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in the past

For as graphically and especially mechanically superior the sequel is, this is the one I always go back to. I don't know if it's the more quaint setting or the fact that the game only has one main dungeon with an almost Metroidvania design to it, but it certainly has an "it" factor to make it such a comforting experience to replay over and over again, and there's always something new I discover with each playthrough, whether it's character interactions and side stories that can go largely ignored on a casual run but they all add up to something meaningful and really helps nail the small town feeling of the game that I love so much. I suppose the sequel is technically the better game but I really feel like the original offers the better experience overall.

For those used to more modern control schemes, I recommend mapping L1 and R1 to the respective directions on the right stick for a pseudo dual-analog scheme. It's not nearly as smooth as Legends 2 which is one of the few PS1 games to utilize a proper dual stick control option, but it helps the game feel a bit less dated if the controls are what keeps you from enjoying it.

Clunky, sure. But easily the best version of Mega Man there is.

Just a nice, short 3D action platformer. The tank controls take a decent amount to get used to but knowing you don't need to manually lock onto targets to have Volnutt aim does help. I just kind of wish the game had more to it and that it wasn't as easy to get lost underground.

I'm a very big fan of Megaman Legends. This 3D-Action Platformer was really one of my favorite games of that era and I still have fond memories of it today. The game that success moved Megaman to the 3D realm will always have a special place in my heart and it's a shame it didn't continue after the sequel. Highly recommended retro title.

never got to actually understand this one
gotta try it again someday

It’s a story based RPGish like Dungeon Crawler with an open world. This game can feel a bit clunky to control, but you’ll get used to it. This game is so charming, and I had alot of fun with it o really recommend it!

This game is fucking awesome I don't really wanna write a whole thing for it cause I've already done that so many times but it's like super duper good you should play it.

First thing that comes to mind when I think of the PS1 era

This review contains spoilers

started like 9 pm 3/16/23

emulated on steam deck with crt filter

beat 10:15 pm-ish 3/18/23

that was amazing

Working my way around the controls was honestly really god damn fun, I loved figuring out how to fight these bosses and do damage while still also dodging attacks which was actually more challenging than just usual fps circle strafing! It definitely got more fun as I progressed through the game too. The dungeon crawling was really fun.

-The cutscenes were great, it really all was just like a saturday morning cartoon, and there was so much of it for a ps1 game. This really might be the first movie game with how many cutscenes there are, but it was genuinely cool and novel, and some of the most impressive cutscene work on ps1, especially considering they're all in real time and have very expressive faces and such despite it being on ps1.

-The reveal at some point was absolutely godlike and really instantly made me realize just how great this world really is and how important this game is to the overall megaman lore, really putting 2-and-2 together with its connection to just about every other megaman series (sans battle network and starforce)


The game has an unparalleled vibe and atmosphere, with very fun characters too, with some refining to the gameplay concepts and possibly a more fleshed out story, this could be a recipe for one of the best games ever

Lovable cast of characters, hella charming cartoony PS1 looks, classic Capcom bops, this is a great series.

A little slow to start but once it gets going this is a wonderful little game with a beautiful visual style, a likeable cast of well-voiced characters and small, charming world that's fun to explore. The game is lacking in mechanical depth, but in a breezy adventure like this I consider that a positive.

A fun game that is a unique take on Mega Man.

Eu joguei esse game na época que eu tinha play 1 (ou seja, a uns 20 anos atras), mas nunca terminei (sei lá o porque). E depois de um jogo gigante de mundo aberto, eu precisava de algo curto. E finalmente eu entendo pq os fãs desse game tem tanto carinho por ele.

O charme que esse game tem é inegavel, principalmente com os designs dos personagens e as musicas, que na maior parte são bem mais calmas e até algumas vezes nem tendo trilha no jogo.

Diferente dos outros jogos 2D de Mega Man, aqui nos vamos nos aventurar em uma ilha com uma cidade relativamente pequena e dungeons para coletar dinheiro e peças para fabricar armas. Pois zé, nada de 8 robos com poderes diferentes, aqui a Roll fabrica as suas armas com os itens que vc encontra, como minas, lança foguete, um sabre de luz e por ai vai.

