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Though this is a standalone expansion, it still has all the production value and high quality of any other Naughty Dog game. It was a fun romp of a story. The Uncharted series is very near and dear to me heart and it was a little weird not playing as Nathan at first, but Chloe and Nadine are a great duo and it is so refreshing to get a game in this series from the female perspective. Their banter is entertaining and I loved watching their relationship develop. They were awesome. Of course the game looks incredible as well and I loved the Indian setting and lore. I really only have one complaint and it's something that happens in pretty much all Naughty Dog games; sometimes the game just kills you and you get a cheap death. Maybe the controls were wonky when you needed them to be precise or you took a turn the game didn't want you to take. Either way, you're dead. The load times are short and checkpoints are generous so this isn't a huge issue, but it's bothersome. I see it most often in the Last of Us games but it happens here most often of all and it's slightly annoying. At least you don't have to watch horrific death animations every time. Other than this, I think Lost Legacy is one of the strongest entries in this series.

Man, I forgot how fun Uncharted games are. Loved Chloe and Nadine in this one, I wouldn’t mind getting full games with them in the future since Nathan’s story is complete.

Good character interaction, motion capture, beautiful environment, and some fun cheats when you beat the game if you replay levels. But the base gameplay still hasn't improved since Uncharted 2, still is using the same dull time wasting environment traversal (you get the scripted handhold breaking and your character falling a little lower maybe 7 times in this game) and shape matching puzzles, movement isn't as fluid as it should be, and this was pretty short. I don't get the narrative obsession in games lately with daddy issues especially when it comes to women (apparently mommy/daddy issues with already a big part of 4 which I haven't played yet which kind of makes it even more cliche). The open world level some people loved was not mechanically interesting, it is a somewhat large space for a game like this and it's pretty but you are just driving around to complete simple puzzles or to get into a short combat encounter, the whole thing is very short if you aren't interested in going around looking for every collectible item or photo opportunity. The actual set piece moments that the series is best at are missing from the level and the ones found in the game in general aren't as interesting as other titles in the series.

best uncharted game story gameplay and characters wise (minus sam drake). make a sequel

I love Chloe and Nadine's dynamic so much. I hope we get more adventures with them in the future.

A really fun spin-off, more of a full game than I expected. The open world section worked decently but I hope they don't go full open world with the next game.

Really enjoyed the shorter nature of this game which still manages to pack all the action, exploration, and set pieces that mainline games feature. This game features new semi-open-world sections in certain chapters that are fun to explore and offer something new to the series. Graphics and overall presentation are top-notch and in line with the Uncharted games.

Everything is a step down from Thieves End, but I audibly gasped when I saw elephants

Great expansion.
Uncharted gameplay without Nathan Drake works surprisingly well, not in the least because of the desire to not mess with the story and character arc of Uncharted 4. Starts off a bit casual (which isn't negative per se), but the last act is utterly fantastic.

Just a really fun playthrough.

Probably the most experimental Naughty Dog game in recent memory? Not to be confused with ambitious (that goes to The Last of Us Part II), but they were really trying a bunch of new things here. It's not as good as Uncharted 4 (playing both back-to-back hurts this game quite a bit), but this is a fantastic game when you look at it as a wholly separate entity. Chloe's my favorite character in the franchise and Nadine is my favorite villain, so their banter was always fun to hear and it carries the game pretty hard since it's just them for the most part. The gameplay's just as good, if not better than Uncharted 4's (this is the first Naughty Dog game that truly nails their "Wide Linear" design approach), and the story's relatively simple but well told. the only two things that hurt this game are the lack of location variety and its short length. All in all, it's really good send-off to Naughty Dog's Uncharted games (because we all now some other studio's probably working on Uncharted 5 right now)

Uncharted Lost Legacy - 8,7/10

tl;dr: O que Uncharted 4 poderia ter sido

Fico feliz por ter jogado esses jogos na ordem que foram lançados. Cheguei nesse último sabendo quem eram Chloe e Nadine. Personagens que foram até bem trabalhadinhas... Nada muito marcante mas são boas. Mas essa Chloe... Eu duvido que ela não tenha sido inspirada na clássica Lara Croft de antigamente (jogos pré 2013).

Uncharted lost Legacy é um jogo que vai direto ao ponto. Te apresenta o vilão, o objetivo e vai você buscá-lo. É curto mas parece o tamanho ideal para manter o entretenimento sem que você torça para acabar logo (Uncharted 4). Eu até prefiro a história que é contada nesse do que a do 4.

