Reviews from

in the past

Watching my dad play this used to freak me out

The most hallway ass game ever. It's nothing but hallways and the occasional room. And my god why does the shotgun suck so much? It's quite literally the worst shotgun in any video game. In a series with one of the best shotguns in any video game.

It's funny, every time I tried to play this on PC I just kinda lost interest. Playing it with a controller on the TV? I played the whole thing in a weekend. The game's slower pace clicked with my brain when I was holding a controller instead of a mouse.

This game's fine. It's functional, it still looks pretty good, it's got a lot of fun haunted house scares, blasting demons with the Id Software arsenal is as fun as usual. Worth playing if horror makes you laugh instead of get scared.

This is not a bad game despite its reputation. Is it a bad Doom? Well kinda. It's more like a spinoff of Doom and I think the reception would be better if it wasn't labeled as the next entry in the mainline Doom series. There are many things to like here. The graphics are impressive even to this day. The more serious horror atmosphere is a nice change from the campier usual Doom even though I wouldn't call it scary. The environments although pretty similar throughout the game are very detailed and create a claustrophobic effect.
The weapons are mostly miss than hit. The shotgun is straight up bad and the machine gun sounds like the nail gun from Quake. The chainsaw is fun, but way too op.
The biggest problem I have with the game is that 40% of the enemy encounters are behind your back. This should be called Ambush The Game. I guess they wanted to make it as survival horror as possible, but it's just annoying.
Normally I would rate it with 4 stars, a great rating for me, but I will remove half a star cause the game has a freaking game breaking bug in the Delta Labs area!!! The worst of all is that apparently it's a known bug for years yet Bethesda or ID never cared to patch it. Come the f on!!! There's no mission select so unless you have an early save file (I didn't) your only option is to restart the whole game. Yeah... I'm not doing that.

It is called Doom for some reason

An absolutely blatant rip-off of the original Half-Life, with terrible gunplay, no puzzles, and environments that all look exactly the same. Turns out you need more than a cool lighting trick to make an engaging game, who'd have thought?

Another step back for the Doom franchise. The character redesigns were awful, and none of them looked recognizable. The new demons were not impressive either. The story was amateur and didn't fit into the Doom timeline. However, the scripted sequences were at least decent. This game was more like a horror game with dark environments, creepy music, and jumpscares.

The flashlight was an interesting addition. The weapons felt pretty good to shoot and I was surprised how many new weapons there were especially in the expansion packs. There was a device called the PDA which was an interesting and useful item. It acts as a media player, email reader, and access key, it can also be useful to open lockers for supplies and to give more backstory about the game. There is reloading now which doesn't make sense for the franchise.

The gameplay was just shooting demons but with a much slower pace and more movement mechanics like sprinting, jumping, crouching, and vertical aim. The only surprise element was that you go to Hell, and some parts of the Mars environment were cool. The game used cutscenes a lot which added to the experience. The game also comes with two expansions which helps add to the value of the game. I was a little disappointed in this game it just didn't feel like a Doom game I don't recommend it.

So... I've heard far many people repeat the same phrase over and over again.

"Doom 3 is a good game but a bad Doom Game" followed usually about how 2016 and Eternal revived the series... well, I'm sick of that, and I wanna set the record as straight as I can.

Doom 3 is excellent, and a criminally underrated gem that stands as the best game in the series, rivaled only by 64.

The pacing, yes, is slower... but the game is only as slow as people make it out to be in the first few levels. It gets faster and faster as the game progresses, and the focus of both the action and horror elements turns from quiet and tense to chaotic and anxiety-inducing.

The story is much more well-rounded than people give the game credit for, and despite the strange decision to not have subtitles, the worldbuilding and the glimpses the PDA files give us into the lives of dozens of people working on Mars is remarkable, and it doesn't require several weird, esoteric cutscenes to do this (looking at you Eternal).

The weapons in this game are the best they've ever been. They feel legit, but also powerful. Now every shot feels impactful and important, and the exact angle your shots hit at mean the difference between life and death. It's not just "run around frantically and shoot" like in the other games, THIS is how you do a shooter where hell is invading, where you need to plan things carefully, and act quickly in tandem with that planning, rather than just winging it.

I will speak of three negatives I do have with this game. The whip enemies are extremely overpowered and annoying, sometimes things aren't as clear as they should be on where you need to go, and there could've been much more music than just the title and a few ambient tracks.

