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Shaq-Fu on the SNES is one of those "so bad it's almost good" kind of games. It's a brawler starring Shaq, and let's just say the controls are clunky, the story is bonkers, and the difficulty is frustrating. But the absurdity of it all makes it kinda a weird way. If you have an ironic sense of humor and want a retro challenge with a bizarre twist, it's worth checking out. Otherwise, steer clear.

It feels wrong rating a game higher than I normally would just because the concept is funny. Most of the things people say about it is true, it's unresponsive, pretty sluggish, the controls are complete nonsense (you press back on the d-pad to block), but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a little bit of fun playing it just because of the novelty. Besides, if you just play the story mode like I did, it's pretty easy to just stun-lock the AI by button mashing, and once you get used to the controls, there is a genuine cathartic joy in just high kicking women, children, and the elderly to death.

Legitimately a nice looking game. A shame you CAN'T EVEN FUCKING PLAY IT.

Genuinely the worst game i ever played in my life

they could've cooked. they didn't. pee yew.

It's a really bad and boring fighting game. Not much else to say about this one.

If in any time you think a decent presentation is guarantee of a decent game, remember Shaq Fu

Music is catchy, story sucks and the gameplay is okay. Think the best part of the game is its characters, they’re memorable, at least to me. Average game.


Eu realmente não acreditei, então fui eu mesmo jogar O JOGO DE KUNG FU DO SHAQUILLE O'NEAL.

O negocio é tão ruim mas tão ruim que eu não sei nem pontuar direito a experiência com o jogo. Os movimentos de luta são ridículos, os comandos são zoados, a gameplay é ruim e a história chega a ser engraçada de aleatória.

Aqui o ponto positivo é o game ser super curto (sério eu zerei ele em uns 40 minutos), parece que o game termina rápido justamente pra poupar o jogador mais corajoso de continuar jogando tal porcaria.

(O jogo foi feito pela Delphine Software, que também fez "Another World" e foi publicado pela ELETRONIC ARTS?????????????????)

Fácil um dos jogos mais podres que já joguei na vida.

qué? QUÉ? No voy a escribir una review de este juego

Hahaha what a nightmare. Even as 9 year old, I still like this considerably less than the movie Kazaam if that tells you anything about its quality.

It will deepen your relationship with the world around you.

This game is JUST like Drakengard. You fight children and

1. go to the options menu
2. enter "A-B-C-C-B-A"
3. switch the mode to "easy"
4. enjoy some damn fine kusoge. the fact that this exists makes me happy and if you whine about it you are a bozo

Legitimately a nice looking game. A shame you CAN'T EVEN FUCKING PLAY IT.

Shaq-Fu - Une Épopée Vidéoludique Révolutionnaire qui Redéfinit le Genre


Plongeons dans les méandres de l'histoire vidéoludique des années 90 pour explorer le chef-d'œuvre intemporel qui a secoué le monde du gaming : Shaq-Fu. Sorti en 1994, ce jeu transcende les limites du simple divertissement pour s'élever au rang d'expérience transcendantale.

Graphismes (5/5):

Dès les premiers instants, les graphismes de Shaq-Fu vous enveloppent dans un monde fantastique et hallucinant. Chaque pixel semble être soigneusement placé, créant un esthétisme saisissant. Les arènes de combat sont des tableaux vivants, les personnages sont détaillés et Shaquille O'Neal lui-même est représenté avec une précision presque photographique.

Scénario (4/5):

Le scénario de Shaq-Fu va bien au-delà de l'intrigue superficielle des jeux de combat classiques. Shaq, le héros improbable, se retrouve soudainement transporté dans un royaume mystique où il doit affronter des adversaires variés. C'est un voyage initiatique qui soulève des questions existentielles sur la nature de la réalité et les frontières entre le monde réel et le fantastique. Les dialogues entre les combats ajoutent une couche de profondeur inattendue à l'histoire, faisant de Shaq-Fu bien plus qu'un simple jeu de combat.

Gameplay (4.5/5):

Le gameplay de Shaq-Fu est un mélange captivant de mouvements rapides et de combos dévastateurs. Chaque personnage a son propre style de combat unique, offrant une variété qui maintient l'excitation tout au long du jeu. Les commandes sont intuitives, permettant aux joueurs de maîtriser rapidement les subtilités du système de combat. Les pouvoirs spéciaux de Shaq ajoutent une dimension stratégique, et la difficulté progressive garantit un défi constant.

Bande son (5/5):

Là où Shaq-Fu se démarque véritablement, c'est dans sa bande sonore transcendante. Des mélodies épiques aux rythmes entraînants, la musique du jeu crée une atmosphère enchanteresse qui transporte les joueurs dans un autre univers. Chaque note semble soigneusement choisie pour renforcer l'expérience immersive du joueur, faisant de la bande son un élément clé de la réussite de Shaq-Fu.


Shaq-Fu n'est pas simplement un jeu vidéo ; c'est une expérience artistique qui repousse les frontières du medium. En 1994, il a défié les attentes, réinventant ce que les jeux de combat pouvaient être. Avec des graphismes époustouflants, un scénario inattendu, un gameplay captivant et une bande sonore mémorable, Shaq-Fu restera à jamais gravé dans l'histoire du jeu vidéo comme une œuvre qui transcende les générations. C'est bien plus qu'un simple jeu ; c'est une épopée qui continue de faire réfléchir et questionner notre conception même du divertissement interactif. Shaq-Fu - une légende qui perdure.

People hate on this game, but it was the coolest thing to me as a kid.

Yeah, this game needs no introduction. Though the animation work and visuals aren't bad for the time, the hit detection, controls, and moves are all total ass and it could never hope to establish any kind of competitive scene on the fighting game circuit, even ironically.

Fun fact: Shaq Fu was initially-pitched as a traditional basketball game by the developers, until Shaquille O'Neal suggested making a fighting game instead as he had become a fan of Mortal Kombat when it was released.

ooh shaq

how about shaq fu 3:the shaq's fight back

Feels rather pointless writing a review for this one. Coincidentally pointless is also the word I would use to describe it.

Played the shit out of this on my snes as a kid. It's hot garbage but who cares.

not quite as bad as people make it out to be but it ain't good

With better controls, this might have been fine.
But the controls are so bad they ruin any enjoyment you might be able to find in the weird setting the game takes place in.

Laughable concept, story and cast of fighters. Unfortunately the execution of the game is terrible to the point you can't even consider this some sort of cheesy but funny game.