Não tem o que falar da jogabilidade... É DLC do Uncharted 4. Tem corda/gancho, tem tiroteio, tem sheep com gancho pra destruir as coisa... A inovação eu diria que ficou com um esqueminha de exploração adicional que também foi usado no The Last of Us 2.

Jogo repleto de cenários bonitos, ruinas e selvas bem elaboradas... Padrão Naught Dog, eu diria. Eles sabem criar esse tipo de coisa.

É isso. Joguem Lost Legacy quando tiverem a oportunidade. Não acho melhor que o Uncharted 2 mas chega bem perto.

This review contains spoilers

This was a pretty solid adventure for fans of the Uncharted series, but not much more than that. It doesn’t do anything very original or interesting. It has the small open world section which they ended up incorporating into The Last of Us Part II as well, but it didn’t feel very compelling here, and the reward for exploring most of it is a bracelet that pulses near treasure, a collectible that’s been pretty meaningless in all of the Uncharted games. The lost city in Lost Legacy is beautiful, I’ll give them that. This features the same stellar level of quality in graphics and environments as Uncharted 4, although since Lost Legacy is based mostly in one area, the set pieces are far less varied. This can be forgiven since it’s a standalone DLC, not meant to be a globe-trotting adventure like the mainline games. Lost Legacy is longer than all three original Uncharted games respectively, but feels far shorter, since not much happens. This game felt really weird to play immediately after A Thief’s End. It felt reminiscent of fan fiction, and felt like it shouldn’t really exist. A Thief’s End tied up the Uncharted universe nicely, and tapping into this world again felt wrong. The game culminates in a combination of the train sequence from Uncharted 2, and the car chase sequence from Uncharted 4, but it isn’t nearly as interesting as either of those things. I felt like I’d played it before.

I feel like DLC for a single player game needs to expand upon the story of the base game in a meaningful way that feels like a necessary addition. The Last of Us: Left Behind is a great example of this. It filled in a gap in the original game’s story as well as providing meaningful background info on Ellie’s character, which gives the base game even more depth. Lost Legacy just felt like another lost city treasure hunt that very conveniently unites side characters from past games for a nostalgia trip. It didn’t feel to me like it had much purpose other than that. I feel like they should’ve just let Uncharted 4 be the end, and move on to something else.

I’m legitimately sad that this series is over. Playing the Uncharted games all in a row for the first time is my favorite gaming experience of the past couple years. I loved these games way more than I thought I would, and they’ll always have a special place in my heart.

Think the game could have done with being a bit longer, but what's there is a really endearing & fun adventure that finishes off Chloe's arc pretty nicely. Really liked Nadine in this as well, she gets a lot of time to shine here

Chloe's ass is back in all its glory.

Definitely below Uncharted 4, but still a pretty good game overall. I liked that there was a bracelet you could get that tells you when there's a collectible nearby. I didn't 100% this game but if I ever do that would make it easier, and I'm sure it's helpful for people who do 100% the Uncharted games. Of course, I thought it was required and spent a bunch of time finding the amulets for it, but it was fun to do a little more stealth and combat even if it wasn't required to do. Not much to say about this game though being pretty much an average Uncharted game of running around and shooting people, but the stealth is just as good as in 4, and I could still use my precious Mettler M-30. I don't know why I like that gun so much but it's my go-to weapon unless I'm in the multiplayer. The grapple coming back from 4 was also a fun part of the stealth and climbing. The best part of this game though had to be the end sequence, which was by far the best of all the uncharted games.

The next paragraph is gonna be filled with SPOILERS. So turn back if you haven't finished the game and care about spoilers.