That being said, this game is a perfect summation of what Doom can be, you're not some god-like slayer who is invincible and the Demons run away from him. You're an average Marine fighting to save humanity and put hell in its place. When you win, it feels like a genuine triumph over impossible odds, rather than just a given.

Also, despite coming out in 2004... this genuinely looks better than the reboot duology, I'm not kidding. The technology and lights are prettier or whatever in the new games, but Doom 3's visuals are gonna stick with me for years to come, while I've already forgotten nearly everything about Eternal.

This game is intense, terrifying, extremely well paced, challenging but fair, interesting, and above all else, fun as fuck, because THIS is peak Doom.


Lembro de ter muitas expectativas por esse jogo quando foi lançado, mas infelizmente ele rodava de forma paupérrima no meu PC e desde então eu vinha postergando jogá-lo de forma definitiva.

Enfim eu tive oportunidade de jogá-lo no meu PS5 recentemente em 4k em 60 fps estáveis e ainda assim o jogo envelheceu super bem. Os gráficos para época eram fenomenais e lembro que o jogo inovou bastante com as luzes dinâmicas e técnica de modelagem. Com certeza um jogo a frente do seu tempo. A minha única crítica é em relação ao level design que é meio claustrofóbico com corredores e salas estreitas, mas é compreensível pelo fato do jogo ter se aproximado bastante do survival horror. Jogo recomendado e um clássico dos games.

despite all of its bullshit gotcha moments and its veering from the classic doom formula i really enjoyed this one. felt such heavy heavy nostalgia for the sixth gen i could hear the xbox demo disc aphex twin music while playing

Esse jogo é exatamente oque eu esperava, um jogo bom que a maioria só fala mal porque não dá continuidade aos originais, ele muda muito.
No que ele se propõe ele faz bem, que é ser um shooter de terror, ambientação e atmosfera são boas, e dá pra ver que Dead space pegou muita coisa desse jogo, ei só cortaria 3hrs do jogo, ele acaba se prolongando demais, e alguns designes de monstros são bem meh, mas no geral gostei do jogo.
Único erro que tomaram no desenvolvimento desse jogo foi chamá-lo de Doom 3, deveria ser só doom já que ele é um reboot e não dá continuidade aos acontecimentos de Doom 64.


Довольно атмосферный и веселый шутер от первого лица. Но портит впечатления повальная темнота. Из-за этого очень сложно по настоящему насладиться дизайном игры

