Reviews from

in the past

An overall fine addition to the collection of modern 3D platforms. This one felt especially polished compared to others but the lack of difficulty made it a struggle to finish. I'd recommend trying it out if you have Game Pass.

Jogado no Xbox Game Pass. É um joguinho de plataforma 3D bem sólido e bonitinho, mas no geral fácil (apesar de alguns picos de dificuldade em missões extras e chefes). Visualmente é um pouco genérico, mas é bem fofinho e tem bastante personalidade, seja no conceito dos mundos e fases, quanto no diálogo dos personagens. Não é nada que vá ficar marcado na história, mas é aquele tipo de jogo pra ficar na boa e aproveitar uma história fofinha.

cute little platformer with a variety of level and gameplay types. it doesn't particularly excel at any of the various things it attempts (the regular 3D platforming fares the best with some of the more combat centric stuff being worse off) but it's playable across the board.

strange to have the post-game (DLC in the original game, i think?) be a mixture of shitty roll goal game levels, combat gauntlets, and some platforming levels where the game finally pulled some difficulty out of its ass after it was almost completely missing beforehand. would like to see some influence from those platforming levels in a next game if one ever comes.

É muito bem feitinho, não se destaca realmente em nada mas foi feito com muito carinho e da pra divertir quem gosta de plataforms

Lucky is a generic but cute and well-designed protagonist that has the simple goal to collect a bunch of pages from a book to reunite worlds that got split up.

The villans are a bunch of cats that make far too many meow jokes for healthy consumption, they are also plain and generic and I've no idea where the fuck they come from and what motivates them to do all this stupid shit they do.

It would have been a lot more interesting if they used the voice acting a few more times than just at the beginning and at the end. They had voice actors but never used them...? The reason I'd want more voice acting is because of the boring-ass characters saying stupid shit that you don't want to read. There is this bunny in a level that goes on and on and on and on, by the end, you have gotten yourself multiple cerebral hemorrhages.

The good thing is that it feels good and looks decent when playing and the platforming is fine.

(Game Pass) Great platformer with a challenging post game. Reminds me a lot of Kirby and how the game is simple to learn and fun to master. Only left two achievements uncompleted for the time being, the ones where you have to finish a level without dying. Will come back later and maybe play the original.

New Super Mar... Oh wait, wrong game.

A surprisingly short, but fun platformer. You can really feel the love of a dev team wanting to craft their own world and characters on a relatively small budget, and I feel it comes through really well. Controlling Lucky is very rewarding and responsive. His burrowing move mixed with his slide ability is tons of fun to use and combo with to maintain a nice momentum. The game is also relatively easy to beat. It's simple and straightforward level design and execution aren't detractors however as these levels are still fun to play around in and complete. My only big issue is that most of the bosses are pretty absurdly easy with the final boss being incredibly underwhelming. What feels like a first phase is just the entire battle After Gigantosaur, I'd definitely recommend this game for younger kids looking for a bit more of a challenge, while still being pretty simple enough to get through, and for older kids the post game might give them a little bit more of a challenge to sink into. It's a shame the studio who made it is currently working on Web 3 garbage, otherwise I'd have loved to see what a sequel could do.

A completely fine baby's first platforming collectathon videogame. It wears its influences on its sleeve. The game could've used a movement option that made you faster. Shoutouts to the all the great wrestling references.

meu amigo kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk que jogo bom

New Super Lucky's Tale is a solid little platformer. That sounds a bit condescending, I'm sure, but I was incredibly impressed. I went in expecting nothing, and I left with a game that kept calling me back. I can't wait to see what comes next for Lucky. An easy recommendation for anyone who likes platformers.

Cara eu sei que é um jogo voltado para o publico infantil, mas o maior problema é ser do mesmo gênero do mario 64 que é um gênero que não curto muito.
Claro vai de cada um, não é por isso que o jogo é ruim.

