Reviews from

in the past

i want to cave captain qwark's head in with a brick

taking my favorite game of all time and remake it to a medicore mess that has cutscenes rip from the crappy film this game film was based upon?

sure man

Very good platformer with fun gameplay and beautiful graphics. From reading other reviews it seems like if you are new to the series like I was you are more than likely going to enjoy this. However it seems like if you have been a fan of the series from the beginning your are going to be upset/disappointed as apparently it doesn’t represent the original very well. I can completely understand and get behind that. But as I said for me being introduced to the series through this game I enjoyed it.

Look at how they massacred my boy.

Could’ve been even better if it wasn’t bogged down by a terrible tie in movie, obnoxious writing and a final boss that is legitimately broken. I’m sure the sequel will be better, but this doesn’t really sell me on the series the way I thought it would. Would’ve given this a significantly higher rating if it weren’t for that awful final boss, seriously, who designed that shit?

this shit sucks where's the edgy humor where is the whits where are the funny moments where is the music like what the fuck happened to the music

who are these two bozos before me what the actual fuck is this corporate garbage bullshit fuck who agreed on making this clusterfuck of a game fuck and have a nice day

The gameplay is very fun of course (except those damn rails) with a good variety of weapons and progression. The story sucks and you can tell its just movie scenes spliced into a game which is... weird... but doesn't matter much in the end when all you need is an excuse to turn aliens and robots into sheep

It's a bit of a shame to see all the edges of the original RATCHET & CLANK sanded off in service of a very safe mid-2010s aggressively focus-tested AAA-game/Marvel-movie vibe, but it's not as though the original was some triumphantly transgressive piece of pop art to begin with -- it was a better-than-average action-platformer/shooter, and that's still the case here. It's fun fluff. It goes down easy.

Beyond the questionable changes to the plot there are some weak new gameplay interludes as well, but nothing showstopping (aside from a very strange, abrupt final boss and ending, but it's over so quickly (especially if you have the RYNO) that you'll hardly notice). The weapon selection and the visuals are quite good, and they make up for the couple bum notes in the campaign. Some pretty frequent glitches and bugs are less excusable.

Short and not particularly deep, but well-made and fun enough.

It's definitely not the original games but it was fun, honestly and a nice holistic retelling of the story in a truncated fashion so that they could do more with it in the future. Furthermore giving people who haven't played the original series the chance to get the tent poles of the story so that they could get into the series without having to scour the internet for very old games at this point on derelict consoles. That said, as a person who played the Ratchet & Clank series when it originally came out as a child, I can say this remains fairly true to crux of the original story and feeling of the games. It brought me back and kept with the spirit I enjoyed, so I'm definitely satisfied and even impressed with how they updated the look of the game.

Now, I will say that there was some jank in the game, primarily with the camera, but it functioned well and kept me engaged enough to shotgun it over the course of about 16 hours. So, aside from that, I feel the this remake was a decent one and those that down rate it are kinda just being elitist at the end of the day. I played the old games too - exhaustively - and it isn't as boring or poorly structured as others might lead you to believe. It's that they have an expectation, it wasn't met, so they're mad that they aren't being gratified - plain and simple.

It's def a spot you shouldn't start at for the series. As it's a retelling of the first game, but based on a movie version of that retelling from Qwark eyes. I def plan to return to the original games after I finish Rift Apart.

I hate this game. I despise it with every fiber of my being. A corporate tie-in to a corporate cash grab movie. It disrespects the legacy of this series and the original game it's based on without managing to have any ounce of even acceptable writing or humor. The gameplay itself might be a more polished version of Into the Nexus, but also has some of the worst bosses in the entire franchise and in general does not save the game from every aspect that drags it down. Probably the worst game of the franchise, frankly.

Now before I begin I just want to clarify this:
This is strictly my own opinion. If you disagree with me, more power to you. Just keep the comments civil and respectful.

Hello, everybody, and welcome to the first Backloggd exclusive of

Now for those of you who are new to me, my name is Adam Janaway.
I am an amateur internet critic who specializes in reviewing movies. I've started writing for a website called Letterboxd in 2016 and I'm still doing so to this day on a mostly weekly basis with event months, special bonuses and a few unconventional articles including Top 10's, TV reviews and yes, even game reviews.
It's been my most active hobby for years and I just enjoy getting to share my humble( and sometimes, controversial) opinions on alot of stuff.

