Reviews from

in the past

I like this game on paper more than in practice.

A storybook styled RPG game with Coeur de Pirate OST? Sign me up!!! Unfortunately, I had a hard time getting engaged with this one because the combat just didn't feel satisfying. Never quite clicked for me.

It's not bad, it's just kind of generic. Maybe it gets better or something?

Jogo lindo, gostosinho e cheiroso. Não é a última bolacha do pacote, mas tá lá por perto

uma das minhas dublagens brasileiras favoritas ao lado de the last of us. só acho que poderia ser um pouquinho mais difícil e ter um combate com mais opções. me emocionei em algumas partes. adoro o jeito que a história é contada, com diálogos em forma de rima. a música que toca nos créditos até hoje é uma das minhas músicas favoritas. amo alguns dos personagens. só queria que a ubisoft fizesse uma sequência :/

Por mais que ele fosse bem bonitinho, eu sinto que a parte mecânica dele é bem pobre e repetitiva. Ele tem os mesmos problemas mecânicos de Costume Quest, por exemplo, mas o charme e a pequena loucura infantil de CQ me conquistaram mais que as rimas de Child of Light.

Child of light, che bella sorpresa!
Titolo poetico, una fiaba pare
in cui una bimba tenta l'impresa
di salvare Lemuria dalle forze del male.

La storia fila sì lineare,
come si addice al suo genere.
Pur la difficoltà non fa vacillare,
ma assai divertente è ridur le bestie in cenere!

Che spettacolo poi le arti!
Musica, grafica e scrittura,
di loro finirai per innamorarti,
e all'addio nel tuo cuor sorgerà una frattura.

Aurora vi aspetta, fatemi contento!
Su, che aspettate, iniziate a giocare
non ve ne pentirete, garantito cento per cento!

One of the few Ubisoft games that I actually enjoyed.

Artstyle is incredibly distinctive and fun (if a bit uh, too "indie", if you know what I mean).

The battle system is, SUPER unique and fun to play with! Being able to delay enemy turns so you can stagger them and have them lose their turn is super satisfying, I'm genuinely amazed with how much it kept me captivated throughout the game.

And the story... while a tad generic, is carried by some really fun party members and character writing!

This is a must-play for all RPG fans in my opinion and just, any fan of video games as a whole, it's such a comfy and joyous experience!

It is pretty and also pretty boring.
Music is boring too.

Beautiful art, easy turn based battle, good and simple story.
I don't remember more about this game...

The characters have zero relatability because they mostly talk in rhyme. To add to that there's one character with a running gag in that she messes up obvious rhymes, but as a result she technically rhymes better and more consistently than the other characters, because otherwise the gag wouldn't work.

There's actually a rhyme for non interactive doors.
"It's locked."
"I'm not shocked."
But that's like the game joking about how it objectively sucks.

In battles you have to keep remembering to move the thing around to collect health orbs, so playing the game ends up feeling incredibly maidworky. Enemy encounters are generally repetitive and sleep inducing overall. I eventually grew tired of it.

I played this on both Vita and Wii U, and quit both times. It's just a bad, bad game. Also, the girl's head looks like a dude's. Just saying.

Battle theme is epic though, I'll give it that. Actually, it's one of best RPG battle themes I've ever heard. Wat up wit dat.

not gonna lie it was pretty good but i lost my vita so i can't play it anymore lmao

Such a pleasing turn-based RPG. Simple and beautiful.

ive never seen a game get dragged down so hard by it's writing: everyone speaks in awful slant rhymes, characters are forgettable/bad, and the plot doesnt do anything interesting. the aesthetic is...fine, and the combat can be kinda interesting, but man the writing sucks

I actually have some really complicated opinions about this one. cw/ Sexual abuse, physical abuse
First off, Ubisoft is an awful company never forget that