Doom dos anos 2000

Aqui temos o Doom que focou que resolveu ir para uma pegada mais de Terror e isso é notável. Não foi o primeiro pois o Doom 64 já veio com essa pegada, de ser mais dark e assustador, oque é irônico considerando a plataforma que ele lançou. Mas aqui ele foi melhor implementado pelo menos pra mim por conta de ser da 6º geração (Ps2, Xbox e Gamecube) que suportava melhor que a anterior.
O jogo não tem músicas temas de fases, aqui eles priorizam o silêncio e sons assustadores da trilha sonora, ele apresenta jump-scares pra te dar sustinhos ( talvez alguns hoje olhem para ele pensando que ele é muito brega, e ele é mesmo, ele se tornou um produto da sua época anos 2000 onde tinha muita coisa "edge" surgindo, mas que ele ficou um pouco datado sim ) Eles adicionaram uma lanterna no jogo, pois ele é beeem escuro, ao ponto de incomodar até, os cenários onde o jogo se passa são bem mais apertados e estreitos, existem poucas áreas abertas no jogo, isso pode ser outro fator para o aspecto de terror, mas que no final pra mim só irritou algumas vezes. Pois a gameplay aqui ainda é frenética cheia de inimigos vindo de frente e de trás pra te comer, mas nos dooms antigos a movimentação era muito suave e os ambientes eram bem mais confortáveis de se navegar para se desviar de balas e inimigos, aqui você se prende em muitos elementos no cenário ( caixa, parede, pilar, destroços ) que num lugar apertado cheio de inimigos com posições sacanas enche o saco pelo menos pra mim. Aqui também tem muitas sessões de vem e traz de locais que você já visitou, os inimigos estão ok pra mim, o posicionamento dos inimigos estão bem mais sacanas que os antigos que enche o saco as vezes mas é de boa e aceitável. Outro lance dos inimigos aqui que enche o saco é que eles são tão agressivos que muitos deles pulam encima de você e quando você é atacado a sua visão recebe um puta dum reviravolta pros lados, dando realmente a sensação de que você tá tomando no cu bonito no jogo kk.
Mas um erro que eu não perdoo neste jogo foi com a sua ShotGun...... porque??
Nos Antigos a Shotgun era tão confortável de se usar e apelona, aqui você tem que enfiar o cano na orelha do inimigo pra causar um dano considerável, ( eu sei que doze não é feito pra ser usada de longe, e que faz sentido ela só dar dano a queima roupa, mas não muda o fato que era muuuuito mais legal usar nos antigos, pode não ser o correto mas era mais divertido ) pelo menos aqui a minigun se tornou uma arma boa, principalmente pelo fato dela não gastar munição da sua pistola como nos antigos.
Sobre a lore do jogo eu não posso falar muito, pois não joguei com isso em foco, eu estava mais lá pela gameplay e estética do jogo, mas ela apresenta sim uma história básica ali, com documentos que você encontra com o passar do game, que detalham pessoas que viviam ali, cientistas falando sobre testes que eles realizaram com o foco nas criaturas. E inclusive estes documentos contém senhas para liberar cofres para adquirir medkits, munições e armaduras. Apesar de que neste jogo, a munição não é escassa, uma vez ou outra eu fiquei sem munição mas é só vasculhar pelo cenário ou pelos cofres que eu acabei de citar.
Outro probleminha do jogo é de que as vezes você pode se perder pela estação, procurando por onde ir e etc mas não chega a comprometer o jogo. A apresentações dos demônios especiais são legais, os bosses do jogo eles também são legais, só teve um que foi muito brocha que seria Sabaoth este dai foi bem fácil e esquecível do resto está ok.
Enfim acho que Doom 3 é isso. Recomendo jogar por esta daqui mesmo pois é a que roda lisinho em HD e etc. Eles adicionaram a lanterna no ombro do personagem, antes não tinha como carregar uma arma e lanterna ao mesmo tempo. Apresenta todas as expansões apesar de que aparentemente a única que presta seria a Resurrection of Evil que continua a história principal, já a lost mission apresenta até boss fights puxadas da primeira campanha então fica o aviso. Eu apenas zerei a campanha principal, e já me satisfiz com este jogo.

Mas eu recomendo sim, Doom 3 é um bom jogo e nada além disso :D

Doom 3 is a hallway shooter. That's it.

No but seriously i liked the atmosphere and the gunplay feels so satisfying for some reason. The shotgun isn't terrible its just different from the classic one we had in 1-2, because you need to be point blank for 3's one to actually work, but when it works the gun shreds most enemies in a single to two shots. The story is eh... whatever, not good or bad just bland. Very fun game, currently finishing nightmare mode.

Como um game da franquia doom e péssimo, mas como um jogo próprio tem ideias boas. Doom 3 comparado aos anteriores tentou fazer uma espécie de reboot pra franquia, com uma historia e atmosfera própria e em muitos momentos sendo mais terror do que ação. O jogo tem uma obvia inspiração em half life mas acho que ele se estende bem mais que o necessário, objetivos repetitivos e os chefões bem meia boca.

This review contains spoilers

Doom 3 feels like a twist in terms of usual doom gameplay, but i adore that. The isolated horror theme similar to dead space works well and is not the scariest, but still gives a feeling of tension. The gunplay is typical of a 2010 game, not doing too much different. The enemy design is fine, with no real standouts. The boss battles are simply terrible, with the main Cyber Demon final boss being incredibly disappointing. However, I still love Doom 3 for it's different approach to the usual Doom games that got me into Horror games.

A more atmospheric horror take on the formula, with the soul of Doom still intact.

Genuinely like this game but it's obviously got plenty of flaws. The main one for me is that it's far too long. I enjoyed the gameplay for the most part but this many hours of it is way too much. It's compounded by the fact that very little changes about the scenery until basically the end. It's also not scary at all in 2024.

It's clear that this game took inspiration from the greats like Half-Life and System Shock, but what it takes from them is very superficial. The audio logs drag on for minutes and are way too verbose when I'm trying to shoot monsters. I rarely ended up listening to them. If I did it was just to look for door codes. It's very linear and I think that makes sense. There's enough Doom DNA here that I don't have a problem with it being an entry to the franchise, although I'm not a huge Doom fan or anything. I feel like they made a solid effort fitting some old style traps and level design into the new approach.

