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This was a pretty solid adventure for fans of the Uncharted series, but not much more than that. It doesn’t do anything very original or interesting. It has the small open world section which they ended up incorporating into The Last of Us Part II as well, but it didn’t feel very compelling here, and the reward for exploring most of it is a bracelet that pulses near treasure, a collectible that’s been pretty meaningless in all of the Uncharted games. The lost city in Lost Legacy is beautiful, I’ll give them that. This features the same stellar level of quality in graphics and environments as Uncharted 4, although since Lost Legacy is based mostly in one area, the set pieces are far less varied. This can be forgiven since it’s a standalone DLC, not meant to be a globe-trotting adventure like the mainline games. Lost Legacy is longer than all three original Uncharted games respectively, but feels far shorter, since not much happens. This game felt really weird to play immediately after A Thief’s End. It felt reminiscent of fan fiction, and felt like it shouldn’t really exist. A Thief’s End tied up the Uncharted universe nicely, and tapping into this world again felt wrong. The game culminates in a combination of the train sequence from Uncharted 2, and the car chase sequence from Uncharted 4, but it isn’t nearly as interesting as either of those things. I felt like I’d played it before.

I feel like DLC for a single player game needs to expand upon the story of the base game in a meaningful way that feels like a necessary addition. The Last of Us: Left Behind is a great example of this. It filled in a gap in the original game’s story as well as providing meaningful background info on Ellie’s character, which gives the base game even more depth. Lost Legacy just felt like another lost city treasure hunt that very conveniently unites side characters from past games for a nostalgia trip. It didn’t feel to me like it had much purpose other than that. I feel like they should’ve just let Uncharted 4 be the end, and move on to something else.

I’m legitimately sad that this series is over. Playing the Uncharted games all in a row for the first time is my favorite gaming experience of the past couple years. I loved these games way more than I thought I would, and they’ll always have a special place in my heart.

Please give an Uncharted 60fps patch for PS5, please oh please!

The best Uncharted game and you're a sexist if you disagree

somehow better than uncharted 4

I was quite happy when they announced Chloe Frazer, one of my favourite supporting characters from the series, would get her own game. And it didn't disappoint! It was fantastic learning more about Chloe, discovering her as a more complex and interesting person than the glimpses from past games allowed us to see. The dynamic between Chloe and Nadine makes one of the best duo in the Uncharted series.

I might like this more than Uncharted 4! I think it is probably better paced than 4 and gameplay wise it feels like it keeps things more fresh and changes stuff up more often. But I played the first half of 4 a good few years ago, and 4 has Nathan drake and Elena and that banging epilogue. Anyway good game :)

It's Uncharted 4 verbatim, only without any of the humor. It includes all of the problems of its predecessor, such as imprecise aiming (unless heavily helped by aim assists), spongy enemies that aren't fun to fight, poor puzzles recycled badly from better franchise entries, repetitive setpieces, excessive use of walk&talk segments with a subpar cast of characters whose models only vaguely resemble their original counterparts.

If that weren't enough, it goes on to add a number of problems of its own, most notably the mazelike design of the "open world" jungle section, in which you drive around in a jeep with close to zero freedom of movement, following strict pathways whose interconnections are very poorly laid out. The result is that going from A to B is far from intuitive in many situations. One example above all: there is one chapter that starts with Chloe stranded in the jungle, slowly walking back towards the center of the map: there are many dead end paths the player can take and waste his time with, and only one way to get out, which requires re-entering a previously dead end optional tomb, which is now mysteriously opened on the other side, with no explanation whatsoever as to why and no signposting whatsoever, meaning the player will only ever wander in tghere out of desperation, having exhaused every other avenue.

Aside from that, the gameplay is exactly what you have come to expect: lots of "hold up and tap X" automatic climbing, environmental puzzles scraping the bottom of the creative barrel (they recycle the same PS1 era rotating tiles puzzle at least four times), predictable shooting action that's nowhere near as good as in the PS3 classics and lots, LOTS of cutscenes full of trite action adventure tropes that were tired and overdone in the 80s, plus a load of unfunny sass and attitude. Chloe was a perfectly fine support character in previous games, but she simply cannot carry an entire game on her own, especially when playing opposite an absolute sack of potatoes like frenemy Nadine, who is so forgettable that I had to look her up to remember where she appeared before.

Speaking of Nadine, her AI will irritate you to no end: she loves getting in the way of your shots when you're (already laboriously) aiming at an enemy, she steals all your best pieces of cover despite being invincible, sticks way too close and gets in the way during puzzles and jumping sequences and doesn't pull her own weight in combat at all, only ever using a pistol and often needing rescuing on top of not getting much done.