It's like if a more aggressively mediocre 90's mascot platformer got the N. Sane/Reignited Trilogy treatment. It has the structure and character that you would expect, but mechanically it has no meat on its bones. The way it presents its narrative almost made me drop it on the spot, and everything about the game's UI and presentation outside of the 3D space of the game-world feels really cheap.

Very fun and high quality 3D platformer

Um jogo de plataforma "bobinho", infantil, mas muito divertido. É bem legal para jogar e ficar tranquilo / relaxado, gostei!

I only played this for Microsoft Reward points on Game Pass, but I was surprised by the first impression of a tight and polished little collectathon mascot platformer. Controls feel really good, the characters are cute and it’s packed with jokes. Nothing seems to be breaking any new ground (at least in the first 30 minutes) but I would definitely stick my little nieces and nephews in front of this for a nice kid-friendly chill time.

Was a bit hot and cold on this, but finished it and collected all the main story pages. It's a completely competent Spyro-like 3D platformer, it's feels pretty tight to control and has some fun movement mechanics that just flow nicely.

I think one of my main gripes with it is it just lacks any style or spark. It's a nice looking game, sure, but in the same way that many soulless kids shite on is nice to look at but has no character (I have a 6 and 4 year old, I am wise in these matters). But it doesn't pop off the screen the way the Spyro and Crash games do. There's no character, either. All the NPCs and Bosses talk way too much, especially for a game obstensibly for kids and with no "real" voice acting (most characters have gibberish sound clips that play any time they speak to you). Plus it's all very boilerplate stuff, it's never funny or clever, it's never even particularly silly or daft. It tries, bless it, but just does absolutely nothing

So, yeah, technically proficient, genuinely fun to control, entirely forgetful otherwise.

Pretty good! A bit easy for my tastes, but the movement was tight enough to keep me engaged till the end. Would love to see a sequel reach new heights!

Eu poderia muito bem dar um copia e cola da minha review do Super Lucky's Tale e colocar aqui, mas eu não vou fazer isso.

Ele melhora os gráficos do primeiro e a câmera, que atrapalhava de mais.

Mas ainda é o mesmo jogo, com as mesmas fases, mudando pouquíssimas coisas, o que faz dele o mesmo jogo genérico de plataforma que o outro era.

E como eu zerei o original, não tem motivos pra mim zerar esse! Então, se querem jogar Super Lucky's Tale, joguem esse e deixem o original de lado.

I heavily appreciate this game for understanding that being a nostalgic throwback to a 90's 3D platformer or being "baby's first video game" with a cute fox character doesn't give it the excuse for having stiff player movement or boring level design. There is a level of polish and tightness to this game that was lacking in both Yooka-Laylee (which I did enjoy) and Balan Wonderworld (which I didn't). The trophy for beating the beach maze level without using levers is so fun to pull off once you learn how to get gud with tail swipes and delayed double jump movement tech. I like it when good movement in a 3D platformer is intentionally designed.

I only have two major complaints. One is a lack of a dialogue/cutscene skip button, which is a pain since the game expects you to replay levels for 100% and some of the level cutscenes run a little long. (Have fun replaying that rabbit maze level!) The other is that this game really is shorter than you'd expect and feels like it ends right when the game is starting to get good. The final boss feels like he just randomly shows up in a level that was meant to have a different boss altogether and I thought that the boss I was fighting was going to be a bait-and-switch that led into a different world, only for the ending cutscenes and credits to play. There's a bonus world that unlocks after the credits roll with some really challenging platforming levels, but I still would've appreciated just one more world.

Honestly, this is a good effort, and I'm holding out hopes that the obvious sequel hooks at the end of this game get some payoff in the form of an even better sequel. If Yooka-Laylee could later get an Impossible Lair, I hope that New Super Lucky's Tale can also get a sequel.