I hated the spider enemies and how every time they showed up there were like 9 million of them. The way the camera jerks around when you take damage is extremely obnoxious. They also could've toned down the fall damage.

One of the most mid-games ever. I literally played it just to play it, and while I'm glad I went back to it to experience it, I did not really enjoy my time with it overall.

excelente toque de terror, atmosfera opresiva, diseño de monstruos caracteristicos de la saga más estilo terror/gore. Recomendable jugar tambien al menos al dlc resurrection of evil

No resalta en nada pero divertido es.

Finishing Doom 3 is a big deal for me, because it's the last Doom I still hadn't played, and Doom is the video game franchise I feel most attached to. When I was a kid I spent countless hours making wads and dehacked mods. Compared to what people are making now these were crude and paltry things but I didn't know any of that; I was just having fun building things. I was starting to outgrow my Legos but this scratched the same itch.

By the time Doom 3 came out, I was grown, working dead end jobs and broke as a joke. Whatever clunky old computer I was running definitely couldn't run it. I heard some negative buzz so I decided it wasn't for me and didn't really think much about Doom again for like 15 years. Until I got pulled back in by Doom Eternal, with its revolutionary gameplay shot through with indulgent nostalgia. Ever since I've been working my way backwards through the series which, let me tell you, is a very bad way to experience this franchise.

The narrative plot of these games is basically a non-factor; the real story of Doom is how its mechanics and gameplay have evolved throughout the series. Going backwards can be jarring, and I found both 2016 and 3 initially off-putting until I stepped back a bit to re-contextualize them and adjust my expectations. I'm glad I did, though, because what I first dismissed as a failed experiment I've come around to see as a critical waypoint in the evolution of the series.

Everything looks good when you can't see anything

I'm revisiting Doom 2016 now, and in that review I'll be going into a lot more depth about what I see as the core Doom experiences and the broader arc of the franchise. What sets Doom 3 apart from the other entries is the degree to which it leans into horror, even "survival horror" territory at some points. That means small, often downright cramped, game spaces and deep ominous shadows and "creepier" monster designs (will someone please let all game designers and movie directors know that human infants aren't scary? Not even if they're like half bugs or whatever. There's just nothing scary about babies. While you're taking notes, could you also let them know that children singing nursery rhymes are also not scary? Yes, even in a house with the lights off. Yes, even if they're British. Thank you).

The shadows are pretty much the star here; I believe at the time Doom 3 had the most realistic (certainly the most "dramatic") lighting of any FPS, and boy were a lot of sacrifices made to get there. It's wild to compare this side-by-side with Half-Life 2, which came out only 3 months later. While both are high-budget followups to beloved FPSes, the difference in design goals could not be starker. HL2 is bright, open and expansive, while D3 is dark and cramped. HL2 is a romp, a wild adventure through incredibly diverse levels; D3 is a harrowing gauntlet of repetitive beats, narrow hallways opening up only slightly into medium-sized rooms before constricting down into even more claustrophobic air ducts and crawlspaces.

Despite the limitations of the engine, these spaces are masterworks of environmental storytelling. When I finished 2008's Dead Space my main takeaway was how detailed and fleshed-out the world felt. Doom 3 felt like it was pulling nearly the same level of detail but years earlier. I totally dig a highly detailed environment; even simple stuff like bathrooms help get me more immersed in a space that feels like it has a bigger life than just this one moment of game.

These are supplemented with audio logs (not yet played out; remember it's still 3 years until Bioshock) featuring some surprisingly fantastic voice acting that, "Illusive Man"-style, elevates the sometimes clunky and utilitarian writing. The sound design in general is actually fantastic; from the ear-piercing screech of the chainsaw against metal to the truly disturbing soundscapes of Hell, my hat is off to the whole audio department. The creation of plausible, atmospheric spaces I think is this game's biggest strength.

How long was he in there?

Unfortunately these gorgeous environments are pretty seriously undermined by the basic, repetitive encounter design. Enter a new space, the lights go out, something spawns in front of you, something spawns behind you. I think this pattern may actually repeat over a hundred times throughout this game; it's basically Doom 3's only move. It's a major bummer to have these incredible, immersive, otherwise naturalistic levels with these wild diegetic panels everywhere and then just fill it with blatant monster closets.