E por ser um game em 3D de play 1, o maior problema dele é a camera. MINHA NOSSA COMO ERA TERRIVEL CONTROLAR A CAMERA PELO L1 E R1. Apesar de ter um sistema de lock on, nao da pra se movimentar quando vc ta travado em um inimigo. É um problema da época, mas se vc ta acostumado a jogar jogo antigo, vc acaba se acostumando.

Mesmo terminando o game em 2023 e enfrentenado seus controles datados, nao tem como nao ter um carinho por ele.

People who can't get over tank controls shouldn't be allowed to be near a videogame controller

That was a fun little game. It was a bit clunky at times, especially when trying to run and gun around an enemy but nothing too unwieldy otherwise. I really liked how the faces were animated, they were basically gifs on the models but it allowed them to be a lot more expressive than I'm used to in a ps1 game with a human type cast without being polygon monsters.

a video game containing more soul than ever thought possible

Fun game, man I took way too long to touch this subseries, it was a good ass RPG that surprised me with how short the main campaign, and control scheme. Definitely the most goofy MM game ever bar the final level, will replay later to actually get the other arms, since I missed most of them (and most sidequests) during my first run.

Esse jogo esbanja charme. É uma mistura de dois estilos típicos dos 1990: dungeon-crawling 3D e aventura semi-aberta cheia de NPCs. Esses dois elementos são divididos meio que explicitamente no subsolo (onde estão as dungeons) e a superfície (onde está a cidadezinha cheia de NPCs que você pode explorar) e se complementam muito bem. É um game até que relaxante, com uma ótima vibe para apenas ficar explorando e vagando por aí.

Sobre os controles e se ele “envelheceu mal”, que parecem ser críticas comuns ao jogo, deixo aqui o link da linda e perfeita poyfuh em que ela explica muito melhor do que eu como “intuitivo” é aquilo que você aprendeu ou tem costume de usar, só porque algo não é como você está acostumado não quer dizer que é ruim.

The 64 version but OG and better in pretty much every way! Even though I grew up with the crunchier version, I still love this one just as much. 10/10 Still a vibe~

Mega Man Legends is one of those games I find impossible to talk about without treading a whole lot of well-worn ground. Everyone knows about this game, everyone has an opinion, everyone loves Tron Bonne and wants to take Data home with them and dress them up with like, cute little hats. You see a copy of Mega Man Legends and you just want to give it a kiss, this is a perfectly normal and healthy reaction.

"It's just like playing an OVA," absolutely. 100% correct. It's wholesome, it's charming, it fills you with warmth, and even if you're playing it for the first time today, I'm sure it will stir some fuzzy feeling of nostalgia in you. The setting, story, and characters are just perfect, and the art style has spawned a near infinite supply of imitators, especially now that we're firmly in the era of people making games and basing their whole artistic profile around evoking PS1 era graphics. This is not a criticism, I love how this game looks, how it sounds, and how it feels steeping myself in its world.

For as immaculate and pure as Legends presentation is, the gameplay feels remarkably flat. A lot of dull, boxy corridors and unengaging enemy encounters really drag down the parts of the game where you're not bummin around town and helping people with their problems. Mega Man also feels a bit too stiff, and I blame all of this on the fact that it's a game from 1997. For better and for worse, there was a lack of homogony at this time, which meant there was no real standard for how to design this sort of game, and it ends up feeling a bit clunky as a result. You can kick the shit out of that can, though.

I can't hold that against Legends too much, but it does firmly root it into category of "games I gel with but don't like playing." I'd say there's a concerning amount of those at this point, but I also play a lot of video games. I'm in my 30s and I live alone, what else am I going to do? I guess I could look up the voice actors in this game, see what they've been up to. That sounds like fun!

