Reviews from

in the past

Veredito: O ápice dos jogos retrô, absoluto e indiscutível.

A onda indie dos anos 2000 e 2010 trouxe jogos de orçamento relativamente baixo que são absolutamente incríveis, e que as grandes empresas da época jamais teriam coragem de fazer. Boa parte deles fortemente inspirados pelo Nintendinho, Mega Drive e Super Nintendo: Shovel Knight é maravilhoso, Super Meat Boy é excelente, Spark e Freedom Planet são ótimos também, Hollow Knight é simplesmente imaculado e perfeito... Só pra citar os mais óbvios.

Mas pra mim nenhum chega aos pés deste aqui.

The Messenger não é só "bom".

Super Mario Bros 3 é bom.
Donkey Kong Country é bom.
Dynamite Headdy é bom.

The Messenger é o suprassumo da foderosidade, é o topo do pico do cume da montanha voadora mais alta com uma escada infinita em cima, é um jogo que acontece quando você pega o orgasmo mais intenso do sexo mais gostoso com a pessoa mais tesuda que você conhecer e mistura esse orgasmo com um puta sorvetão enorme de amarena em cima e menta em baixo, com cobertura de chocolate e paçoca no topo. É churrasco na praia com os seus melhores amigos, a galera mais divertida e alto-astral, o queijo coalho mais bem preparado com a cerveja mais gelada, a água do mar limpinha com as ondas mais intensas pra tomar os tombos mais hilários, para depois todo mundo fazer um luau com marshmallow e rir juntos no fim do dia.

The Messenger é um jogo de ação e plataforma 2D simplesmente FODA. Tudo nele é FODA. A história é hilária e mindblowing ao mesmo tempo, os diálogos são mais bem escritos que os melhores livros de comédia/filosofia, as mecânicas e as fases são mais bem polidas que a superfície do carro do Ayrton Senna, a tradução pt-BR é simplesmente a melhor que já vi na vida, o mundo é absurdamente bem construído e amarrado. A música de The Messenger MEU DEUS A MÚSICA DE THE MESSENGER não é deste mundo, eu me recuso a acreditar que um chiptune tão absurdo e perfeito foi composto por um ser humano terráqueo.


Você até pode não gostar de The Messenger, é seu direito. Assim como você pode não gostar de sorvete. Tudo bem, você tem todo o direito de estar errado. E eu hei de defender esse direito seu até a minha morte!
PS: Me pergunto se alguém que não me conhece vai ler esse último parágrafo e achar que falei sério. XD

Facebook Messenger is an American messaging app and platform developed by Facebook, Inc. Originally developed as Facebook Chat in 2008, the company revamped its messaging service in 2010, and subsequently ... Wikipedia

Veredito: Extremamente sólido, bem escrito e, ao mesmo tempo, original e nostálgico.

Tem um roteiro que alterna entre mindblow e hilário, abusando da quebra da quarta parede. Mal passei da 2ª fase e minha esposa brigou comigo (com razão, já tava bem tarde) por estar rindo alto demais. XD O jeito como ele subverte jogabilidade e roteiro ao mesmo tempo é muito bem feito, criando expectativas pra despedaçá-las logo depois, com reviravoltas e plot devices muito bem pensados, tanto os obrigatórios quanto os opcionais, além de novas mecânicas extremamente bem colocadas. 'A graça de Undertale é que subverte as expectativas do jogador e os clichês do gênero' disse qualquer um que nunca jogou The Messenger. E a tradução pt-BR é muito boa.

Fora isso, é um plataforma 2D de ação (pense num Ninja Gaiden moderno e sem defeitos e ao mesmo tempo num Shovel Knight com esteróides, com música PUTA QUE PARIU GOD TIER TOTAL) com um ritmo e sistema de progressão praticamente impecáveis: sempre tem coisa interessante acontecendo, algo pra gastar dinheiro e uma habilidade nova pra usar. E com um peso ENORME em manter o momentum: quanto mais tu foca em estar sempre avançando e quanto mais bundas você chuta, melhor o jogo flui. Graças ao inusitado pulo duplo (pode pular de novo infinitamente, mas só quando bater em alguém/alguma coisa) e ao level design fodão, você pode jogar seguro e controlado (que também é divertido) ou fazer um ciclo infinito de pula-ataca-pula até o fim da fase, quase sem tocar no chão.

Passei de sessões de elevador inteiras sem usar o elevador, só subindo de alvo em alvo com esse combo, e PUTA MERDA COMO É GOSTOSO CONSEGUIR FAZER ESSA PORRA!!!

