i played it for soooo many hours and never got bored, after finishing the game there is a handy "mods" menu to continue playing for many more hours.
(played for around 500 hours)

a really good game with an outstanding story, breathtaking graphics, i really recommend playing but first play the first three games.
there is a handy trilogy free with ps plus, the fourth is also free with ps plus.

really hard to play and get kills because of the not-so-easy mechanics and different classes of characters.

hard game, fun game, really pleasing and challenging to play, i got the platinum trophy on ps4 version, i don't recommend trying platinum unless if you are strong gutted.

not the best mariokart but a really good racing game, makes you rage sometimes.
actually played on wiiU but i don't see the option so I'll say it here.

a masterpiece of a game, a relic, really fun to play, relaxing graphics, the old poligonal style doesn't ruin the fun even today in 2023, playing it is really a throwback to old days, very recommended.
i dropped it for a bit but i really want to return on it asap.

sure it's a good game technical-wise but as a fan of the saga i would say it is the worst game of the bunch, for a newbie it's nearly perfect, but i don't recommend it to old players.
it's a lot emptyer than older chapters.
(played for over 300 hours)

sure it's important for the history of videogames, but as today is unplayable for a modern gamer like me (born 2003, playing since 2010)

i'm a little ashamed to say that this may be my favourite shooter game, i played over 1500 hours since 2017 with little pauses in between.
very solid game regardless of the many changes occurred in all this years.

if you like overwatch, don't play this shit, just sit on a chair and cry because the original is gone.

a very good horror game with excellent gameplay, olny downside is the over labyrintical map and over complicated riddles, that made me drop it for now.

the best "souls" game to date actually, even tougher than the souls but at the same time not as frustrating.

Don't think you can play it, you can't, lack of an actual storytelling, boring, dated badly crafted open world, nonsensical game mechanics, i'm a fan of bloodborne but i couldn't stand this, i think the strong point in souls games was the linearity that carried the story even without or with little storytelling, open world was not the right move.

A really good platform, maybe the best i've played, unfortunately unlike the other chapters it's less "real wordish" i think i like that style better, i will play them as soon as possible.