Reviews from

in the past

Not everything Rare touched turned to gold.

Clunky moving, terrible challenge, and frustrating shooting mechanics. When it comes to the Nintendo 64 version of this game, I say steer clear.

Full Review:

Watch before your eyes as a 5/10 average game transforms into one of the most boring and tedious things before your very eyes!

This game has aged like milk, much like most shooters from this era.

That said, it's still a fun time if you can re-learn how to play games before twin analog was the default on console shooters.

1/10 I am not kidding this game is horrendous.

An experiment in shooting games on console that kind of half works. The game is strangely cinematic in places, which is then followed by running through sparsely decorated rooms and shooting a bunch of big ants who don't do much interesting. With the updated controls in Rare Replay the shooting feels pretty good, but it's clearly not all the way there.


my brother & i played this when he was home from school with an ingrown toe nail & i loved it ever since. it may be empty but ... very important.

Played it through the Rare Replay collection, and I bet it was fun for the time, but it's a bit dated today. Constantly having to stop on a dime to shoot took me out of it a lot. Good ideas, though; I bet it'd be pretty cool if there was a modern version.

this game is the dog's doodoo

Four hours in and try as I might there was just nothing redeeming about the game to me. Maybe unfair because it's a lofty ambition this game had that many games nowadays fulfill but it's just not that interesting...

At times I wanted to like this game at other times I forgot it existed, this is back when renting a bad game still meant it was the only game you could play so you had to try and enjoy it, by the standards today this game isn't worth chugging unless you're on a hard N64 kick.

Jet Force Gemini was the last out of the five N64 games I have wanted to complete for years. I remember starting my first playthrough around the same time I started most of the other games, but due to the rather ridiculous requirements necessary to beat the game, I decided to give up despite enjoying it. I did also play Jet Force Gemini on the Rare Replay collection but deliberately quit after the first half of the game. Even when I decided I would go back and beat all of them, I wasn't totally confident that I would beat this one. However, it turned out that rescuing the tribals wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. I would say that Jet Force Gemini is pretty underrated in comparison to Rare's other N64 releases.

In your adventures as galactic pest control, you play as three characters. Juno, his twin sister Vela, and their dog Lupus. The three of them each have their own special trait that makes each of them useful by allowing them to access different areas. Lupus can use his jetpack to fly across the area, Vela can swim, and Juno is immune to damage while walking on hot surfaces. All three of them are vital in getting every ship part and tribal necessary in beating the game.

Like a majority of N64 games it seems, it does take a little bit to adjust to the controls. Every time I started a playthrough, I would die at least five or so times before finally getting the hang of how to shoot and aim. Once I adjusted, I didn't have much trouble mowing down enemies despite not being the best at shooters. The only exception being those stupid ants with the shields. I hate those little bastards so much!

The actual gameplay itself is pretty fun. You'll unlock a wide assortment of weapons and each of them feels great to use. I found it incredibly satisfying to mow down enemies with the pistol or machine gun, blast them with the rocket launcher or by throwing grenades, and occasionally snipe some of the enemies when necessary. If you collect enough ant heads over the course of the game you can unlock some cool bonus features too such as multi-colored blood and having the ants turn into Mr. Pants. There is a multiplayer mode, but I haven't played it so I can't comment too much about it other than mentioning that you will unlock content for it throughout playing the game. It may have some fun gameplay and cool extras, but its biggest flaw is one that can be a huge turnoff to anyone even slightly interested in playing this game and the reason why it took me over a decade to beat it. You have to rescue EVERY single tribal and collect twelve ship parts scattered across the worlds you visit.

In each level, there are these white bear-like creatures known as tribals. The way rescuing tribals works is that once you rescue all of them, you won't need to re-rescue them. However, you need to rescue all the tribals in an area in one go. If a tribal dies or you miss one, you'll have to redo the whole level which makes them a pain in the ass to deal with sometimes. While you can rescue them as you play through the game's first half, I would advise not focusing on them too much as some are inaccessible until the latter half of the game when you have all the necessary equipment to do so. Luckily, most of them are in places where you shouldn't have too much trouble rescuing them but in addition to having to collect twelve ship parts needed to fight Mizar again, the tribals make the backtracking a lot worse than what it could have been.