The whole indie scene loves the Messenger Duck, a Ninja Gaiden throwback with fun twists and interesting game mechanics! 5 seconds later We regret to inform you the duck is a jordan peterson fan

horrible dialogue, inconsequential level design, copy pasted enemies, forgettable bosses... wait this is just the first half

This game is awesome. Idc that it became a Metroidvania and shit, one of the coolest 2D platformers I've ever played

A creative and fun platformer. I like it’s characters, it’s soundtrack, it’s self aware, meta humour, it’s ability to keep subverting my expectations, and all the little retroactive connections with Sea of Stars, having played that first. It begins to somewhat lose me after the halfway point and the big twist, which is a shame because I knew about it going in and I thought that would be when the game really clung to me. Instead I just found it became more of a slog, I was definitely hoping to see more bosses, more power-ups, just more to see and do in general.

Peguei esse jogo pra jogar só pq saiu Sea of Stars e queria pegar todas as referências, e meus amigos...que jogo FODA!

Quando você acha que chegou no fim, o jogo expande com novas mecânicas incríveis.
As músicas são sensacionais e viciantes, e eles se prestaram pra em cada uma delas fazer uma versão 8 bit, uma 16 bit, e ainda a distorção delas pra quando vc tá em baixo da água, ficou absurdo.
Um jogo claramente inspirado por Ninja Gaiden e com algumas referências, MUITO humor e extremamente satisfatório de jogar mecanicamente falando.
Personagens carismáticos, incluindo os próprios inimigos, o que não é tão comum assim infelizmente.
Boa parte dos diálogos, piadas, e até bastante história você vai ver falando com o Shopkeeper, incluindo bastante pontos que você pode levar pra vida.

Só não dou 10 porque ele não é muito intuitivo pra onde você tem que ir na 2ª parte do jogo, dá pra ficar perdido meio fácil.

Pretty fun game all things considered! Super fun levels all around with some fun movement options. The latter half of the game doesn't stick the landing as much as the first, but it's still overall a really enjoyable time!

Talvez esse jogo não tenha significado nada pra você ou só foi um indie divertido, mas, pra mim, esse jogo foi o que me fez entrar no mundo de jogos indies. The Messenger tem tantas mecânicas legais que chega até ser relaxante a progressividade desse jogo. Visualmente, esse jogo é incrível, as cores, os sprites, animações etc. Tudo muito lindo. Esse jogo muito provavelmente foi o meu primeiro jogo indie que joguei (ou pelo menos o que eu sabia que era um endie), ele me abriu tantas portas que sem ele não conheceria outros jogos incríveis que conheci. Ele me mostrou o outro lado dos jogos e que eles podem sim ser obras de arte. Só tenho à agradecer esse jogo.

This is a tough ranking for me. It’s between 3.5 and 4, but for now I’m going with a 3.5.

This game is awesome. The art, music, and gameplay are near perfect to me, and then out of nowhere it becomes my favorite genre about a 1/3 of a way through the game! I had such a fun time plying and I’m glad I decided to 100% it. Also, the game is funny as hell!

The two big gripes I have with The Messenger are 1) The warp points and 2) I feel like the game went on a little bit longer than it should have. It could be because I decided to get everything and some areas do not have warp points, so you have to go through multiple huge zones to get to them, but I digress.

Awesome game, music I will be humming in my head for the next few months, and an excitement to see what this team does next!

Frustration, this game gave me a lot of frustration. Yet I kept playing it, because the controls felt so nice.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
+- Gameplay;
I'm very mixed about how I experienced this game. The controls are super tight and when you get good at it you can fly though the levels. But at the same time there are parts that are so hard it feels unfair. The dark souls games never made me this salty...
The metroidvania part of this game is pretty bad. The hints are too vague to solve without using hints or a guide. Also the fast travel options are too much spread out, meaning when you're going the wrong way you've lost a lot of time while at the same time gaining a headache.

+ Music;
Nice catchy tracks that switch between 8bit and 16bit.

+ Graphics;
Same as the music, nice unique areas that switch between 8bit and 16bit.

+ Story/Characters;
Simple and funny, perfect for a game like this.

Idk, I'd say no but I've played worse games I'd recommend which deserve it less.

An ambitious platformer filled with snarky dialogue and a pretty cool twist that turns the game completely around. The game started to feel a little bit of a slog towards the end, but it's a great play for anyone looking to embark on a solid 2D adventure.

A love letter to an era of gaming long gone but without it's more tedious aspects. I never played the original Ninja Gaiden, I've seen a lot of gameplay, watched the AVGN episode, it's nothing I really want to touch. Yet this felt like this game, but more. There's some witty writing, movement upgrades that seemingly fit into combat, fun levels and bosses and some really meta aspects that elevate this game beyond just being fanservice for fans of the 8-bit era. It's a game worth going blind into for various reasons and worth picking up in a sale for everyone who's even remotely interested in the era this game reminds you of.

