Reviews from

in the past

Turns out PVE Space War(!) is really good too!

Nothing like playing the arcade original with the proper controls and vector monitor, although some of the ports hold up well and the Atari 8-bit computer version has a nifty 4-player mode

Just... WHY? I don't think it's much a surprise to see Atari struggle in comparison to Namco nowadays when even at the BEGINNING they were lacking. Anyways, this game sucks and honestly seeing this next to Galaga in my local arcade always felt insulting.

Fighting for the High Score all day, was fun

A nice and so damn hard videogame.

Se você não lembra de Todo Mundo Odeia o Chris quando vê algo sobre Asteroids, você não teve infância.

Arcade games from the 80s are simple compared to now, but Asteroids is simple even compared to those, and still holds up just fine. It's fun, responsive, and still worthy of being wherever the greats are listed.

Rating: 4 - This game is great and it deserves to be remembered

I never got the gist of it, I got bored after a minute of playing every time I tried to play it, even when I was very young.

I played a version of this on some plug&play and I played it for so long that the score looped back around to zero

As simple as it gets. Kinda boring, but also somewhat charming in its simplicity

Can't believe I forgot to list this one, an absolute classic of a game, simple in concept but rich in experience.

It took guts to hit that thruster boost!

The neighbor across the street from me had an Asteroids cocktail arcade cabinet, I'm pretty sure. I think he also had a mustache.

Asteroids is definitely a game that has been copied a million times. Playing the arcade version on those vector graphics is an experience that is vastly different than the copies though. It just looks cooler and feels more correct.

The game is pretty simple: Don't die. Asteroids are headed for your ship from every direction and you've just got a little pea-shooter to blast those things into smaller bits which then head out randomly as well. Good reactions and timely trigger finger will let you live until you don't anymore. Apparently the current record holder played for 60 hours, which is... wow. I mean, the game is pretty fun for maybe 20 minutes, so I guess I'll never be setting a record.

1979, man. Crazy times.

Review from

I think everyone knows what this is. Its still pretty fun even if you know better variations of this game are in store for its future.

Another classic. Though it looks better raster in arcades, it plays better with the joystick on the 2600.

It's a classic and I respect its legacy, not every game has to be complex to be good or fun.

Asteroids on an o.g. vector display is a thing of startling beauty. Blazing white glyphs against a field of utter blackness.

Still fun today; I've dumped endless quarters into the one at Ground Kontrol in Portland.

why did we ever stop using vector displays?

It's nothing great, but it's still a lot of fun. It's the type of game you'd play when you have five minutes so you just play it because it's on AARP's website. I recommend playing.


"If the Earth gets hit by an asteroid, it's game over."

Drifting through the nothingness that is space, your ship must at all costs avoid the hurdles before it. Gargantuan-sized rock clusters with enough force and impact to shatter your very being. As counterintuitive, and dangerous as it might seem, your only true line of defense in this perilous situation? Blow the obstacles out of your way and navigate around the shards with precision, and deft flight. The absolute plight of constant danger and your very life in the balance is what pushes you forward. A simple task, sure it is, yet you are more than aware that if you fail, everything you have ever known could come to a stop. Asteroids are the greatest thrill you've ever known, even in the face of death itself. How you handle this task, and the subsequent success of it, all of it rests on your skill and determination to stay focused on the task at hand. It may not seem as lofty or great as things you've seen others do, but this is your job, and god damn it, you are gonna blast some rocks away.

We hereby award: The Bronze Seal of Recognition

~ Juegos que Hay que Jugar Antes de Morir ~
Parte 1 — Los 70: Los Orígenes

Juego 8: Asteroids (1979)

Tiene el potencial para ser uno de esos clásicos incontestables que duran para siempre (Pong!, Space Invaders, etc.), pero no sé que tiene, que no me convence. Me aburre enseguida.

Possibly one of the first games to really nail satisfactory movement

DOA = Destruidor, Original, Arrasador

Super fun at arcades but nothing else really

(played as part of ATARI 50)

This is another vector game where the super-clean look and feel really suit the gameplay and vice versa. The simplicity helps you focus. And the vibe is appropriately foreboding, complimenting the walls-closing-in combat.

The rhythm of the waves of asteroids - starting out slow as you line up your shots on the big ones, then building into a fast-paced frenzy as you splinter them to into careening, dangerous bits, and then easing back down as you pick off the last stragglers methodically, only to brace yourself and start again - that feels somewhat unique and I quite like it.

A big quibble I have with this and tons of games of this era is probably born of a technical limitation - the number of shots you're able to put on screen at once. Whether insurmountable because of the technology, or a deliberate design choice, or a bit of both, it's always frustrating to me. It requires more methodical play, and can and should be doable for a good player, but every fiber in my being just wants to spam and it won't let me! In this game specifically, with many of your targets being far out and moving quite quickly, your three shots at once or whatever just never seems like enough. Certainly not a dealbreaker though. I should probably just get good.

I wish you did more flying with the ship in this, the feel of it is superb. I dunno, do better players than me fly around more? Is that a high level play thing? I tend to try to hang out in the middle and scoot around a bit only if necessary. If there are videos of players out there doing full-speed Rogue Squadron stuff, pulling Immelmans on the UFOs and shit, I wanna see it.