Wow, I must be a big manchild liking this game THIS much. But honestly, I think there's little wrong with the game. While this game is generally not very difficult, it's not devoid of enjoyment, with good variety of platforming challenges, engaging level design that can be a more open-ended 3D or traditional 2D platforming goodness, and, most importantly, its excellent controls. There are also alternate distractions to be had - sliding statue puzzles, some of the later ones are genuinely tough to figure out, and Super Monkey Ball-like rolling challenges. In a way, this game feels like a Donkey Kong Country game, but way easier and more focused on 3D platforming controls. You won't see crazy gimmicks, but each level is unique enough. The game being easy isn’t a problem in-itself. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying some more relaxed games, like Traveller Tales’ LEGO games. If the level design and controls are good, an easy game can be just as enjoyable as a more demanding game like Super Meat Boy or Celeste. Though those seeking challenge do get some in the postgame, where Lucky must go through some difficult trials, and these challenge levels are great – the controls are more than up to the task. The game is not without faults of course – it doesn’t have control remapping features for controllers, only for keyboard, which is really strange (and it doesn’t support mouse for camera control), and the graphics, while generally pretty solid, and at times there are great looking levels, some textures don’t look that good, and it’s not hard to notice. Even on “ultra” settings. Lastly, I think it could've used more achievements to give it more play time and challenge for those looking for 100% - they did remove most coin-related ones (like 99999 one), but Lady Meowmalade is still the only boss to have a "no damage" achievement, which stands out. Aside from that, I feel confident calling this one of the best 3D platformers I’ve played in a while – it’s charming, engaging, it controls really well, and there are few issues with it. It's simply a joy to play.

And here are some of my number stats because why not:
Death Count = 8
Attempts at Wrigglearena achievement = 7
Attempts at Under Pressure achievement = 4
Attempts at Lady Meowmalade no damage achievement = 4

It's very simple (probably a bit too simple at points) but I was surprised how much I persevered with this thanks to some quite amusing dialogue from the supporting cast of quest givers and the like.There is also a bit of challenge introduced in the post-game which was very welcome after almost sleepwalking through the main quest.

Probably not enough for me to have any memories of this game in six months time, but a decent enough diversion for noe.

Slept on this game for awhile assuming it would be like a super super easy kiddy game, but honestly, while still rather easy, New Super Lucky's Tale is an amazing 3D Platformer. I was pleasantly surprised how many puzzles and certain objectives left me scratching my head. The bosses are also really fun, and some songs in this game are a bop! Completed all the worlds 100%; I just need to do the Post-game. Eitherway, Loved it!

Simplesmente muito fácil, não me cativou. Mas não é ruim, ideal para uma criança pequena jogar.

It's not exactly the most challenging platformer out there, but it's cute and charming and it plays well. The bonus levels all being either annoying marble levels or surprisingly confusing statue puzzles does bring the experience down though, along with how every boss is the same exact "dodge a ton of projectiles, maybe hit a few enemies they summon, hit, repeat until dead".

Saying I completed this game seems a bit unfair. I made it to credits while still missing out on what seems like a good chunk of the game. But while I liked what I played I didn't feel a high motivation to see it all.

I would recommend it if you are looking for a new 3D platformer to play. Just know this one is geared more towards the younger crowd.

At first, I found this game quite average for a 3D platformer, to the point where I even benched it and didn't play it for a few months.

Alas, I finally jumped back in and with a renewed energy, found it quite compelling. I don't think it did anything really new, but it was still enjoyable and how they brought the charm of the characters into the story was amusing at times. The enemies are also a bunch of kitty cats so you can never go wrong there.

I only wish it was longer, with a bit more of a challenge. I think it would be a great introduction to 3D platformers for kids as it isn't too long and draining of one's attention. A piece of what platformers are capable of.
I kind of hope they do bring out a sequel too. There was so much potential for it!
P.S. What with the evil version of the little robot you could find over the place? So creepy

I really don't know why I decided to play this right after the original, but I did. It actually does improve on quite a few aspects, namely the controls and movement. Level design is much improved as well, characters are given more personality to them and some of the levels are no longer just plain boring. It's not a complete masterpiece by any means, but it's a step up from the original and would probably be even more fun to complete if you never played the first one. A decent platformer.