I wish it was written in literally any other way

Someone in the backloggd server told me about how the devs are in love with Jordan Peterson and I lost all the love I felt for it almost instantly

The Messenger é um jogo que eu não conhecia até esse ano, simplesmente passou batido por mim por todo esse tempo. Estava com um saldo na minha conta da steam e estava buscando algum jogo que rodasse na minha torradeira e achei ele por puro acaso, achei a capa linda, vi que rodava e comprei, sem mais nem menos e totalmente as cegas, o que provou ser um baita tiro acertado.

The Messenger é um jogo de ação/plataforma retrô em 2D, e a maior definição que eu coloco nele é que ele basicamente é 'Um jogo retrô que decide apostar mais na diversão do que na bullshit'', ele é um jogo desafiador na medida certa, seu gameplay rápido e dinâmico é divertido pra cacete, sair pulando por aí fazendo os inimigos virarem purê enquanto se movimenta pelo mapa de maneira rápida trouxe um loop de gameplay bem divertido. Os bosses são muito bons e o jogo é lindo de morrer. A primeira metade de The Messenger é absolutamente incrível, já a segunda, que após um ponto de virada que não vou entrar em detalhes, acabou por matar meu ritmo com o jogo por um tempinho, me fazendo demorar mais tempo pra finalizar do que eu gostaria, achei ele um pouquinho arrastado, mas nada que tenha prejudicado o produto final entretanto, ainda é um jogo bem completinho. A história é hilária e tem totalmente o meu tipo de humor, e de quebra ainda consegue passar boas mensagens mais que muita coisa sugestiva por aí.

É um dos melhores jogos indies que já joguei e merece muito uma sequência, embora tenha tido um problema de ritmo que me fez encostá-lo por um tempinho, ainda sai bem satisfeito com o resultado final, é um jogo feito com muito carinho, cheio de referências e com muita alma, de fato uma aventura inesquecível, já estou com saudades.

PS: E eu achava que o melhor mercador dos jogos era o do Resident Evil 4, o quão errado eu estava...

Not only is it a bad game, it has Jordan Peterson propaganda!

Play the first half for a superlative recreation of 8-bit action platformer goodness.
Play the second half for a putrid time with a 16-bit metroidvania knock-off.

A challenging clever game. Well-written dialogue and intelligent interchange between 8-bit and 16-bit AND between classicvanias and metroidvanias

One of the best throwback games I've ever played. Throughout the first half of this game, I was having such a good time going through all of the different stages and when the second half started, it just refreshed everything and made me want to go through everything again. The controls and different abilities are tight and feel great making each level feel like a small playground if you're skilled enough. The writing in this game is also great with small jokes that made me laugh and a story that actually felt important. The different things you see in this game are so memorable and are something that everyone should try out.

Still on the search of a compelling argument as to why the second half is a downgrade

Music and gameplay are top notch. The diffculty in this is spot on for me. It’s not overly hard by any means but it’s also not a breeze. I found the shop keeper hilarious. There are only a handful of games that have ever made me laugh out loud while playing by myself but this one gave me a few of those. I loved the twist and wasn’t expecting it at all. My only gripe is the amount of backtracking and the lack of knowledge you initially have to go off of after the twist. Great great game though.

The first half was great, but the second is an annoying backtracking slog with worse music.

The level design is great for the most part, but I wish there was a bigger mechanical difference between the two time periods you explore. The future you go to is representative of how graphics in games have evolved, but the gameplay doesn't really reflect that.

The messenger é aquele tipo de jogo que você não espera tanta coisa, mas no fim supera suas expectativas e vai ainda mais além. Não vou comentar nada relacionado a como ele me surpreendeu dessa forma para não dar spoilers mesmo, mas caralho, seus plots e reviravoltas realmente me pegaram desprevenido.

Estamos falando aqui de um game que esbanja bom humor além de tudo, me peguei diversas vezes rachando de rir com os diálogos pra lá pitorescos que surgem no caminho. A tradução para português do Brasil só melhora tudo, é uma pérola.

Artisticamente o game é interessante também, não fazendo feio nos gráficos e música. Apesar de que nas músicas dá pra achar uns bangers indiscutíveis, extremamente empolgantes e dançantes, e outras musiquinhas bem foda-se também. Mas no geral, dá muito pro gasto.

Somente joguem isso, porque vale muito a pena.

