Stupid and fun, great cheesy replication of 80s action films.

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I picked this up as a 10 year old on recommendation from a gamestop employee. Said employee did not inform me it was part of a series, or literally anything about what to expect. I fell in love. Xion's death makes me cry. Good game.

I wish spiders stopped being in the game.

Perfectly serviceable, falls out of being great as the story lacks the cutting commentary of NV yet aspires to take bigger swings. Maybe the second will follow through.

Please for the love of god make another game in this series I'm dying

Setting Sail, Coming Home is the best encapsulation of this game. The sorrowful atmosphere with the simple instrumentation and impassioned voices speaks to the desolation but determination baked into every inch of these floating lands.

Shout outs to Justice aka Latula

The fact that I couldn't fuck Chrom as M!Robin or pair the OBVIOUS lesbian Tharja with Cordelia or Muriel? Cmon.

As always there are exception to rules of taste and VA-11 is that for me. I'm not one for visual novels but between the atmosphere created and the little game-ified elements such as drink mixing and tending to Jill's needs, it kept my attention enough to really enjoy the vibrant cast in their washed out neon dystopia. A great ride that makes me excited for whatever Sukeban puts out next.

Great immersive sim with excellent world building that suffers from age and comparison. The non lethal options get tiresome in comparison to the lethal or mixed routes.

Very formative to my understanding of the potential of games and experiencing the aesthetic. A classic, if rendered a bit simple as the art of the walking sim evolved.

An adorable and touching little zen game, very effective at everything it sets out to do. It did feel a touch short, but this would lend itself well to an anthology series so further unpackings would be welcome!

Look. The game is a solid shooter with the most competently executed story gearbox has managed. But like. Its also like that.

Queers Be Winning. A great time to finally let some bitches be gay alongside one of the more ambitious and successful stories in an FE game.

The epitome of a "download, play for 48 hours, uninstall, revisit next year" game