In 2021, I've decided to experiment with my writing skills and branch out to other forms of media which includes video games. For that year's October event, I've dedicated the Halloween season to reviewing the first seven mainline entries in the Resident Evil franchise to accommodate it's 25th anniversary and honestly, it's been a ton of fun. To this day, I consider it one of my proudest moments as a reviewer and since then, I like to think that my skills have been getting better the more I do this.
After that, I have said that I do plan on doing more game reviews in the future. However, I do have my limits as to when I can get around to them considering that games take more time to go over than movies, difficulty can play into a major factor of whether or not I'll be able to complete a game in time or there are certain titles I might not be able to experience since they're not as easy to preserve as movies are and no, you can't expect me to spend a ridiculous amount of cash on original hardware and copies off of Amazon or Ebay since they usually have a 60%-70% chance of just not working and I might as well just throw my debit card in a fire.
So yeah, don't expect me to do game reviews as a regular thing like I do my film reviews. These are just an occasional fun treat that I like to do if I feel like it.

That being said, if you're interested enough to check out my stuff on Letterboxd, I'll leave the link to my profile right here:
I'll also consider reuploading my RE reviews(as well as my Sonic Generations review) on here in due time.

Now with all that said and done, let's talk about Ratchet & Clank.

As a kid, PlayStation was my shit back in the day and I've had my fair share of cool games to indulge myself in whether it be Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot or even the subject of this review.
I remember the days when I would hang out with my older brother and watch him play some of the Ratchet & Clank games, specifically Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando, and so many of the elements like the characters and weapons were instantly ingrained in my mind for years to come. So when I heard back in 2013 that a movie based on the series was in the works, I was immediately interested and have been keeping an eye on it for the next three years till it was finally released. I know video game adaptations have had a notorious reputation for such a long time but to me, this was gonna be a game-changer because, unlike most adaptations, this one looked to be far more faithful to the source material right down to the look, the sense of humor and hell, they even managed to rope in some of the cast from the games including James Arnold Taylor as Ratchet, David Kaye as Clank, Jim Ward as Captain Quark and Armin Shimerman as Dr. Nefarious. Normally with these movie adaptations, these roles would be played by big name actors. For example, I think Michael Cera would've been a pretty good Ratchet. But hey, they made up for it by casting the likes of Paul Giamatti, Sylvester Stallone and John Goodman so at least that quota's done and over with.

Unfortunately, in a year that's supposed to be the beginning of a new age for movie adaptations of video games, the four films that were released in 2016 ended up barely pleasing anybody and Ratchet & Clank is sadly no exception.
Not only was it panned by critics and slammed by longtime fans but it was such a box office bomb that it pretty much caused it's distributor, Gramercy Pictures, to shut down for a second time. It was quite a disaster to say the least.
As for me, I personally liked the movie fine. It's not amazing and it doesn't exactly live up to the legacy of the games but as just a silly little sci-fi adventure for the whole family to enjoy, it's a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine. Not to toot my own horn but I have seen far worse animated films such as Norm of the North and far worse sci-fi movies such as Battle: Los Angeles.
If you want to hear my full coverage, I'll leave the link to my review of the film right here:

Now the most unexpected thing about the movie's release is that there was a video game tie-in. Odd, right? A game based on the movie based on the game? I mean, what the fuck?
Developed by Insomniac Games, the same guys who have been working on the franchise since it's inception in 2002, this re-imagining of Ratchet & Clank was released for the PlayStation 4 just about a week or so prior to the film and unlike said film, it was better received with many reviewers claiming it to be a fun ride. However, that's not to say that it has it's detractors as there are some fans out there who were upset with the more sanitized nature and kid-friendly tone compared to the more adult and satirical edge that the original games were known for.
But how do I feel about the game myself compared to it's movie counterpart? Well, let's take a look.

Basically, the plot of the game follows that of the movie. It follows the exploits of a lombax named Ratchet and a warbot defect named Clank who are united together by fate and go on an epic quest to join up with the fearless Galactic Rangers and take on the corporate forces of Chairman Drek and his scientist partner Dr. Nefarious.