I was on a pretty big high after playing Katana Zero so of course I'll take you up on an offer to play a similar ninja based slashy pixel art game. Wait what? This game plays worse than the NES games it's trying to parody and the humor is some of the cringiest I have ever encountered. And then I get to the twist! The game now looks and sounds so unforgivably bad I couldn't play any further.

É um bom jogo, com uma história super engraçada e bem contada. É muito bom quando uma história não se leva a sério, mas também sabe explorar bons elementos pra não ficar totalmente escrachada. As mecânicas são bem competentes e as lutas no geral são bem justas. A fase do céu (evitando spoilers) é a mais divertida!

O ponto que The Messenger mais peca é a exploração dos ambientes... Os portais são um pouco mal distribuídos e as passar inúmeras vezes pelas mesmas torturantes sessões de plataforma acabam tornando o ritmo do jogo desnecessariamente lento e até mesmo irritante.

Apesar de eu ter gostado bastante do jogo, pensei que fosse gostar mais de The Messenger, já que ele é bem elogiado e eu sou muito fã de jogos 2D de plataforma e metroidvania... Não joguem nada com expectativas muito altas! Mas no geral, se você gosta minimamente de jogos de plataforma em 2D e metroidvanias, vai fundo que é diversão garantida! :)

Amazing game. One of the best platformers I've ever played, easily. I highly recommend this game. It will surprise you and do things you don't expect at all. It just kept getting better and better throughout my playtime. So yeah, play this game if you can.

The Messenger is an interesting take on NES-era game design with cool art and music, but its central “twist” leaves a lot to be desired. What are, at their core, good levels and mechanics are held back by terrible pacing and frustrating design decisions.

6 / 10
This is a game I wish I could like more than I do. And that’s kinda sad, because when I first started playing it, I thought this could very well enter my top games of this year. When I think about it, it has all the hallmarks of a great game. Its mechanics are certainly very polished, to the point where it’s hard to believe that this was really made by a small Indie studio. The music is very memorable, and the art style(s) look fantastic.

And yet, somehow I found myself increasingly annoyed with this game, the longer I played it. Something just doesn’t feel quite right with it all, and despite some great ideas here, The Messenger’s individual elements somehow add up to less than the sum of its part. The thing is, I even heard from a friend how they found this game very disappointing, which I found strange because it seemed pretty cool to me. But I realised what he meant at the half-way point at the latest.

It definitely starts out very strong. At first, it presents itself as a fairly simple, 8-bit NES-Ninja Gaiden-style, old-school action-platformer. You start the game as a young ninja, who receives a magic scroll that he has to carry up a mountain after his village has been destroyed by demons - simple enough. Some small bits of exposition out of the way, and we’re thrown right into the first level.

Let’s talk about the gameplay then; for what it does in the early levels, it’s more than enough. Combat is snappy and quick. You only have 2 weapons; a sword, and some shuriken you can unlock super early (you could also ignore them for the whole game though). Enemies tend to die in a single hit, with some exceptions that take 2-3 hits to kill. The trade off for this: they respawn literally as soon as the screen rolls past them. Again, absolutely fine for an old-school, linear NES-style platformer that doesn’t really expect you to do much backtracking. There is no dash move, so you have to dodge enemy attacks purely with proper positioning and jumping. This is all very fun. Nothing special, or crazy or hugely innovative, but a nice throwback to some nostalgic 8-bit platformers.

The next few levels are fine as well, and they introduce some of the game’s permanent power ups. The first level also gave you the wall climb ability, but the next levels make more use of progression upgrades. This is, of course, some foreshadowing into the game’s major “twist”. At this point in my playthrough it’s been quite fun, and I blasted through almost half of the early game within 2 hours. I did notice a significant increase in difficulty quite early on, but so far nothing too egregious.

I can’t really say when exactly my experience with this game went from mostly enjoyable to downright laborious, but I think it must’ve been around the Searing Cracks or Glacial Peak levels when I couldn’t stop noticing that “this is a bit frustrating.” It was a pretty gradual progression to that point. I can’t even really say what exactly it was, maybe it’s a mix of a lot of things. The fact that enemy variety is a bit lacking - there are maybe 20 unique enemies throughout the ENTIRE game, and at this point it’s maybe half of that - certainly doesn’t help with the fact that a single mistake can kill you and send you back to the checkpoint. I think my biggest problem are what feel like extremely cheap, trolly ways to kill the player, like: (including but not limited to) instant-kill traps, platforming sections that expect WAY more of you than it should (given your extremely limited air mobility), projectiles or enemies that come out of nowhere when you’re mid air, etc. To make it short: a lot of the game’s “challenges” feel like you don’t have any real way of anticipating whatever comes next. It feels very “trial and error”.