So about that end sequence... My god it's amazing. It was like the convoy chase in Uncharted 4 or the caravan chase in Uncharted 3, mixed with the train sequence in Uncharted 2. It has driving up next to the train, throwing guys off the road, blowing up cars, climbing across the train, being a bit stealthy and throwing more people off the train, until you finally reach the bomb. Everything up to this point was a whole lot of fun with a ton of great action and fun gameplay. But then, you can't diffuse the bomb. You can't loosen it from the straps holding it in place, you don't know what to do to stop the bad guy's plan. Then Nadine comes up with something and you're back off the train, driving past it instead of to the front, because the front is welded shut, and you need to throw more people off the road and go to a switch, to divert the train. (I know most of you reading this already have seen or played through this but I'm just ranting about all the great parts of it because it's just such a good end sequence) When you get there you have to kill some guys trying to stop you and you just barely are able to switch the track in time to divert the train. Then you drive back to the train (which is a bit shorter now after breaking one of the links towards the front, which is smart to do before you have to get back on but from the other side, because if the train was longer you would have to wait for the whole thing to pass by and then drive all the way up to the front again. Also it's a really cool part of the sequence as you're doing it. FINALLY The end, where to get back on the train you JUMP FROM A CLIFF IN THE CAR INTO THE SIDE OF THE TRAIN, and then the big bad guy shows up for the final battle. I like that you get to fight him a little earlier in the game just to get a feel for it, and then Chloe and Nadine are teaming up on him for this last chance to stop his plan. It really shows how tough this guy is when he's doing so well against both Chloe and Nadine, especially if you played Uncharted 4 and saw Nadine do the same with Sam and Nate. Oh yeah Sam is also in the game. He doesn't appear till the later end but I like him so it was a good addition to throw him in there. Also you get to see Nadine go from hating him to being kind of ok with him. Last but not least, the credit scene. No spoilers for this and it's only like 30 seconds into the credits, but it's a throwback to the very beginning of the game and it's a nice little moment with everything winded back down. The bad guy is dead and the city is safe. I think this was my longest review and the vast majority was just raving about the end sequence. Honestly this could've been on the level of 4, and the train sequence really brought it close, but the characters, as good as they are, aren't as good as Nate Sully and Elena. If Sully made so much as a cameo I would've been happy though.

Cuantísimo hay que pasarle por alto a la saga Uncharted para que te dé uno o dos momentos rescatables. Juego de acción y aventuras cinematográfico dónde la acción se encuentra en tiroteos que han perdido el ritmo de Uncharted 2 a costa de expandir entornos, posibilidades y hacer énfasis en el sigilo. Aunque la escasez de munición invite a ello, ya no es gratificante salir de las coberturas, pues la amplitud del escenario te expone en demasía. La otra cara de su acción queda en las fases de escalada o plataformeo, en las que ni siquiera su afán porque toda estructura se venga abajo sirven para dotar de interés a sus mecánicas.

¡AVENTURA! Grita Uncharted mientras su discurrir se basa en resolver ejercicios facilongos recubiertos por el barniz de ocultas culturas milenarias. Supongo que el jefe de obra de estos imperios secretos sería un Diseñador de Niveles ™. Se comenta poco lo aburrido que es para su pretendido tono ligero.

Con cada entrega, Uncharted ha entregado un poquito más para parecer una película. Pero cuánto más imita, más fallido se siente. Intentar coreografiar cada acción del jugador al compás de lo que sucede en pantalla suele quedar en bochorno, y la cosa no mejora durante las escenas en las que el jugador no tiene el control. Ponerse delante de cualquier juego de la saga y pretender que asistimos al cine supone apagar por completo la suspensión de la incredulidad. Concesiones y más concesiones.

Al menos The Lost Legacy se deja de introspecciones hipócritas como las de la cuarta entrega y deja en primer plano la relación entre las protagonistas sin mucho adorno. Solo dinámicas surgiendo entre dos personas condenadas a entenderse. Esto y cómo se va fructificando en pequeños detallitos del gameplay es lo mejor que tiene que ofrecer el juego, pero es la aguja en el pajar.

An Uncharted story without Nathan Drake. Daunting at first, but this game makes you feel right at home with it's fun action, challenging puzzles, exploration, and fun!

Lost Legacy encourages exploration even more than most of the games, as Chapter 4 can be seen as an open world level with lots to do. This is easily the biggest distinction from this expansion compared to it's parent game.

While the set pieces are fun and intense as usual, Lost Legacy does not provide a set piece that is its own. The finale, while fun, is very much reminiscent of Uncharted 2 and 4. But when Uncharted 2 and 4's respective train/car sequences are so great, it's not too much to complain about.

Lastly, some great chemistry from the cast, Claudia, Laura, and Troy are excellent. The sarcasm and banter was kicked up to 11 for this game. Honestly, this is one of the funiest entries in the franchise.

All and all, lost legacy is worth the time for all Uncharted fans. Doesn't match up to most of the entries, but it's a nice expansion to the story.

all it took to making uncharted 4 good was adding cute little lesbians

Joguinho bem legal, historinha sessão da tarde, mas nesse tipo de jogo é mais que suficiente.