That's the best that I can sum up and while I don't hate the story as much as some fans do, I'll admit, it does have a few issues, alot of which do carry over from the movie.
It does lack the satire that pokes fun at capitalism and consumerism and the more mature edge is pretty much null so what you're stuck with is your basic kids' comedy adventure. It does offer a few better laughs than the movie but that's about it as far as I'm concerned. It also utilizes alot of the typical cliches that we've come to expect from lesser family films which does end up making some of the characters a bit more one-note.
For example, Ratchet is a spirited and strong-hearted dreamer who sees to it that the galaxy is protected from darker forces. Compare that to his portrayal in the original game in which he's alot more hot-headed and would often butt heads with Clank, he's an asshole in that game. While the original has more personality and a stronger arc compared to the new Ratchet, I can understand not wanting kids to look up to a constant arguing dick. After all, it's one of the big criticisms that people have had with the first game.
That being said, some of the other classic characters are more on-point and just like how you remembered them with Clank being sassy but willing to help whenever he can and Captain Quark being the egotistical superhero we gamers would love to fuck up with a RYNO near the end of the campaign.
I'll also give credit that the performances are very good with many of the actors from the movie coming in to lend their voices including Bella Thorne as Cora Veralux and Rosario Dawson as Elaris. However, some actors like Paul Giamatti as Drek, Vincent Tong as Brax, Sylvester Stallone as Victor Von Ion and John Goodman as Grimroth Razz were replaced with Eric Bauza, Mick Wingert, Mark Silverman and Travis Willingham respectively. To be fair, those guys have done their best to replicate the movie actors' voices even if it isn't 100% accurate like, for example, you can definitely tell that's not Stallone playing Victor.
It should also be worth noting that while the game follows the movie very well, it diverts from it in many areas as it is also a partial re-imagining of the 2002 game with many of the environments, characters and elements being very familiar to longtime fans. Some may call this unnecessary padding but if you're going to make a game based on a movie, changes have to be made in order to create a genuine experience for players and seeing how the film is already based on a video game, I say "Fuck it" and go all the way and in my opinion, they've done it very well. After all, these are the developers who originally created Ratchet & Clank so they know what they're doing.

But while the story maybe basic and nothing special, the real meat of the game is how it plays.
As it is a re-imagining of the original Ratchet & Clank, the gameplay should raise some nostalgia boners for longtime fans. Most of the time, you control Ratchet as he runs around many alien environments, either smashing enemies with your handy wrench or blasting them with a variety of creative and explosive weapons. You can collect nuts and bolts which act as currency which you can spend on new weapons from a Gadgetron stall or just refill your ammo and health. You can also collect raritanium crystals which you can use to upgrade your weapons including more ammo, a stronger rate of fire, etc. Not to mention, the more enemies you annihilate, the more XP points you earn which will make Ratchet level up and give him a stronger health meter. Also, the more you use a certain weapon, the more you level up said weapon resulting in more ammo to use up and a much bigger punch.
Oh, and I have to say, the loadout in this game is so much fun to use with my personal favorite weapons being the Buzz Blades, the Sheepinator, the Pixelizer and, of course, the RYNO.
Throughout the game, you can either stick to your primary objectives or take some time off to go on optional sidequests which will earn you some goodies including upgrades to your gear, new gadgets and plenty of collectables including holocard packs and big golden bolts. Speaking of the holocards, when you complete a set of three, that also earns you some cool rewards including upgrades and shit like that. Not to mention, if you manage to find all nine RYNO cards, you get the big boy himself and man, is he a broken weapon because he just tears through enemies and even bosses, like a Minion plowing his mouth through a banana garden.
There's also fun hoverboard races, cool grinding sections, hard as fuck laser puzzle bits and there's even a few points in the game where you play as Clank and you have to either escape Victor's wrath or solve logic puzzles using the abilities of the number of Gadgetbots you got to work with. Suffice to say that exploration is heavily encouraged and you are blissfully rewarded for doing so.
It helps that the controls are rock-solid which makes movement and aiming a fun breeze and the game itself never gets too easy or too hard which is nice. I played the game on Normal mode so the challenge is genuine... as long as you're not using the RYNO. Seriously, that shit really gives proper meaning to the term "Rip You a New One".
Once you've beaten the game, you unlock a Challenge Mode which is basically New Game + with tougher difficulty and you get to carry over all your weapons. Plus, you also unlock an Insomniac Museum which you can access via a transporter pad in Grim's garage. So there's solid content here to keep you guys hooked for hours on end. There's no cut content being resold as DLC, there's no bullshit micro-transactions or loot boxes and there's no buggy live-service nonsense. It's the perfect action game to just pick up, pop in and enjoy to your heart's content without a single worry.