Not that there's anything wrong with monster closets; Doom and Doom II used them all over the place. But there's ways to be classy about it. Doom II might have an entire wall of a hallway raise, so that the next time you come through you're like "Hey, wasn't this hallway 50% narrower, and 100% less full of demons, last time I came through?" But it doesn't completely pull you out of the experience. Doom 3 banks so much on immersion and scares; to see an imp step out of a literal 3ft x 3ft closet, a tiny space with no credible purpose, that the creature could have no conceivable reason for standing around in... it just ruins it. Not only that, but the rote repetitiveness of the encounters completely robs them of any tension.

How do you Doom?

I played Doom 3 on Veteran difficulty with the BFG Edition that's available on modern consoles. Looking into the differences, I'm really disappointed I wasn't able to play the original version. To try to capture the original artistic intent, I manually turned off the flashlight every time I fired or reloaded my guns, but of course there were times I forgot. The most frustrating element I missed out on, though, is the dynamic lighting. This is a game where lighting and shadows and mood are everything and not having muzzle flashes and enemy projectiles be light sources makes a huge difference on the presentation.

It's deeply silly that the Lost Soul, an enemy that is perpetually engulfed in flames, needs to be illuminated with a flashlight in order to see it. With the flashlight off, much of the game is literally blindly firing into pitch blackness, waiting for the reticle to turn from red to blue, because even a monster directly in front of you chewing your face off won't be illuminated by the muzzle flash. A baffling and irritating step backward, especially since the original Xbox version was apparently fully intact in this regard. I would love it if this title were re-released with the dynamic lighting restored, a weapon wheel added (cycling through weapons linearly is just too slow for a game like this) and an option to use the original flashlight.

What does Doom 3 bring to the series?

The meat of these games is the mechanics, and Doom 3 introduces more mechanical changes than any other mainline entry. Most, like the flashlight, ammo reloading and extreme camera shake when a demon smacks you are good additions for a survival horror entry. Outside of a specifically horror-themed Doom, they really don't make a lot of sense. Ducking is a particularly toxic addition; I could never really work it into combat making it an exclusively traversal-focused tool. It's certainly atmospheric to duck down to crawl through a vent, and adds to that feeling of claustrophobic terror, but I strongly prefer Eternal's vision of a Doomguy who is never scared, and never ducks.

It also introduced headshots, jumping and stamina to the franchise. I think these are all great additions. Jumping is an obvious one; the double jump + mantle combo introduced in 2016 adds enormous potential for verticality in the level design (although it really wasn't exploited in 3 outside some minor platforming). Headshots reward calmness and precision which then elevates combat beats of relative calm and gives them more contrast against chaotic moments. Stamina-fueled running makes perfect sense for a series where movement is the primary verb; of course you want more tactical choices related to how you get around. Eternal cleverly remixed this as a dash ability on a cooldown, probably because it feels good to be given something, but feels crappy to run out of something.

A Doom to grow on

These days I try to judge a game by how well it communicates and then fulfills its own ambitions; in the past I've had problems letting my own preconceived notions blind me to a game's actual strengths and I end up disliking it for what it's not, instead of appreciating it for what it is. Already feeling so possessive of the series due to moments of childhood joy, I really wanted to meet this game on its own terms and "find the good in it" as the Video Game Podtimism guys like to say. At the end of the day, even with all its faults, I'm a fan of Doom 3.

I never get scared by anything that happens on my TV, and there was this one spot where I checked the corner, empty, checked the other corner, empty, room's clear; I turn around and a DOOR SLAMS OPEN and dude jumps out and smacks the shit outta me and oh man I jumped about a foot in the air. It was a cascade effect with the lapcats spazzing out and then the dog had to chase them out of the room; the whole family was impacted.

The foray into horror looks kind of incongruous when you look at the series as a whole; but I think it's actually a logical evolution of the Doom formula. Doom and Doom II both had a lot of scary, dark, resource-starved moments. I call this the "haunted house" part of Doom. If you don't remember this, maybe go back and play e2m6 on the next highest difficulty, with a pistol start. This is the Doom that Doom 3 is building on, and I think it does an excellent job at that.