Regarding the game, this is a difficult one. The presentation is fantastic. The music, by Coure de Pirate is really really great and adds to the atmosphere, and its the atmosphere that's really the star of the show. The game is obviously mimicking a fairytale, both aesthetically and thematically. In this regard the game succeeds exceptionally. The combination of the aforementioned music, the hand-drawn art-style, and the idiosyncratic way the characters always clumsily rhyme their sentences. This is all great, and the best part of the game, the story is secondary to this feeling or experience you have while playing the game. This is to say nothing of the unique and interesting world and characters. I actually played the game over a year ago now, so it's not all as clear as it was, but i can remember the main cast of characters vividly. The fantasy world that they inhabit is great too, with really interesting and unique elements like Magna and the Bolmus Populi who travel on his back. The visuals in said world are obviously gorgeous too. As for the story, it is about a young girl who's mother has died going into this fantasy land where she has to save it from her evil stepmother, yeah it's like a fairytale. There are also a bunch of other cool smaller stories from the individual characters which are usually quite fun. I noticed a lot of them surround conflict resolution but I'm not entirely sure of what to make of that so I'll just point out the observation. As for the main story, it is essentially an allegory for dealing with the loss of a parent in ones formative years and how accepting the loss is the only way to grow up and move on (Aurora, our main character literally grows up). The decaying fantasy world is presumably allegorical for the loss. There's probably more stuff I missed but it isn't very subtle or deep and that's absolutely fine. It's a game that throws you in a world that is colourful and interesting and gives you a bunch of great characters to go through that world with, all in service of creating this dream like fairytale. This game is about the experience. I haven't even talked about the 'game' part of this yet, which is also great. It's an interesting riff on the turn based rpg that has some complex stuff in it. Anyway this has gone on for too long and no one will ever read it but it's here anyway.

lindo jogo esquecido e subestimado, uma pena :(

Poetry for nerds. So no poetry at all.

Excellent combat and character upgrading system

But holy christ
The entire game
is narrated in rhyming prose

It is very, very grating

Um dos últimos jogos bons que a ubisoft fez, com uma narração maravilhosa, uma ótima forma de conduzir a história, personagem principal muito bem construída, os coadjuvantes também são ótimos. Só não ganha 5 estrelas porque não sou muito chegado no combate por turno, mas para quem está habituado é ótimo.

the story is pretty uninteresting but the combat is engaging and the unique art style and live orchestral music are really welcomed!

Child of Light is a fantastic RPG that feels like you're playing through a fairytale. You join Aurora, a young princess who must save the land of Lemuria from the Queen of Night, all the while trying to return home. Along the way, you will meet extraordinary characters, from a golem trying to find the missing piece of himeslef to a gnome like creature trying to learn to be brave. These characters can, if offered the right opportunity, join Aurora on her quest, each of which playing an important role in the party.

Combat is your standard turn based combat. A character's speed will determine how fast they can take their turn. However where Child of Light differs from other turn based RPGs, is that even if a character is performing an attack or a spell, there is a chance an opponent can interrupt them, causing them to be pushed back in the queue. This adds a level of strategy to the game, as you must keep an eye on what your enemy is doing, as well as working out whether you can gamble and pull off a strong but slow attack or a weaker but quicker move.

Overall, Child of Light is an amazing game. It does not outstay its welcome, giving you a story that lasts about twelve hours, with a handful of side quests and collectibles to also complete. This is arguably one of Ubisoft's most beautiful, heartfelt games that I recommend all RPG fans try.

got repetitve quick but good gimmick and cute writing if your a literature/poetry nerd. also visually very pretty

A beautiful game! I really enjoyed this one. The constant rhyming was a bit tiresome and the story wasn't really all that captivating, but it had a charm that overcame these faults. And the music is fantastic.

Joguei no Nintendo Switch. Uma masterpiece muito boa, tem pouquíssimos defeitos, mas suas qualidades as escondem.

Still a great, charming little RPG. Played on Hard/Expert this time around and appreciated the combat system a lot more. The best part of the game is still the magnificent soundtrack, though!

You know, it was ok. I liked it at first but then it didn't do anything to me to draw me into its world and be.. fun.

People kept/keep telling me that it's a great game with a solid story, but I was bored in 20 minutes of playing wanting to do something else.

There's probably a decent game in here, but it didn't click with me. The visuals are pretty, but Vita performance isn't good enough to keep up with them. The writing is unique but stops just short of charming me. There's also something creative going on with the combat, but it still seems a bit too simple to be tactically engaging.