This game came out seven years ago and my god, it still looks great. The visuals just pop with so much life, energy and color, it's such a wonder to witness. The character designs look great, the many environments are wonderful to stare at, there's alot of really cool shit to be found here. Combine that with such stellar sound design that makes every shot and explosion satisfying and you get a very fun cartoony action game.
It should be worth noting that while it utilizes original animations for the cutscenes, it also integrates clips from the movie(remember when movie-licensed games do that?) and to be fair, you can hardly tell the difference. The graphics are so lovely that I wouldn't blame you for thinking that it was the movie that's the tie-in and not the other way around. Although the difference between the in-game cutscenes and the movie clips are pretty seamless in terms of visuals, if you squint hard enough, you can tell apart in regards to fidelity and texture.
I will say that my only big criticism in regards to the visuals is during the cutscenes where Ratchet & Clank are talking to an NPC. Whereas the ones in the PS2 games were lively and emotive, here, the characters barely move when they're speaking or showing a big expression like excitement or worry, there's a very noticeable lack of motion in those moments. It's disappointing since the PS4 was an advanced console at the time so clearly, they're capable of programming more expressive motions in those animations with the kind of tech they have at their disposal. Maybe it was a budget thing but I'm not buying it. Compare that to 2019's MediEvil, thanks to the resources they have with the PS4's tech, Other Ocean Emeryville were able to create very energetic character interactions even in the smallest moments. But here, Ratchet just stands there sounding like he's ready to kick ass but looks like a Disney park animatronic... an early prototype from the 1950's to be exact.
As for the music, well, I'll have to agree with some of the fans on this one as Michael Bross' score isn't exactly memorable. There were a few good tunes here but for the most part, it's a generic cinematic orchestral soundtrack. In the old games, the music had this alien and techno vibe to them which made them very fun and iconic beats to listen to. Sure, this game's score has that in a few areas but they're not as frequent. That's another problem that was carried over from the movie, it's not a bad score, mind you, just... forgettable.

So overall, while I can understand that Ratchet & Clank 2016 has a few flaws, some carried over from it's film counterpart, I cannot say outright that it's a mediocre game. In fact, it's a fucking great game.
Coming back to it years later was such a blast and to this day, it's still alot of fun to play through. It remains one of my favorite PlayStation exclusives and I have no regrets giving it a high recommendation, it's that enjoyable.

Until next time, thank you for taking the time to check out this installment of GAME MODE: ON.
If you liked what you've read here and want to see more, you can go ahead and follow me whenever you want.

And also, don't forget to check out my Letterboxd page for new film reviews every week.

AFTER-NOTE: For those wondering, yes, I really do want to play Rift Apart and I am planning on getting it, as well as a PS5 to go along with it, very very soon.
Also, Happy 10th Anniversary, PlayStation 4!

The game is extremely fun but I will never forgive it for completely undermining the emotional core of Ratchet and Clank's friendship by making them both buddy-buddy heroes from the outset. Ratchet's emotional journey from selfish prick to reluctant hero resonates so much more strongly than the Saturday morning cartoon-ification of Ratchet on display here. All of the satirization of corporate culture and consumerism has been completely gutted too, leaving just another bland platforming action game setting and storyline in its wake. Can't recommend.

I got about 75% through this game and just couldn't play it any further. This game is such a step down from the PS3 and PS2 games. The weapon balance is very one-sided, the story is atrocious and is a bastardization of the original Ratchet game, cutscenes are just scenes from the movie, and bosses are unbearable. The only saving grace of this game for me is the visuals, but even then the visuals prioritize the performance of the game, and frame drops are common. I am excited and interested to play Rift Apart, but this game isn't fun and is a big let down being a fan of the original trilogy and PS3 sequals.

Liked this waaaay more than expected. The Clank segments are a chore, but everything else is fun and the graphics are perfect for the art style. Somewhat short, but the length works.

