Reviews from

in the past

É um jogo bom com alguns problemas claros em sua narrativa. Se você conseguir relevar esses pontos narrativos, o que sobra é uma ótima gameplay.

Eastward is a beautiful game and has some of the best pixel art I've seen. Every screen is so vividly detailed and the game's design of abandoned urban locations really strike. There was definitively a lot of work put into this aspect.

It's not the best action or exploration game with both limited gameplay and level design, but it's a JRPG full of interactions before anything. It's essentially a travelling game with Mother-like vibes and characters. You move to a place, meet goofy characters and so on. The grand overarching story isn't much but every location offers its own story and I really enjoyed completing the quests and getting to know more about the characters.

Unfortunately, one specific chapter of the game gets the short end of the stick and I wish it had been longer, considering the importance it's supposed to have in the context of the story. The conclusion and overarching story also have quite a bit of plotholes but overall they work and provided an emotional closure to the game.

I'm very satisfied to have played Eastward and it's one of the most enjoyable Mother-like I played.

Touching tale of a father who refuses to hug his daughter

While Eastward looks and sounds amazing, it fails to capture anything else on that level. The gameplay in Eastward ends up being nothing too special and the story can have a lot to be desired. Each chapter of the game can have so much potential but it seems like it just moves on sometimes leaving major characters with no time to grow connections. I only wished Eastward would've expanded on the great ideas it had and maybe then it could've been a better game.

I cried at the end man. This game is hard, beautiful and I still blast the music after a year of beating this game. Sam is adorable.

A must play.

La personalidad de este juego es lo que intensifica el gameplay influenciado por A Link to the Past y Earthbound en medio de uno de los mejores Pixel Art en la historia. De los mejores juegos de 2022.

Muy divertido, no es ni excesivamente dificil ni facil, con un gamplay variado.
Su estilo pixelart es realmente precioso.
Y su narrativa está muy bien construida, lo he pasado tanto bien como mal por cada capitulo que pasaba y deseaba que todo saliese de otra manera pero no se puede cambiar lo que ya está hecho... Toca temas delicados de la vida, al final todos moriremos pero hemos de sobrevivir.
Sin duda, muy recomendable para practicamente cualquiera.
He tenido que esperar mucho tiempo pero no pensaba jugarlo en inglés y menos mal porque sino hubiese sido muy pesado y gracias al Nintendo Switch Online ha surgido esta gran oportunidad de probar un gran juego.
Lo único malo es que la velocidad de los textos es aveces exageradamente rápida incluso poniendo los textos con velocidad lenta que no se pueden terminar de leer muchas veces si le da al juego por pasarlos solos (Que por el contexto tiene sentido muchas veces pero molesta)

aaaa realmente quería que jugarlo se sintiera exactamente como la maravilla de ver los trailers con todos esos personajes y locaciones coloridas e interesantes. lamentablemente muy monotono el gameplay y la historia..? no recuerdo practicamente nada :|

Came for the amazing pixel art and was not disappointed. Maybe my favourite artstyle of any game. The game itself is fun but there's a lot to be desired

This game has the bones of something great, but the finished product is bloated and confusing. It feels like a first draft, which is a shame because you can see how the final draft could have been spectacular. As is, though, it’s just ok.

É um game extremamente charmoso, lindíssimo e com uma ótima história e gameplay. Misturar Mother com Zelda foi uma escolha simplesmente genial, e eu amei tanto esse game, as mecânicas, os puzzles, o combate e principalmente os personagens.

A Sam é inocente, doce, carismática, muito fofa e divertida, e o John é um dos melhores protagonistas mudos e com mais personalidade que eu já vi na vida, amei essa dupla.

Mas esse jogo tem problemas, e os principais problemas se chamam capítulo 3 e capítulo 6. O terceiro capítulo em especial é TÃO arrastado e sem sentido que quase me fez dropar. E o problema se dá no fato do jogo simplesmente travar o progresso da história pra te jogar numa espécie de sidequest sem propósito nenhum, só pra alongar o tempo de jogo e é um porre, é literalmente um filler e é PÉSSIMO.

Mas quando o jogo não tá no modo filler ele é excepcional e incrível, o que é uma pena, perdeu de ser um jogo 10/10 por causa do tempo de jogo. É a prova viva de que menos SEMPRE é mais.

Ah, e antes que eu me esqueça: Não ter esse baita jogo localizado em português é uma DESGRAÇA. Espero que um dia adicionem português (e outros idiomas) em um patch de atualização, aí com certeza eu rejogo

Eastward really is the middlest of the middle-of-the-road games. While the art is beautiful and the soundtrack is great, the gameplay is consistently boring, the plot is lacking, and I felt that the ending got completely stomped on by certain scene after the game's credits.
While it was sparsely enjoyable, it's not a game I would seriously recommend to anyone.