Personally I could have done without all the cutscenes and extra world-building, but in a post-Half Life world it probably felt compulsory and I think they pulled it off admirably. Put together with the incredible level design, it's a deeply immersive experience with some genuine moments of very Doom-y horror. A lot of mechanics were rightly refined or culled later in the series, but I think this entry is a solid length of the trunk of the Doom tree, and not some peripheral branch.

The BFG edition seems like a major misstep but maybe a Nightdive remaster or something is in the cards one day. In the meantime, after finally finishing the series 29 years after starting it, I think this is still a fantastic Doom that left an unforgettable mark on the franchise.

A decent fps game buts its soooooooooooooo daaaammmmmnnnn long i just want it to end god daamn!!!

Un dia de chamba termina en una invasion infernal en la oficina

Todos me advertieron que no jugara doom 3, me dijieron que me decepcionaria y un largo etc, ¿Que creen que paso?.
Pues que paso eso mas, mucho mas con solo 15 horas de juego yo senti que fueron como putas 30 o 40, dandome ganas de dejarlo, muchaaaaaaaass veces mas de la que podria admtir.

El juego simplemente no decide que ser si dar miedo o ser doom, osea a veces te pone pequeños sustos en la cara y un ambiente mucho mas claustrofobico (lo cual creame molestara en mas de lo que uno piensa), para despues hacerte pelear en el infierno con 6 demonios de mierda y hacerlos comer plomo, el juego esta en tierra de nadie quiere dar miedo pero las balaceras son constantes a pesar que en multiples zonas se notan que no fueron diseñadas para esto ya que chocaras con alguna mierda o los enemigos te dejaran chocando contra una pared lo que es MUY molesto, nunca te dara el game over pero pasa mas de lo que deberia.

Las armas estan simplemente ok, son entretenidas de usar como la motocierra o la escopeta, pero a la hora de dispararle o eliminar a los enemigos, no obtienes ese sentimiento, no se nota el impacto causado hasta que la cosa muere pero tu no sientes nada existen excepciones como el lanza coehtes o la arma bfg, pero en lo demas es como dispararle al aire pero si tuviera que decir lo peor del armamento del juego, los puños y la pistola SON LAS MIERDAS MAS INUTILES DEL JUEGO, dejan de servir rapido haciendo ver la maldita hacha del quake como una arma satisfactoria y util, los puños ni con el berserker son utiles pues nunca matas a la primera. La maldita pistola se le termina las balas antes de matar cualquier cosa minimamente peligrosa.

La historia es tambien pero tan TAN ABURRIDA, que ningun personaje logra ser memorable y el villano es de lo mas generico que existe, saca un libro de frases cliche de villanos Y EL DESGRACIADO TE DICE EL LIBRO COMPLETO DE MEMORIA, cada vez que hablaba el malo del juego yo estaba en mi mente pensando:
No es una amenaza, no es carismatico Y NI ES EL MALDITO JEFE FINAL, LO QUE LO VUELVE AUN MAS POCO MEMORABLE, tambien existe un coronel que te quiere matar por razones.

La aventura es una gigante aventura de recadero es un constante ve para esta zona oh no un bloqueo consigue la llave hasta que te digan donde ir, otros juegos tienen esta misma mania pero doom 3 lo hace TERRIBLE ABURRIDO Y REPETITIVO.
El ost creo que existe la unica pieza memorable es una que escuche en una crepypasta, en lo demas es lo mismo de irrelevante que la historia presentada, literalnente para los tiroteos ponia yo quiero un heroe o musica de monas chinas, eso que intente a toda costa evitar esto.

¿Entonces doom 3 es un juego completamente infumable?, pues no existen detallitos que me agradaron, estas son los archivos de audios que puedes encontrar, estos te demuestran los ultimos momentos antes del desastre puedes apreciar la vida que antes se encontraban en estas instalaciones, no son los de bioshock pero aprecio el intento.
Tambien amo los diseños de los demonios y sus introducciones (a que algunos son olvidados por un monton de tiempo), se sienten como creaturas asquerosas e impuras, mi lista de diseños favoritos serian:


Hell khight

Demon ( el perrito)

No son diseños del otro mundo pero me gustan mucho.

Y eso es todo lo que quiero decir, podria mencionar algunas cositas como problemas de audio o algunas peleas es lugares poco comodos, simplemente esperaba disfrutarlo como algo propio fuera de su franquicia pero en lo demas, simplemente no logra destacar.