So I finished this game last year, and as only my second ratchet game I really enjoyed it. I've been on quite a binge of the series recently and decided that I wanted to go back to platinum this (and eventually the whole series) and so thats just what I did. Over the past couple of days I collected all the gold bolts and then just today I started and fully completed my second playthrough, plus a very short partial playthrough to get my remaining trophies.
Overall, this was just as good of a time as It was originally. A lot of weapons I've seen by now already, but thats not a bad thing as they are all still fun to use, the sheepinator and groovitron are very fun additions. The story seems to just be a retelling of the original game, and it wasnt the best of the ones I've played so far, but I still enjoyed it a lot and it was entertaining enough. The decision to tie it into a movie was kinda weird but I didnt really notice it this time around. I also found myself having a lot less of a struggle with some sections, despite it being so long since I played it last, but I feel like the reason for that is simply the game doesnt really have much to set it apart from others in the series. I dont find it a bad thing and I still had lots of fun with this, but I can see why some fans were disappointed with this entry.
Now i dont have many but I do have a few complaints. The Clank sections just arent very great. They're fine and they break up the pace well, they're well thought out puzzles even but they just didnt do much for me. The tresspasser minigame was really annoying though, and It's not terrible but I didnt have fun with that at all. Finally, theres like particle effect on your screen when a bomb goes off near you, and it really makes it seem like you've been hit and taken damage, which is really frustrating in Challenge mode when you're trying not to get hit at all to keep up your bolt multiplier, but again this wasnt a big deal anyway.
Overall, Ratchet and Clank 2016 doesnt do anything innovative with the series, and I'm really hoping from the reception Rift Apart got that its going in a great new direction. But even with all that said, it does all the stuff I like about this series really well, and I had lots of fun with it.

Platinum Journey: So the platinum for this game honestly wasnt bad at all. Its the standard trophy list for the series: collect all gold bolts, level up all weapons and beat challenge mode + some fun miscellaneous ones. The weapon and leveling were pretty grindy, but I was able to get all of them almost done by the time i finished my second playthrough and new game+ i just got to run through with the Rhyno blasting everything away until Ratchet got his levels up and had 200 health. The only two that really gave me any trouble at all were for using the groovitron on every enemy and beating a gold cup race in under 1:35. The groovitron doesnt have any sort of tracker so I was really worried, but following a youtube guide on my second playthrough and making sure I got everything, I finally unlocked it on the final boss and a huge sigh of relief rushed over me. Now the 1:35 one is perfectly doable but god did it kick my ass. I kept getting really close, and at one point my time was 1:35:05 and that right there would of sent a weaker lass into a spiral of drinking and drug use, but I being the strong woman I am persevered and finally got it after about an hour or so. Most of the other trophies were really fun though, and It makes me happy that the main series has consistently quality trophy lists. One thing Id like to note is that unlocking gold bolts give you cheats that can give infinite ammo/invincibility, make the game go faster or slower and do stuff like change the filter or outfits and stuff. Even can change the bolts to look like currencies from things such as Spyro and God of War. I really love when games add in stuff like that so collectibles dont just feel like you're only getting them for the trophy. Anyways this has gone on long enough. Good game, and If you read this far, i love you <3

Trophy Completion - 100% (47/47 Platinum #197)
Playthroughs - 2 and a half
Time Played - 26 hours 4 minutes total
Nancymeter - 84/100
Game Completion #60 of 2022
May Completion #10

As someone who doesn't appreciate the original that much nowadays, this made me retroactively reconsider the qualities of the first game.

Comparisons are odious, but not only this is (partially) a remake, the game keeps throwing references to past entries, so ignoring the context would really need a lot of will. The weird thing is that the game seems to take the worst from the first entry and throw out the good stuff. I didn't notice until playing this one, but the original Ratchet and Clank had some genuinely funny dialogues, every scene managed to add a bit of flavor to the overall adventure. In the new game it seems like nobody wanted to develop this, everyone sounds bored, the infobots videos are all forgettable, you'll curse the guy who invented dialogs during gameplay. Hell, I don't think that Ratchet and Clank actually talk between themselves more than 4 or 5 times, do they even know each other by the end of the adventure?

I would try to keep the visual aspect on the "personal" terrain, I still think that the original game made environments that suggested more life beyond the game horizons than this generic sci-fi filtered look, but that may be memories from when I was a kid. What is not a trick from nostalgia is how the new visual style is straightforward eye-painful. Especially in the night levels, the led saturation makes the game really hard to look at for a few minutes, like trying to read a scenary oversaturated with junk wasn't hard enough.