If you're willing to put up with the heavy amounts of backtracking and slightly cumbersome N64 controls, what you get is a 3rd person shooter that is heavily underrated in comparison to some of Rare's other N64 classics. Between DK64, Quest 64, Mischief Makers, Glover, and this, I think beating this game was the most satisfying and waiting till last to complete this made it all the better.

Afterthought: This is probably the longest review I have made on here so I'd like to thank anyone who managed to read this whole review.

esse jogo marcou minha infância adorava matar as formiguinha e salvar a menininha, jogão

People call this a hidden gem?

Jet Force Gemini ist eins dieser berühmten Spiele die man entweder sehr gern hat, oder überhaupt nicht mag.

Ich gehöre dann wohl zur ersten Gruppe.

Als erstes in unserer lokalen Videothek ausgeliehen, wusste ich noch nichts über dieses Schmuckstück aus dem Hause RARE. Ich legte es ein, das Titelthema, die Intro-Cutscene...
Zack, es hatte mich..

Ich war damals, wie heute ein großer Fan von ausgefallenen Waffendesigns/Sounds in Spielen. Games wie Turok oder Buck-Bumble bedienten, mit Zuhilfenahme des N64 diese Vorliebe vorbildlich. Und auch wenn in Teilen das Arsenal in Jet-Force nichts sonderlich neu macht, so fand ich die Sounds und das Aussehen aller Waffen und auch Gegner im Spiel so anders und cool, das ich mich spätestens mit dem Erreichen der S.S Anubis in das Spiel verliebt hatte.

Dieser Soundtrack.. noch heute einer meiner liebsten Game-Soundtrack Stücke. Aber ebenso die Atmosphäre des Spiels mit seinen, zwar irgendwie putzig Comic-haft anmutenden Charakter-Designs, jedoch zugleich blutigen und düsteren Geschichten..

Abwechslungsreiche Level, die mithilfe der drei Charaktere Juno, Lupus und Vela, die alle ihre eigenen Fähigkeiten mitbringen, erkundet und von Mizars Ameisen Armee befreit werden wollen.

Gut, setzen wir die Nostalgie-Brille mal kurz ab..
Ja, natürlich Steuerte sich das ganze damals, wie heute sagen wir.. gewöhnungsbedürftig. Gerade das Zielen ist sowohl mit originalem N64 Controller, als auch mit dem Xbox-Controller (Dank Rare Replay) schwammig und teilweise frustrierend. Ein paar der Endgegner sind übertrieben Schwer (Rare halt), ein paar einfach nur langweilig und gegen Ende, wenn es Richtung Mizar geht, lässt das Spiel spürbar nach.

Auch wenn man durch die verschiedenen Charaktere eine neue Sicht bekommt, wenn man mit diesen einen Planeten erneut besucht, bleibt es Backtracking... und das häufig nur um kleine extra Abschnitte erweitert.

Trotzdem spielt sich Jet Force Gemini auch heute noch relativ solide, die Atmosphäre des Spiels, der Soundtrack sowie das Spielgefühl.. so eine Art von Spiel wird heute schlichtweg nicht mehr Produziert und ich schaue jedes Jahr gerne einmal wieder zurück auf Goldwood, Tawfret oder Rith Essa um eine runde Ameisen den Kopf abzuballern.

played the first 10 minutes, immediately hated everything about the gameplay and knew it wouldn't get better. quit on the spot.

The Good: Doggo in a Tank

The Bad: Accidentally shooting a teddy bear and feeling awful about it.

Fun game, , but also very infuriating.

Beaten it like 25 times in my life. As soon as the credits roll I want to start playing again.
The graphics and the soundtrack are amazing for the time it came out. Robin Beanland made a terrific job with the OST of this game. And the atmosphere of each planet, of each location, is phenomenal.
One of my favorite games of all time.
Controls may be weird at the beginning but dual stick controllers were just being born at the time. The devs had to adapt and experiment.

Could never find all the dumb Tribals.

As a child without a nintendo 64, this was the game I felt the most like I missed out on.

As an adult with game pass, this is the game I am most grateful to have missed out on. The last thing I need is to have THIS encased in nostalgia's amber.

A fun mental hack I sometimes like to employ while playing a bad game is to pick up an even more miserable game so that it encourages me to clean my damn plate. In the case of Jet Force Gemini, its most positive quality is that it's making me want to get back to Xenosaga. This is great for my disposition and makes me very pleasant to be around.