If the game had kept this style of gameplay up until the end, I’d probably still really like it. A great old school platformer with some (appropriately) frustrating sections. A love letter to old school games. But sadly, this isn’t where it ends.

No, this game has a “twist”. It’s not exactly a secret since it was heavily featured in the marketing, but around 30-40% through this game, it suddenly changes art styles from 8-bit to 16-bit (or, NES to SNES), which is diegetically contextualised as “travelling through time”, as well as shift from a level-to-level type progression system into full-blown Metroidvania.

Both of that sounds extremely cool, and like an absolute no-brainer. But sadly, I have almost equally as many issues with both, and I happen to think that the game was pretty good UP UNTIL this point. See, what I did like about The Messenger’s early game is how fun it is to rush through these levels at (relatively) breakneck speed. But the MV approach here slows that pacing down to a crawl. Now you suddenly have to go back to every single level, backtrack through almost all of them - through areas you’ve already been to - just to get to some short spots within those areas where you can now change the time period manually. Again, this sounds really cool in principle, but ultimately it changes very little of actual substance here. The most it’ll do with these time-changing puzzle rooms is to very slightly alter their layouts, and make some paths impassable (or the reverse) in either mode. Very occasionally it’ll even his feels like an insane waste of potential. No new enemies, no extra abilities, no time-exclusive zones, nothing. For what feels like 90% of the game, you’re going to look at the same enemies, areas and bosses, regardless of NES or SNES era. This was by far the biggest disappointment for me with this whole game. Here we have this twist that’s been built up for literally half of the game, AND was used as the main selling point, and it doesn’t do anything interesting with it.

What’s worse is how the switch to MV completely destroys this game’s previously very good pacing. Where the game would throw you from one area to the next and keep this gravy train going, the second half pulls the brakes HARD. Running from one area to the next is fine if you do it ONCE. If you have to do it over and over again, it gets real tedious real fast.

It’s really unfortunate just how inconsistent this whole experience is. Some levels are fun, others are tedious. Some are clever, others are just annoying. Levels feel like there’s no rhyme or reason to their structure, it’s just random platform challenge after platform challenge. What’s worse is that this game seemingly paid no attention to the fact that IF you’re going to make a Metroidvania without readily available fast travel you need to account for it by making the world efficiently traversable on foot. Getting anywhere takes bloody ages, and forces you through areas you’ve already cleared 20 times by this point. Other MVs understand this perfectly, deliberately designing their world specifically around it. The Messenger feels like somebody created a bunch of platforming levels and tried to retroactively and haphazardly create some “connection parts” between them. This would all be fine if the truly excessive amounts of backtracking in this game felt like there was ANY point to it. But it truly feels like more than half it could’ve been cut down if they just allowed you to fast-travel between checkpoints rather than letting you WALK through all of it again and again.

Something equally and annoying and tedious would be this game’s writing for me. Now, this truly is a matter of taste, and humour differs widely between people, but GODDAMN am I fucking sick and tired of “meta-humour”. I can’t stand it at this point. “BRO did you realise you’re actually playing a VIDEO GAME!?!?” Yes. Yes, I did. It’s one thing if the humour is actually clever and makes a point, like The Stanley Parable, or Undertale or even something like Hotline Miami. This just feels super uninspired and tired. I can honestly say I did not really enjoy the humour here, which is wild considering how much praise it got.

I wanna quickly talk about the boss fights, and highlight another design decision I really do not understand; the amount of waiting you have to do in ALL boss fights. All of them demand that you simply stand or walk around and avoid damage, without anything you can do to somehow cut down the time, or play more efficiently. To me, this is one of the golden rules of any combat system; NEVER rely on waiting as one the core mechanics of any fight. It’s boring at best, and downright infuriating if the boss is somehow difficult. Luckily I can say that the vast majority of bosses are very easy, and only took me about 5 tries at the most. The final boss in particular feels like an absolute joke considering what you fought before. The sad thing is that the combat system does feel nice and it could totally work, but it really IS the designs of the bosses themselves that are the issue here.

At least the game is quite short. I think I was done with all of it after 15-ish hours, I even went out of my way to gather as many collectibles I could be bothered with. I wanna say it doesn’t overstay it’s welcome, but that wouldn’t be quite true, by the end I was kinda hoping for it to be over soon.

In conclusion, there will be certainly a lot of people that will really like this game. I’ll say that I noticed that there was a tendency for people that usually don’t really play MVs to like it, while the opposite seems to be true for people who are big fans of the MV genre. There is certainly a lot of love and passion in this game, it’s just sad that it all kind of ended up as a middling experience for me.

6 / 10