3 years from now someone, somewhere on youtube is going to release a video essay about this game and title video is gonna be call something like, "Eastward, a flawed masterpiece"

Cool game that somewhat overstayed its welcome; and most of the areas of the game after New Dam City feel underbaked. pacing was odd but the art is beautiful and is a perfect 2d Zelda-like experience. Would have enjoyed more types of puzzles and items for said puzzles though, outside of weapons or bombs you don't get any new gadgets

Lo bueno:
Los gráficos son extremadamente bonitos y la música crea una atmósfera perfecta para el tono que intentan crear.
Parece que la historia "principal" es interesante
Tiene algunos detalles que, sin entrar en spoilers. muestran que los desarrolladores han puesto mucho cariño el apartado gráfico.
Los pocos puzles que vi no estaban mal, lástima que te los esparzan tanto.
Lo malo:
El sistema de combate es tan simple que prácticamente podrían eliminarlo. Aun así han decidido centrar el juego en torno al mismo, no me lo explico.
La historia principal parece interesante, pero te la cuentan con un ritmo pésimo y saturándola de personajes irrelevantes, genéricos, con diálogos totalmente ridículos o todas a la vez.
Los bosses son un chiste.
Que se corte el gameplay cada poco tiempo para enseñarte una animación de una puerta abriéndose para que tu personaje haga una pose puede ser gracioso la primera vez, pero a la tercera se convierte en algo cansino que rompe con la inmersión y el ritmo del juego.
Si tienes que poner un botón de cámara rápida en tus cinemáticas igual deberías de revisar si tienes un problema de ritmo.
Poner que los diálogos se pasen automáticamente en una historia contada a través de texto es criminal.

Resumen: no le pongo un 5 porque el arte y la música son buenos y confío en que la historia principal será interesante, pero está tan enterrado en unas mecánicas aburridas que no soy capaz de seguir jugándolo. He estado dos semanas para jugar algo menos de 5 horas porque sólo con pensar en jugarlo se me quitaban las ganas.

Me gustó bastante, aunque creo que tiene demasiados momentos en los que la historia se alarga con secciones y niveles innecesarios, además de que aunque me genera bastante intriga la historia, creo que es más de esas historias que se sobrecomplican demasiado y no saben atar los cabos.

Pero aún así lo disfruté bastante y tengo muchos más buenos recuerdos que malos.

Absolutely beautiful pixel art but unfortunately I didn't find the narrative particularly compelling

An incredibly beautiful game that constantly blew me away with how stunning it was. It feels rare for me to feel this impressed by a modern game's spritework, given hardware and memory limitations aren't a problem anymore, but the complete love into every detail to make this world feel so lively really just astonished me.

WHICH IS WHY IT FRUSTRATES ME SO MUCH THAT THE WRITING LEFT A LOT TO BE DESIRED!!! It's just so boring and directionless sometimes. So many cool ideas or themes that just felt like it was going nowhere. Some parts just drag on for way too long and this game didn't need to be as long as it is. I will commend that quite a few of the character relationships had me invested, and I honestly wish it just focused on that aspect more.

By the end of the game, my first thought was just "What did any of that even mean?". I was just confused. Not in a way that made me wanna find out more because I just had no clue if any of the different storylines really connected together in a meaningful way. I don't mind a story that's harder to understand but I feel like I'm not really given that much to work with here.

I know I sound really critical of it right now but I still enjoyed my time with it nonetheless. The gameplay was simple and a little easy but I don't mind a more laidback experience, and I could sing my praises for days over the art direction. There's so much going for it that I just really wish the story was better.

It's a pretty pixel-game with decent gameplay and a TON of story, admittedly at some point I skipped half of the NPC dialogue (because I was getting close to the time limit of free NSO trial) and wanted to get to the important lore stuff, but the finale definitely made up for it all. Sam is an awesome character and I'd recommend the game if you're into a rather slow, soothing story experience.

I did not expect to love this game as much as I do. I have played the entire 20 hours in the course of four days.

The exploration in this game is extremely enjoyable as running through every single crevice will get you some nice rewards. The combat while on the simpler side gets more fun with introduction of new weapons. The boss fights hit the ULTIMATE BALANCE between difficulty and fun. The story and characters I immediately fell in love with (especially the main two) I even talked to most of the NPCs around towns.

Another perfect balance this game masters is story/combat, I feel like neither part overstayed its welcome.

I almost forgot to mention how BEAUTIFUL this game’s art style is, with pixel art games I often find it difficult to distinguish objects you can interact with but they managed to make those stand out enough to notice but not to the point of them feeling out of place.

The game also has in game achievements which I appreciate on Nintendo games as the console does not have an achievement system as of now.


The "game" part of this game is very VERY minimal, and makes me wish this was a webseries instead.

This review contains spoilers

I’ve never been so emotionally toyed with by a fish sandwich.

