Reviews from

in the past

To sleep: perchance to dream.

I need a monsta to clobba dat dere kirby

I don't know how the 3rd stage of Ice Cream Island ("Son of Wind", apparently?) is harder than most of the rest of this game, but it is. There's really a lot to like here.

if video games ever reach the point of literature in terms of recognition and academic value, this will be the equivalent of reading animal farm, except it's less of a satire and also doesn't have any central thesis about communism. actually this analogy doesn't work at all whatever it's a good game just play it

its kinda wild that this game was released on NES because everything about it is so so amazing and has held up so well compared to everything else on that system. also kirby is eating the title kirby STOP

One of the best games on the NES, and a great but simple Kirby game.

Wish I could bottle the experience of me and my wife going absolutely insane when the "Presto! It's kirby!" introduction occurred.

Very good classic title with the best cover art on the nes.

NES game that aged the best top only by SMB3

Played this on the 3ds and the 3d effect was really awesome. I definitely had fun with this growing up

For an NES platformer this aged really well. It is when Kirby got his iconic copy ability allowing for some pretty nice gameplay. Controls are also pretty nice from what i remember

Cute, charming little timesink. Just engaging enough to finish, decent enough comfort food to look upon somewhat well later. (5/10)

The first game I ever beat. Kirby is fun and chill and good and Kirby is shaped like a friend.

Muy simplista, pero entretenido
Buenos minijuegos

So great,
The game that basically invented the Kirby formula and it’sa great formula

I bought this at launch when I was a kid, best investment I ever made.

One of the best platformers for the platform, with beautiful visuals, fun abilities to learn & master, and multiple stages & secrets to find, if the slowdown is pretty bad.

It's a kirby game, simple and fun. Nothing else really needs to be said I guess.


Não gostei muito do level design que adora colocar inimigos num curso de colisão com você a todo segundo e nem dos slowdowns frequentes. Mas considerando que é apenas o segundo jogo da série (e o primeiro em que Kirby é capaz de copiar as habilidades de inimigos), faz um bom trabalho.