What ends up bothering me the most is how the game shows briefly some good qualities in ways that never dares to take seriously. Using an unreliable narrator could bring up some nice variety and surprises, it is hinted in a joke where Quark says: "and then a dinosaur appeared" but is quickly cut. Why not show a dinosaur? Traveling between planets should already give enough freedom to put whatever funny nonsense comes to mind. I was also surprised with the level where you can freely fly and explore (I think the exploration is what I liked the most). It's a nice reinterpretation of Clank's whateveriscalled rocket power up, but then the game goes and shuts that idea into a single planet and a few more punctual exceptions. When some fun is accidentally added there is always a quick response with an apology.

This game is offensive to me.
It embodies what the first 4 games incessantly made fun of. It's a safe, perfectly marketable piece of software which challenges nothing and nobody in any way shape or form. This game has nothing to say, no question to ask, it's meticulously designed to be as profitable as possible and nothing more.
This clip right here has never been more topical:

Just play the originals, honestly the only thing this game has on the older games is that it plays just a tad smoother. That's it.

Wow…this a slap in the face to those that played the original game and expected it to be slightly like the original. This is mid as mid can get. The interactions are just…why (gadgetron ceo…why), the weapons aren’t new in the slightest and are copy and pastes of the ones from tools, and don’t get me started on the movie tie-in…which reminds me, they basically borrowed some clips from that and shoved them into the game. This is just a slap in the face and feels…eh. I get it’s meant to be a ‘reboot’ but even if you get rid of the nostalgia it still doesn’t feel great…I’m sure people will find enjoyment in this game but it’s just not for me.

I've read a lot of things about this particular remake and its movie counterpart, including that it's a toothless, written-by-committee, executive-driven take on a not-entirely-kid-friendly IP that robs it of its sharp wit and charm.

Having played it for myself, though? I found it to be... pretty much exactly that, yeah.

This really is not it.

I mean, I had my issues with the characterization of Ratchet in the original game, labeling him as an unlikable dickhead whose character growth and resolution came much later than they should have. While I stand by much of that, albeit not quite as harsh in hindsight, I vastly prefer that version of Ratchet to the one we get here. The same goes for pretty much every other returning character.

What's especially frustrating is that it's an overcorrection to some extent, since I'm aware that, looking back on it, Insomniac shares much the same opinions on the first game as I do in terms of how its characters come across. So in this remake, they're replaced with the modern versions of them from the current games. Ratchet is a generic paragon of virtue with aspirations of being a galactic hero, while Qwark is a coward masquerading as the hero Ratchet aspires to be. Not to sound overly dramatic, but it's kind of gross? It throws away the necessary messy beginnings these characters originally had, with Ratchet being a douchey mechanic and Qwark being a bumbling yet devious pawn.

The gameplay is okay. I mean, it really is just Ratchet & Clank 1 again, but with much less intriguing environments to explore and some little QoL additions from other games in the series like lock-strafing. It does the job well enough, but doesn't exactly leave a lasting impression, especially compared to the rest of the series and even more so compared to the original.

The major cutscenes are just scenes from the movie, which aren't great on their own but are made slightly worse by the 'Gameplay recording paused' notification that comes and goes every time a new movie clip starts.

Some of the voice acting, too, is just baaad. Bella Thorne as Cora, the not-Talwyn stand-in character, is probably the worst offender. No offense to her, but every single line sounds phoned in to an almost impressive degree. It's truly a bizarre creative choice to bring in celebrities, considering the staple series characters are reprised by their original voice actors too, but I digress.

I could go on, as I do have more cons than pros about the 2016 remake, but you've probably heard them dozens of times from dozens of other people by now. Gameplay-wise, it's an okay-ish remake of the original with a few decent sections and the Pixelizer, which is easily the highlight, but is otherwise well worth skipping or just playing the original again.


Gold colored garbage. Looks good, plays nice. But character wise have none of it.

My journey of ratchet and clank would be abandoned just as it started right there on a low note, until a year later I see a video that convinces me to try again but with the og game this time

At the risk of making this review sound like a flex, playing this game with the 60 FPS patch on a PS5 honestly makes you forget the fact that the story is a disjointed, Frankenstein's Monster of a narrative cobbled together with shots from a mediocre video game movie. Story sucks, sure, but man, this game hits all the sweet notes of shooty shooty colorful blowy uppy that my brain enjoys. There were times where there were no enemies and all I was doing was just looking around and absorbing the environment art in this game. Game still looks great!