When I saw Uva made that stupid sandwich for John, with twenty signs pointing to her dying by the end of the chapter, I just knew I could never use it like any other consumable item. Look, maybe this is just one of my unhinged tendencies. Whenever I play through Pokemon’s Unova region, no matter the context, I never use any of those Fresh Waters, each a punchline the gym guide’s silly little jokes, or even buy extras that would meld into the “canonical” stash. But that sandwich, representing the blissful life John will never have, the woman who couldn’t profess her love to him until it was too late, was a memory that felt too powerful to wipe away like any other health item.

On that note, I initially wrote off those save quotes as intentionally indulgent filler, like “oh what if your memories were someone else’s really makes you think”. But even without any explicit story presence, they hint at the overall discussion of memories and the journeys we take to make them. You never get to stay in one place forever, so eventually the little events along the way, no matter how silly, are all that will be left of the characters cast aside by the story. The game’s own quirky side mode RPG, narratively, starts as a promise to interact more with the kids of Potcrock Isle until Sam is exiled, but after a while meets more kids because of their shared interest in the game.

I mention this because games and this sort of self reflection around them come up in this game’s narrative a lot more than I expected going in. The side mode RPG classes are echoed both by the New Dam City leaders’ knight and princess relationship, and the elders of Ester City having nerdy alter egos they don as they help you. I didn’t think much of it until the end, where due to some time loop shenanigans, everyone in Ester City fades away, as they would have if not for their one day in the city always repeating. The mainish antagonist Professor Solomon questions Sam on whether it’s worth anything to take the advice of what were basically illusions in her repeated effort to defy his end plan. And for fairly obvious reasons, those inhabitants of the city, and everyone in this game are just illusions to me too. Considering most people take it as a given that media can influence you, I wasn’t expecting to be asked across the screen whether any of that even matters when it’ll inevitably slip out of my mind for the last time.

But, well, behind the digital puppet show, a bunch of 0’s and 1’s remained unperturbed once two characters shared a fish sandwich. So my answer’s been laid bare.

promis je continuerais un jour, les graphismes sont TOUT ce que j'aime

This long-awaited indie adventure was one of my biggest disappointments of the year. The narrative is its biggest fault, as it strings the player along while promising answers for hours and hours without really doing much to develop its world or characters. I felt increasingly frustrated by the lack of interesting revelations to its biggest mysteries. Combined with barebones combat, insulting design, and a beautiful yet empty game world, the road Eastward is better left untaken.

Full Review:

Es un buen juego, pero lamentablemente, solo eso, pues Eastward se ve más lindo de lo que se juega...

Primeramente, señalar que lo que más destaca del juego es su apartado visual. El estilo pixel art jamás se queda atrás, y este juego, junto con las referencias e influencias a las que se adhiere, funciona tanto visual como narrativamente hablando, sobre todo por su clara base de la saga Earthbound.
Ahora bien, el apartado sonoro no está mal, pero tampoco destaca; hay un par de canciones icónicas, pero no son obras de arte, aun así, pueden ser disfrutadas y, de vez en cuando, aportan muchísimo a la atmósfera del juego.

A nivel jugable, creo que es donde el juego más decae; el estilo de batalla y de exploración es bastante arcaico, y dentro este apartado, lo que salva un poco el día son los puzles.
En cuanto a la narrativa, el juego nuevamente toma sus referencias claras a videojuegos como Celeste, Earthbound, Undertale, y uno que otro indie más. En base a mis criterios, su guión no desborda originalidad, pero tampoco llega ser molesto, a excepción de algunos escenarios o capítulos como el de los monos, o los saltos en el tiempo reiterados, sin siquiera darle la opción al jugador de omitir diálogos exactamente idénticos.

Existen aspectos muy molestos de Eastward, como que algunos efectos de sonido se omitan (a mi juicio por mero capricho), y sobre todo los diálogos. El no poder adelantar voluntariamente el contenido es sin duda uno de los puntos más engorrosos del juego; de esta misma manera, existen ciertos diálogos que pasan a una gran velocidad (que por cierto no se es permitido retardar), y no siempre se es capaz de captar todo el mensaje, o de darle la oportunidad de analizarlo.
Relacionado con esto está otro aspecto que, por último, le da el cierre a mi reseña: la traducción.
¿De verdad siendo el español uno de los cinco idiomas más hablados en el mundo no existe una traducción oficial de este? Me parece una tomada de pelo la verdad.

En este momento, y por haberle puesto la vara tan alta a Eastward, no recomiendo comprar este juego por las horas invertidas (alrededor de 20) para un final no tan satisfactorio, un gameplay, apartado visual, y ost que no destacan, y por cierto, un precio que, a pesar de no estar caro del todo, puede invertirse para la compra de indies de mejor calidad, con más cariño en su desarrollo, y con una mayor preocupación por la comunidad hispanohablante.

Insisto que Eastward NO ES UN MAL JUEGO, NI TAMPOCO ES UNA PÉRDIDA DE TIEMPO, pero esperaba mucho más de un título que prometía básicamente ser uno de los grandes indies del año.