mode can get repetitive after a few playthroughs, and the gameplay is rock solid. The problem with this game is the replayability.
There is not much stuff to unlock or do.

One of the best sequels of all time.
It improves on the first game so much it actually hurts the original! It makes it look pathetic in comparison to this!
Double the characters, stages, new bosses and refined gameplay that makes things fast and snappy.

It's fun with friends, but gets boring after a while.
There's not much meat in this game. But i still love it nontheless

The gameplay, the graphics, the soundtrack it all comes together to create the magnum opus of the Classic Sonic Trilogy that has yet to be matched to this day. Launch Base Zone kinda sucks tho.


A whole lot more jankier and less-good than the first one, but it strangely gets more fun the more you play it.

What a pathetic joke for a "Deluxe" edition of the game

This game is beefy as fuck and i like it for that. Even though the 3DS's CirclePad ain't the best way to play a Smash game. Making it uncomfortable to play almost all the time.

a solid rpg with fun combat, annoying loading screens and too much grinding near the end if you don't obtain the update 2/halloween characters

Wait, an RPG with compelling dialogue, good gameplay and absurd story? BASED ON A FUCKING TV SHOW!?!?! HOW DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN

Sonic 2 is how to do a good sequel. It introduced so many fun features and the spindash oh my god the spindash. I love it.
The level design is way less platforming based and has WAY more speedy sections than Sonic 1 could ever think about doing.

Sonic 3 is a way better game and has less bullshit overall. Yet i can't help but like Sonic 2 a lot more.

It's way better than some people say.
It's just the most "platformer-based" of the Sonic series.
It's less fast, but still good.