With the caveat I dropped this after only about 5 hours, this really didn't grab me. May have been better at the time and the combat isn't bad, but the intro area has incredibly MMO-ish design in terms of questing (linear, self-contained, minimal reactivity). New Vegas came out two years earlier and the team worked on Morrowind, so I have to assume this is either pointless filler content that isn't signposted or just the way the game works. The thing that ultimately turned me off can be explained in a small anecdote:

After hearing mention of the situation from another character, I organically find an undelivered letter informing a woman in town that her husband has perished in the war. I go to bring it to her, and while I can ask her about the same 7-8 keywords everyone else can talk about, I can't give her the letter.

It's well done but it's ultimately just the logical extension of BotW.

Retroactively makes the other Bethesda games feel worse by showing they were just getting lucky with how their Dunning Kruger syndrome manifested.

My greatest memory of this was a nail-biting attack on one of the overworld convoy encounters, one I managed to win at the cost of one of my controller's thumbsticks from needing to make a really sharp turn. Absolutely fantastic vehicle handling. Unfortunately dragged down by frequent and extremely generic character action sections (it's just Arkham combat) which killed my interest.

Any game where you can check if your handgun has a round in the chamber by pointing it at your face is one I support wholeheartedly.

Tried to make Fallout more like Mass Effect but instead just made it a mid looter shooter.

It's just a set of themed dungeons. Bethesda wrote themselves into a corner by making this also have to be an evil expansion for settlement reasons so any story feels more pointless than usual. Porter Gage is cool.

This is the only part of Fallout 4 that is a roleplaying game in spirit rather than in strict definition. Got spoiled on the story which probably degraded my experience. It's still Fallout 4 though.

I fell off relatively early on due to life but this is the closest I've gotten to scratching that itch from Morrowind since I was young. Extremely good for a free total conversion.

Better than people gave it credit for but the open world design is very shallow in a way that is anti-dopamine. Best storytelling since the Black/White generation.

we could be real Fortnite gamers


Had to stop playing due to cat danger related anxiety.

an unfortunately unlikely to be repeated triumph of the medium. it's planescape torment without the baggage and thac0.

the best bethesda rpg in the past 10 years and it's not even by bethesda. too much baggage from the genre's orientalist past and an awful loot system drags it down.

the best lost media retrospective simulator on the market (play on controller)