O jogo brilha mesmo em seus visuais, as florestas/construções indianas aqui são lindas demais. Boa ambientação é uma das coisas que eu mais curto nos videogames, e aqui ela é ótima.

A exploração na parte do mundo "semi aberto" também é bem legal, melhor parte do jogo pra mim. TLOU 2 bebeu muito daqui.

A Chloe sempre foi uma personagem interessante, esse jogo fez eu gostar ainda mais dela. A Nadine é uma ótima companheira também, gostei bem mais dela aqui no que no Uncharted 4.

A gameplay é basicamente a mesma do U4, bem sólida e divertida.

No mais é isso, se você quer uma experiência agradável e descompromissada, esse jogo é obrigatório pra quem tem Playstation.

É um ótimo standalone, segue alinha do Unchrted 4, jogabilidade e narrativa são muito semelhantes, mas o jogo se sustenta sozinho, as interações são muito boas e a Chloe é ótima como protagonista (sempre foi uma das melhores personagens secundárias)

Esse jogo meio que prova que dá pra fazer um Uncharted sem o Drake e que eles podem continuar a franquia no futuro se quiserem.
Mesmo sendo um jogo em menor escala Lost Legacy é muito bom e mantem o nível alto de qualidade da franquia!

This review contains spoilers

Not unlike Uncharted 4, Lost Legacy is absolutely visually stunning. The lighting, the colors, the water effects, everything works off of each other so nicely to create this graphical showcase. Being originally an expansion to Uncharted 4, there isn't a lot of substance here in terms of story, but what we do get is more than enough. Chloe and Nadine bounce really well off each other, and Sam's inclusion was a pleasant surprise. I believe it could be argued this is an overall better game than Drake's Fortune, and even did the convoy sequence better than Among Thieves, but considering that it's not meant to be anything more than an expansion, 2-4 are still better experiences.

The Lost Legacy bebe muito da fonte de Uncharted 4, diversas sessões de seu level design são idênticas ao jogo anterior, com exceção da ambientação, já as mecânicas também se repetem. Ainda sim é um standlone muito divertido, gunplay satisfatório, assim como a exploração, seu ato final é dinâmico e prazeroso. É um mistão de Uncharted 4, mas, funciona.

Já o enredo é simples e funcional como em todos os jogos da franquia, porém dou destaque pro bom arco de personagem da Chloe, além das interações dela com a Nadine serem divertidas e o crescimento gradual da relação das duas muito bem aplicado.

Tecnicamente é o que se espera de um jogo da Naughty Dog, direção de arte maravilhosa, ambientação interessante, Sound Design perfeito e um cuidado com cada detalhe que demonstra carinho, porém, o realismo nas reações e expressões de seus personagens não chegam perto de Uncharted 4, o que não é um problema, só algo a ser pontuado.

The Lost Legacy é um Uncharted que ninguém queria, mas satisfaz quem já é fã da franquia.

I didn't expect to care so much about these two's relationship as much as I did. They're characters we never saw interact before hand (to my memory, at least), so without anyone to connect them, that felt like a recipe for disaster, but no, it worked out rather well. And the game is basically just more of Uncharted 4, which they could do for the rest of time and I'd be satisfied.

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is an action-adventure game released on PlayStation 4 in 2017. So far is the latest entry of the Uncharted series and the first one in which Nathan Drake isn't in the game.

The game revolves around Chloe (a character met in Uncharted 2) and Nadine (met in Uncharted 4 as a rival), who are trying to find the Tusk of Ganesh located somewhere in India. This time, the one who is also on a lookout for this tusk is Asav a leader of a group of Kannadigan insurgents who waged a guerrilla war against the government of India.
The main story is much shorter than what we are used to get, it takes a bit more than 5 hours to finish it and because of this reason many players call this an extension or DLC of Uncharted 4, since the characters models and graphics are almost identical.
Even though the game is shorter, it still gives you many great weapons, encounters and puzzles to solve, everything what other games had, nothing new, nothing removed.

All in all, as every Uncharted game, the game offers a great experience, but this time in a smaller package. If you liked every Uncharted game so far, this is also a must have then.

loved to see Nadine's and Chloe's relationship improve throughout! made me enjoy the story more.

naughty dog if you can hear me please stop rerealising games and make new games naughty dog please