She is almost as annoying as that small dinosaur that followed you around in Starfox Adventures, and if you catch that reference, you have a pretty good idea of what we're looking at here. You'll likely yell at your TV more than once for Nadine to get out of the way. Remember when Sully, Chloe and Elena got in your way in Uncharted 1-3, to the point you'd wish they'd just leave? Me neither.

Lost Legacy is another subpar entry in a franchise that peaked in 2009 and should have ended with number 3 in 2011 but instead kept going and going beyond any reasonable ability for staying power and well after all of the talent behind the originals had left the company.


Really nice companion piece to Uncharted 4. Really beautiful in certain sections and Chole does a great job filling in some of the banter and character moments that Nate Drake had. All and all a pretty good game and well worth a look.

The Lost Legacy es el spin off de Uncharted que no sabíamos que necesitábamos. Chloe y Nadine son los personajes elegidos para traer a la vida una nueva aventura dentro del universo de uno de los mejores cazadores de tesoros de la industria. La fórmula de Uncharted está presente en todo momento a lo largo del juego, sin embargo, un poco más compacta y enfocada a la acción en su mayor parte, y aunque hay puzles aquí y allá, el verdadero fuerte de este título es el desarrollar la interacción entre dos personajes que, si bien no son Nathan Drake, nunca nos hacen querer tenerlo presente. Aunque el juego nos presenta un segmento de mundo abierto bastante espectacular gráficamente y aparentemente lleno de cosas por hacer, en realidad es bastante vacío, cosa que en un juego en donde tomamos el control de dos personajes que dedican su vida a robar tesoros, es algo decepcionante. No es que sea algo malo del todo, solo es un cambio de ritmo que nunca volverá a aparecer, porque en sí, el juego es bastante lineal y al punto, como todos sus predecesores. The Lost Legacy es un juego que se recomienda jugar después de disfrutar las aventuras de Nathan, y aunque se pueda disfrutar por sí solo, es mejor cuando se conoce el trasfondo y las mecánicas que han hecho de la saga Uncharted lo que es ahora.

so i was dreading that big section in chapter 4 so much that i went ahead and got the platinum for uncharted 4 so i had an excuse to procrastinate… i love chloe and nadine sooo much on their own and as partners (girlfriends) and i loved their development with each other and also with sam too but idk that chapter overwhelmed me so bad that i struggled to connect with the game the first time i picked with up

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Everyone told me that Uncharted was a videogame franchise with no bad games, well what do you call this garbage then? The Story is that Chloe hires Nadine (from the fourth game) to help her retrieve a ancient Indian artifact, this is an odd idea for a story, because Chloe knows about Nadine's history with her friends Nathan and Sam Drake, yet she works with someone who hates them, and doesn't think she will turn on her, and when she finds out that Sam was helping out, Nadine feels betrayed, assaults Chloe, and abandons her, until she apologizes, but Nadine says that she is now only helping Chloe out for the treasure, but don't worry, she gets over it randomly after they help a trapped elephant, it happens so fast that there isn't even a moment where Nadine is completely over it, she randomly is, and they both act like it never happened, because the writing is terrible, when it comes to the character moments, and after they are trapped with Sam, him and Nadine both argue a lot, because of their history, but when interacting, Chloe trusts the girl who assaulted her and tried to kill her former lover, and his brother, more than she trusts her former lover's brother, which feels like Feminism, where the two girls get along, where as the man is played for a foil to it, which is frowned upon in this, and since Nadine never shows any remorse for what she did in the last game to the protagonist, and Sam does, it makes Nadine even less likeable than she already was, and ruins the story completely, and studios need to stop this garbage. The Characters are no where near as good as their last previous appearances, thanks to Chloe being sympathetic to a former villain over a man, Nadine worsened by trying to make us like her, by being an unlikeable villain to hero tale, without even regretting her actions, and made Sam to feel more of a nuisance than a main character, to the point where he doesn't even bring his own grapple hook (even though he would never do that), stop writing feminism over male's feelings in games, and shame the people who think otherwise, the villain is barely anymore interesting than the first game's main villain, with his history with an old kingdom, but it doesn't go beyond that, and I enjoyed the traits of the second game's main villain more. The Graphics are as good as the remastered versions of the first 3 games, with some moments are awe (the best being when you run off a train heading off a broken bridge, even if the second game's train scene was much better), but no where near as good as the fourth game, and not as many memorable moments to be on par with games 2 and 3, they have better looking events than the first game though. The Gameplay is the same as before, only shorter to the point where it's less than half the length of games 2, 3, and 4, and in chapter 4, you can optionally find coins to retrieve a ruby bracelet, but no other moments like it make it feel random, silenced pistols were a great addition, but chapters 5, and especially 4 feel far too long, and could have been shortened, to make 2 more chapters, especially with how big you have to travel for completing chapter 4 is. The Music is not as memorable as before due to less moments to have them takeover the scene for atmosphere, and the song at the end "Borders, by M.I.A" is a bland and forgettable song. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, brought back the Uncharted franchise to consoles, and made me wish that it had stayed lost.