Uh... uh oh... oh no! TEISEL, NO!!!

god DAMN what a game. Aesthetically this is one of the best looking games on the PS1 and it has aged like a fine wine. Exploring kattelox island is fun, navigating in all the dungeons is a bit of an ordeal but is fun nonetheless. The characters are where it's AT though as both mega mans gang and the bonne family are incredibly entertaining and memorable. The english dub ain't even half bad either. WHY THE HELL DIDN'T THEY MAKE MORE GAMES LIKE THIS??? One of the most charming and stylish games I have ever played.

came into this not expecting much and ended up enjoying a bunch! while some issues with the unusual control scheme and absolutely horrid lock on did frustrate me at times I found it to be a great time for the whole way through! will be playing legends 2 immediately now

Fiquei muito surpreso com o tanto que gostei de Mega Man Legends, e também com o fato desse jogo ter sido lançado em 1997, pós Super Mario 64 mas antes de jogos como Ocarina of Time e Metal Gear Solid, numa época onde ainda estavam descobrindo a melhor maneira de se controlar um personagem num ambiente totalmente 3D. E se, obviamente, a jogabilidade de Mega Man Legends mostra sua idade, eu acho impressionante o quanto ele acerta em suas ambições.

Pra começar no seu aspecto visual, bem colorido, com seus personagens de proporções exageradas e incrivelmente expressivos. Um estilo muito charmoso que se destaca entre os vários jogos de gráficos 3D mais rudimentares do PS1. A trilha sonora combina bem com cada ambiente, fazendo um bom paralelo com uma história que vai de um clima quase "bobo" de um desenho animado para um tom mais sério com seus próprios mistérios a serem revelados. Tanto a família Caskett quanto os piratas Bonne são todos bem carismáticos, e de um modo geral os personagens quase não parecem viver no mundo pós-apocalíptico apresentado na introdução do jogo. É um contraste curioso.

Um detalhe importante é que eu joguei Mega Man Legends num PS Vita, e por isso pude adaptar seus controles para "simular" o uso dos dois analógicos. Não é algo que funciona perfeitamente bem, mas consegui me adaptar rapidamente e fica aquela sensação que faltaram alguns detalhes pra jogabilidade ser realmente muito boa, apesar de bem funcional. Se os corredores das suas dungeons não oferecem uma ação lá muito interessante, as boss battles em cenários mais abertos são bem mais divertidas de se jogar, e há um bom número delas em todo o jogo. Que aliás tem uma duração ótima, contando também com bastante conteúdo opcional disponível explorando a ilha de Kattletox e conversando com os seus habitantes.

Uma verdadeira pérola da biblioteca do PS1. Apesar da dublagem tosca (que às vezes ajuda no humor) e de algumas limitações meio chatas (só poder trocar de armas especiais fora das dungeons), Mega Man Legends é um jogo de muita personalidade. E isso é algo que eu espero encontrar nas suas duas sequências lançadas, que com certeza jogarei.

One of the few game series that makes me wish I was in the world of the game.

An incredibly solid game from start to finish. Tank controls with strafing does take some time to adjust to, but once you do, the gameplay is very quick and runs smoothly. Locking onto enemies is snappy so battles never feel like a struggle trying to keep track of what you're doing.

Visuals are gorgeous with a lot of flat shading/texture work to make it looks more like an anime in 3D. Clever use of low draw distances for dungeons, and unique textures for them as well. The animations and cutscene work are also solid if very simple.

Sound design is no slouch either, music is catchy and memorable voice acting is top notch for its time, and the ambience in this game is hauntingly beautiful.

Really my major complaints just come down to controls and it's difficulty is a bit all over the place.

That said this might be one of the best gems on the PS1 and I still very much adore and enjoy it. It does what it needs to well, and doesn't really get held back too bad for it.

Love the aesthetics and the dialogue/story was charming. The controls were the worst thing I've ever experienced tho :)

Tank controls, but everything else is great. Fun environments, cute aesthetic and fun characters.

holy shit one piece x megaman

too bad the soundtrack is nonexistent