Reviews from

in the past

Uma adorável aventura com bastante carisma e fofura que foge da imagem tradicional adulta da Sony. Uso criativo das superfícies de toque do Vita, tanto frontal como traseira, bem como da câmera.

Honestly I thought this game was only made to make use of the useless gimmicks on the vita. But it really surprised me with the great level designs and creativity. It always brought something new that didn't feel tedious to play

I bought a Vita to play Persona 4 Golden, and this game is better than that! It's cute, easy to platinum, and makes good use of the weird Vita features in a way that is gimmicky, but doesn't make you feel like a knob for engaging with said features.

crown jewel in the vita's collection. can't get enough stop-motion/paper mache art direction

If there was ever a game that could act as the PS Vita's ambassador then Tearaway would be a serious contender. For starters, its story about the journey of a origami-like messenger trying to deliver a message to you, the player, is a tale that anyone of any age can enjoy. Admittedly for older players, the plot won't hold any serious revelations but the message that the game delivers is one that I think people need to hear from time to time.

Then there are the gameplay mechanics. Tearaway just loves to show off all of the Vita's features, from the touch screen to the camera to motion control. In your journey through the world of Tearaway, you will use every element of the Vita. This makes the gameplay rather unique, amongst platformers, howvere some of the Vita's features don't allow for the finer control that Tearaway sometimes wants. This does lead to the occassional death but the overall unique gameplay experience is enough to mitigate teh frustration of the odd death.

As Tearaway is a platformer, it has a number of different collectibles for you to find and collect. Some of these do require you to explore the levels quite thoroughly to locate but , apart from a handful, most were easy to find. By hunting down these collectibles, you will be able to see everything that the game has to offer, as well as it gives you the opportunity to practice the gameplay mechanics before the final levels, which you will be thankful for.

Finally, Tearaway is an absolutely gorgeous game to look at. The choice of a papercrafted world makes it bright and unique. The fact that …

da un'oretta di gioco posso dire che indubbiamente è un bel gioco, ma mi sono capitati ben 3 bug che non mi facevano andare avanti (ho constatato con i gameplay la cosa). Per questo probabilmente non continuerò per almeno un anno sto gioco, peccato

I really wanted to love this game. Making the back touchscreen controls mandatory made it entirely unplayable.

This is a very boring game. I tried to truck through it because I liked Little Big Planet, but what I liked about LBP was its level creator. Media Molecule isn't a good game dev based on what I've seen.

Really fun launch title for the vita. There were some parts that were annoying like sometimes the sensor puzzles wouldn't detect my fingers or every time I got a cut out, the game would remind me again and again to go their website to print them out. Despite the issues I had, I say this was a pretty cute platformer. I'm aware that the PS4 version does improve on this game by tenfold though.

Un jeu très charmant visuellement et qui exploite très bien les capacités de la PS Vita (et l'un des seuls d'ailleurs), dommage qu'il se finisse si vite.

While the charming creativity and surprising use of the PS Vita features in the gameplay deserve merit, I cannot deny the fact that it's mechanically too simplistic for my taste. It has really great ideas and I think they would bring much more memorable moments if they were executed with more nuance and time. I was not able to play it straight for hours because I was not fully pulled in; it's an example of a game that is best played briefly, bit by bit.

But it brought a smile on my face and I think that's wonderful.

A really awesome platforming/adventure game, it felt kinda derivative in the first hour but as new game mechanics started rolling it, it became progressively better and better. Took me about 7 hours to beat. The story of this game is like one I have never seen before, really awesome and fantastic ending. The soundtrack is amazing(really wonderful), the visuals of this game are incredibly compelling and the whole game is just massively creative. A must own for the VITA.. Almost a system seller.

the best game on the vita, even though it's on ps4, it's a different game there.

im only at 5% of the game but its fun and the use of the rear touchpad, touchscreen, camera and sensors is fantastic

Tearaway was beautiful, and pretty fun. But overall, it was a piss easy 3-D platformer and probably would've only taken me a couple of hours to beat if I didn't go for the platinum trophy.

Tearaway is incredibly cute and better than it has any right to be, but I didn't really just how directed it is at small children. The papercraft aspect of it is really cool. The only game I've seen that makes full use of every aspect of the Vita.

Adore it. Such a unique game that makes some really cool uses of its hardware. Cute, happy-go-lucky jumper that always finds a way to get you creatively and literally involved in the game throughout it's 4ish hours of length. It's pretty much a hybrid between a platformer and a cbeebies show that you get to personally direct and star in. Cannot recommend enough.

Unironically, lovely stuff. Not massively long, but certainly enough there for 20 quid and just something you have to play through yourself. It really builds a bond with the player without passing it through a character or other cypher and uses touch wonderfully. If you have a Vita, this is pretty much essential.

This game has many really cool ideas and but for media molecule game it's not that creative and quickly gets repetitive

Funny and original, Tearaway was basically a game to take vantage of the Psvita touch screen, back side and motion control, and it does really well!

What a freaking cute game. Man. I want more stuff like this. The creativity that Media Molecule poured in to this is unrivaled. This is one of few games (if not the only one if I'm being honest) that truly used ALL of the Vita's functionality to make the game more interesting. The camera, touchscreen, and back touchpad were all used in a cool way here. (and the mic, I believe?)

Recently news has broken that MM is moving on from and shutting down Dreams. I'm happy about that, because I want them to make actual games again. I miss LBP and this. This might be the best Vita exclusive. (At least until it was ported to PS4).

pretty cute little pseudo tech demo. made me actually feel like all the dumb shit they slapped onto the vita has a reason to be there. i think there need to be more games willing to embody the same weird, silly atmosphere that this game has.

the best ps vita game. i loved it sooooo much

Good use of the Vita that didn't feel like tacked on gimmicks. Better than on the PS4

JOGASSO, mas termina em 5 minutos de forma brochante

A Short little game with a really charming look and well-integrated hardware gimmicks.
The gameplay is not its strongest suit, but at least it becomes more involved in the last third.
I'd say this is more suited for younger players than I am.

Unique and charming, with a vibe that evokes Banjo-Kazooie and its many imitators. Tearaway does a great job of showcasing the PS Vita's unique feature set, but there is very little depth to the gameplay itself. I also found many of the touch controls to be frustrating, especially drawing coherent shapes in the paper-cutting minigame. Shoving my finger "through" the screen was a really cool feeling, but I definitely did not enjoy seeing my bored face superimposed in the sky.