I bought this. I worked a job, got a paycheck, parlayed that into a purchase of a genuine cartridge which has sat on my shelf for the last four years, a monument to my wastefulness. Every now and then I catch it out of the corner of my eye and think "oh god, why? You played this once or twice at Greg's house when you were twelve." Greg liked to bully me in public and act friendly in private, but after revisiting Jet Force Gemini, I'm not so sure about that. You don't make a friend play this game with you, that's something you do to an enemy.

It is downright tragic that the team responsible for Blast Corps worked on this game. Lead engineer Paul Mountain was previously credited on Diddy Kong Racing, so like, there's a pedigree here. And yet, we've gone from two of Rare's best entries in their Nintendo 64 catalog to arguably their worst. Despite all this talent and innumerable inspirations, Jet Force Gemini is a bare, basic third person shooter with light search-action elements and one of the worst control schemes of the generation. The insistence on vertical design results in a need to aim freely, which you might note is a little difficult to do on a controller that has only one analog stick. The solution is to force the player to stop dead in their tracks and hold down the right bumper to enter into a manual aim mode, similar to GoldenEye 64. At least in that game it was optional, but Jet Force Gemini is designed around this feature, and it just doesn't work.

Consider how much we've refined secondary analog movement in games over the last two decades. It's practically an extension of your own body, something you're likely not considerate of until it doesn't work. It's just expected that when you tap the stick in a direction you want to look, the camera smoothly moves into position. In Jet Force Gemini, the camera is a foe who you must engage in mortal combat every time fifty fucking flying enemies swarm onto the screen to pelt you with rockets. It is constantly fighting you, so eager to spring back to the center of the screen with twice as much tension than you're able to push against it. Almost every open area has multiple sniper perches or groups of flying enemies, necessitating constant engagement with manual aiming, and it feels awful. Jump is on up-C, by the way. A and B cycle your weapons up and down, but A is also confirm, so sometimes you just swap guns when you're trying to open a crate because you're not perfectly aligned. So, that all sucks, too.

To quote Mr. Mountain about the way this control scheme was designed around the Nintendo 64's unique limitations: "The solution we ended with is a beautiful thing. It feels very old-school to me; difficult, unforgiving, but ultimately precise."

Was there a gas leak in Rare's office?

I think CRTs help tremendously with the readability of Nintendo 64 games, but Jet Force Gemini is so muddy that it looks incomprehensible regardless of your display. Dog vomit looking game, just a swirl of greens and browns and yellows and enemies that mesh almost so perfectly against these soupy backdrops as to be camouflaged. You also have to keep an eye out for Tribals to save-- or blow up, if you'd like. As far as I can tell, there's no penalty to murdering them, which I like to do because this game has turned me into a loathsome creature. This drabness permeates into the story, which is treated with more self-seriousness than your typical Rare game, what with its depictions of things like firing squads. That's not to say you won't get some motherfucker named Gimlet rollin' up on you going "ho ho, I lost me pants~!" but even that classic Rare humour feels restrained when it does pop up.

About two hours in, I looked up the completion time on How Long to Beat and saw that an average playthrough is roughly 15 hours, so I knew I wasn't going to beat this thing without a Gameshark, and wouldn't you know it, mine is incompatible. Thank Christ. I see no reason to let Greg's abuse continue to influence me well into adulthood, so I'm putting this one back on the shelf where I will occasionally glare at it, perhaps even picking it up and muttering some curse words to it from time to time. If you ask me, that's the best way to enjoy Jet Force Gemini.

Stinky game. Don't play.

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I was already pretty mild on the game by the time I beat Mizar, but the whole second part of the game is just too much. In particular, fuck the quarry and its stupid ass vacuum. I’m not going to waste my time doing that absolute shit.

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All good, until you discovered there are a lot of Junos and Velas in the galaxy.

Being a huge Rare fan growing up, this one was a disappointment to me and yet another sign of the start of Rare's decadence in terms of quality and enjoyable games. Main characters were uninspiring, the story was decent and had interesting bits such as the mid-game happenings but overall this game kept falling short of my expectations.

Graphics were excellent and top notch at the time but I was not a fan of the art direction of the game. Gameplay was solid and responsive, but the game and level design did not stand out too much and the game became more of a choir the more I played it.