Una gran expansión de Uncharted 4, aprovecharon el mismo motor y con personajes interesantes montaron otra historia me encantó.

Geralmente spin-off não é tão aclamado pela comunidade quanto os jogos da linha principal mas a Naughty Dog é realmente fora da curva, eu confesso não lembrar muito da história mas a gameplay é tão divertida e cinemática quanto os com o Sr. Drake!

Uncharted Lost Legacy - 8,7/10

tl;dr: O que Uncharted 4 poderia ter sido

Fico feliz por ter jogado esses jogos na ordem que foram lançados. Cheguei nesse último sabendo quem eram Chloe e Nadine. Personagens que foram até bem trabalhadinhas... Nada muito marcante mas são boas. Mas essa Chloe... Eu duvido que ela não tenha sido inspirada na clássica Lara Croft de antigamente (jogos pré 2013).

Uncharted lost Legacy é um jogo que vai direto ao ponto. Te apresenta o vilão, o objetivo e vai você buscá-lo. É curto mas parece o tamanho ideal para manter o entretenimento sem que você torça para acabar logo (Uncharted 4). Eu até prefiro a história que é contada nesse do que a do 4.

Não tem o que falar da jogabilidade... É DLC do Uncharted 4. Tem corda/gancho, tem tiroteio, tem sheep com gancho pra destruir as coisa... A inovação eu diria que ficou com um esqueminha de exploração adicional que também foi usado no The Last of Us 2.

Jogo repleto de cenários bonitos, ruinas e selvas bem elaboradas... Padrão Naught Dog, eu diria. Eles sabem criar esse tipo de coisa.

É isso. Joguem Lost Legacy quando tiverem a oportunidade. Não acho melhor que o Uncharted 2 mas chega bem perto.

Glorious chleo and nadine power duo you love to see it

Really great game and spin off of the series, both of the main characters really grew on me this game where in their origin games I thought they were just alright. The gameplay isn't anything too different from 4, few new weapons but nothing major. Not my favorite Uncharted but definitely worth checking out.

This game's short length doesn't bother me at all.

The game was originally going to be a DLC, and that does show at points: the game is short, the story has pacing issues, and certain characters come in and out of the story very abruptly. Lost Legacy can feel rushed, but I prefer that to two and four, which felt much too slow at points, and I enjoyed this game more than either of them.

For a series about exploration, this is the only game in the series where you can actually explore an open space for collectables; The stealth combat is the best in the series, aided by the lockpicking mechanic and silenced pistol; And Asav is an excellent villain: articulate with a well-defined motive and imposing demeanor while still being bat-shit crazy. Every time he was on screen, I was saying: "this is what Lazarevic should have been." It's such a shame this wound up being the last game in the series, because it took so many steps in the right direction for the franchise.

I strongly recommend Lost Legacy: it's my second favorite Uncharted game. If you want to know my favorite is, read any of my other reviews of any of the other Uncharted games.

you know what, this gets a lot of crap but for what it is, it isn't that bad

With 7-8 hours this is a short and sweet Uncharted spin-off.

Ana oyunlar kadar iyi değil ama yine de oldukça eğlenceli bir spin-off

The Lost Legacy is a welcome addition to the Uncharted series. While nothing groundbreaking, it does add a few new features and elements to go along with the familiarity of an Uncharted game. It's everything you expect from Uncharted with visuals, story, gameplay, and voice acting, but with a couple new flavors to help freshen it up. It doesn't break the mold to become anything truly special, but it doesn't falter either. IMO it lives up to the high bar set by its IP's name.

It is good, but I forgot why.

In all seriousness, this is a good game. It just isn't as memorable as the others, which is a bummer as if this banged, it could have spawned more off shoots for the franchise, but what we got was good.

Disfrutón, pero también me tuvo todo el tiempo dando vueltas a la idea de que yo a los juegos de Naughty Dog ya no puedo dejar de pedirles ese nivel de innovación, audacia y redondez que han dado con sus últimos grandes títulos.
Ver una de sus entregas en este formato spin-off que trata de contentar a todos pero sin querer en ningún momento alzarse muy alto me ha tenido todo el tiempo en un estado de zona de confort que a mí al menos no me aporta nada. Ni siquiera me atrevería a recomendarlo sin recomendar antes la saga principal, porque sus mejores momentos se han hecho mejor en otras entregas.
De nuevo, es un buen juego, y te vas a quedar con buen cuerpo al terminarlo. Es definitivamente superior a algo como Golden Abyss... Pero es que veníamos de Uncharted 4.