If you don't compare it to the 2002 game (which, to be honest, I didn't, and kept forgetting it was a remake at times despite many levels having their layouts cribbed from the PS2 game) and instead treat it as its own separate thing in its own separate universe, then it's perfectly enjoyable in its own right. Now that Rift Apart is out, this game is instead this weird little experiment that obviously didn't work, and it's fascinating just from that perspective.

A lot better than I expected it to be. A pretty decent reboot that I ended up having a lot of fun with even if it didn't really do anything new.

Disclaimer: These are my brief thoughts based on my memory of playing this 6 years ago:

This review contains spoilers


Clearing My Backlog #2

Ratchet and Clank was a big part of my childhood, I remember playing and enjoying the first trilogy on both the PS2, and the PS3. I don’t recall many specifics but the general feeling that those games invoked in me was joy, and I know for a fact that they were a lot better than whatever the hell this was. This is the most nothing burger videogame of all time, there is little to no substance behind any of the characters — whether it be their decision making or development — the same goes for the story, enemy variety, etc, all of it feels so incredibly middling and passable, which is exactly why it becomes not passable. I usually don’t mind giving games a pass if they have something in there that’s exceptional, or “good”, even if most other aspects are complete shit, but here, everything is so dull and basic to the point where it just becomes a boring experience.

Let’s start off with the good stuff. The graphics are very pretty, especially on select planets like Rilgar, Batalia, Quartu, Pokitaru, and Kalebo 3. I love how vibrant (some of) these planets are, and the colours really pop, not every planet is like this though as some are just “fine” for the lack of anything to really look at such as Veldin, Aridia, and the Deplanetizer.

Second, it’s just really fun to defeat hordes upon hordes of enemies while thousands of bolts fly towards you making those numbers go up, it gave me heavy LEGO vibes, and I adore that. This is also made more fun by how many weapons there are, the vast majority of them are really enjoyable to use and offer some much-needed variety, even if the enemies are lacking in that department. I do think that a lot of the weapons, especially the Doom Blades are overpowered as hell; when they’re fully upgraded it takes a few seconds to defeat full on bosses which makes those entire sections a bit of a joke. That’s pretty much everything I liked about the game, everything else is a complete failure.

The characters are so boring, there’s nothing here that’s even remotely interesting in regards to their development, because it simply happens too fast. Ratchet goes from a nobody working on a scrapyard to the Captain of the Rangers in what seems like an extremely short amount of time, and it just rubs me the wrong way. The same thing happens with his friendship with Clank, it progresses too damn fast, which makes it feel so lifeless.

There’s not much to do gameplay-wise, like I said before, everything lacks variety, and that’s also true in how the planets have very little to do on them. Sometimes you can go off the beaten path and find some collectible shit, but it’s going to take you maybe 10 minutes max to do those side things, and once you leave a planet you have absolutely no reason to go back there, which is a shame considering you’re only on each one for about 30-40 minutes. There’s also these missions where you get to play as Clank, and oh my god… just no; they throw these puzzles at you, and they are the most mind-numbing sections in the whole game. The flying sections are also terrible, I don’t know if this was just me, but the controls were so unresponsive and clunky, not fun at all.

Another thing that bugged me was the OST, which just screams generic heroic themes, so so so bad. There’s also a suit Ratchet gets near the beginning of the game that is very much a downgrade to his original one, and I was a bit disappointed that the game doesn’t allow you to switch back.

Overall, just a very bare-bones game that probably should’ve had a bit more thought put into it.

Playtime: 18.5 hours

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
Playstation Exclusives - Ranked
Clearing My Backlog
2016 - Ranked

This game is depressing. Do yourself a favor and play the OG.

Just the fucking first game but worse like what the fuck???

absolutely embarrassing bastardization of a classic

É bom!!!!!!! Mas não chega a ser ótimo. Muito bom reviver a história do Ratchet e Clank depois de tantos e tantos anos (pela nostalgia, a história em si é bem bosta xD), mas acho que eu esperava um pouquinho mais do gameplay. Não que ele seja ruim ou não prazeroso, transformar todo mundo em pixel estava MUITO gostoso. É bem fluido e tranquilo de jogar e tal, mas falo mais da dificuldade.

O jogo é bem fácil, recursos praticamente não acabam, não me vi em uma situação de perrengue em momento algum do jogo exceto pela ultima boss fight. Uma coisa que me incomodou pra caralho é a assistência forçada do jogo, me senti tratado como um retardado, eu não podia parar pra explorar por 3 minutos nenhum mapa que vinha a voz do Clank, da Elaris ou do Quark AZUCRINAR MINHA CABEÇA falando o que eu devo fazer ou pra onde devo ir. Nutelou legal o jogo, e além disso, a partir do momento que eu começo a juntar parafusos pra comprar ou melhorar a arma QUE EU QUERO vem a porra do maluco da lojinha falar TODA HORA que eu to com parafuso demais, que eu tenho que comprar um TAMBOR DE PROTONS. CARALHO CARA EU NÃO QUERO O TAMBOR DE PRÓTONS, PARE DE FALAR. Also, a dublagem do Clank é PÉSSIMA. Maluco nem parece um robô.

Fora isso, muito nostálgico e bem legal de jogar, com certeza jogarei o Rift Apart, que também é BEM mais recente e pronto de verdade pro PS5, esse jogo aqui é de 2015 então talvez estou sendo um pouco duro com ele...

depois de dois meses sem jogar direito, peguei esta merda. fui inventar de colocar no difícil. acredito que na dificuldade normal deve ser tranquilo, mas, quando você precisa prestar mais um pouquinho de atenção pra jogar, é o momento de perceber os defeitos.
que movimentação bosta, cara. que fluídez cagada de combate, cara. jogo de 2016 e ainda entupido de bug, cara.... fora isso, o que fizeram com a trilha sonora deveria der considerado um dos maiores crimes de todos os tempos.
basicamente pegaram um jogo muito bem feito, original e ENGRAÇADO de ps2 e fizeram um remake cagado em quase tudo. a história é contada de uma maneira tão imbecil, cara . eu não dei UMA risada jogando isso. ficam forçando piadinha besta, forçando atuação esquisita, cenas desnecessariamente michael bay das ideia e é CHEIO de cutscene. cutscene. várias. muitas. em um plataforma.
acho que a única coisa que me prendeu nessa criminalidade toda foi o fato de eu estar chapado e há 2 meses sem jogar nada pq se não tinha tido um avc nos primeiros 5 minutos.

This is so much more than the 3D platformer with light collect-a-thon elements I thought it would be. Insomniac Games has crafted an action experience that makes this game just as much of a 3rd person shooter as the Gears of War series on Xbox systems (minus the cover mechanics). The explosive combat and surprisingly deep weapon upgrading systems allow the game to have wide-ranging appeal for gamers of any type. So despite the kid-friendly mien, this is far greater than a mere children's game.

The story in Ratchet & Clank has you traveling to several different, bright and colorful planets that look absolutely gorgeous. This is one of the prettiest games on the PS4 and the animation is stunning. Visually it's right up there with the best animated kid movies. The story is both a reimagining of the original R&C game as well as an expansion on the plot of the film adaptation. It's all serviceable, but I found no interest in the narrative as there seemed to be some missing details. Also I feel the majority of the humor falls flat. The actual laughs are few.

Exploring each of the game's planets is a blast. The joy of discovery is real. Everything comes off as genuinely alien and otherworldly. I was instantly pulled into combing every nook and cranny for whatever the developer hid there. In a lot of ways this how Mass Effect: Andromeda should have felt. Of course fighting your way through stages makes up the majority of what you'll be doing here. Combat feels mostly great and fights are both frantic and energetic. I had a slight problem with how the lock on system is handled for certain weapons. Nothing that got in the way of my ability to shoot effectively, but it never quite felt like that aspect was programmed quite as well as it could/should of been. Platforming is spot-on and what few diversions there are offer nice breaks in the action.

Insomniac has created a stellar sci-fi adventure that can be picked up and played by gamers of all ages. It offers enough depth and satisfying action to ensure that it appeals to older audiences while never being too complicated to prevent the younger players out there from picking it up and having fun as well. It's a master class in adventure and hands down one of the PS4's best exclusives.
