Reviews from

in the past

It's fun on the first playthrough but largely forgettable. Plus I really hate the addition of the final final boss with Ridley, he was never part of the original game and should not have been here. Much prefer the original.

the counters cool. musics bland outside of remixes. it still suffers from it being metroid 2 revisited in that the base formula isnt very intriguing or fun

A full re-imagining of Metroid II, and what a good one it is. Just about everything you like about 2D Metroid games is here, only with some new tweaks and additions. My biggest gripe is that there's not much reason to go for 100% completion other than for completions' sake, but that's pretty minor.

I hate the boss fights in this one. Especially that big robot and the Omega Metroid. It is a good game, but tedious sometimes.

Pretty solid overall, but it doesn't leave that much of an impression compared to other Metroid games, which I may partly attribute to the art direction, and the atmosphere was more on the level of Zero Mission than Fusion or Super, which isn't a good thing. The individual areas of the game often don't stick with you as they do in other games in the series.
The free aim made combat great, honestly, and I do not think the counter ruined it (i.e., get good). It's definitely not always the optimal thing to use, and I employed it less as the game progressed. I know combat isn't why people love Metroid-type games, but it's really a large part of why I dig Fusion and this game.

As far as remaking the original game goes, I find AM2R to be far more loyal. You could enjoy either more overall for different reasons, but I'm inclined to favor AM2R.
I'd love to see MercurySteam tackle a new Metroid game, now that they had a go at this.

EDIT: Yep. They did the thing.

Es raro para ser un Metroid. A Nintendo le dio por hacer remakes de los "raros" al final de la vida de 3DS. El control intenta adaptar los movimientos de Metroid Prime al 2D y no siempre acierta, hay picos de dificultad raros y el progreso de ir cazando metroids cansa un poquico

No AM2R but still a pretty competent remake; the Zeta metroid fights are definitely better in this version though.

The most Metroidest Metroid. It's the biggest 2D game with maybe the least flavour. Still, very very fun gameplay.

Please Nintendo, people like Metroid. Those sale's figures are just lies

In a time were the DS was dying, a saviour came in a form of a remake. Made in Spain chaval.

Excellent remake of my precious Metroid 2, but still not quite as good. Does a ton of magic in terms of level design and puzzle solving. If Mercury Steam made an original Metroid game, it'd be the best on, easily.

Wins over AM2R purely because its actually canon and will affect the series going forward

A great remake of a great but very linear game. The only downside in my opinion is the fact that this game lost a lot of the dark and depressing ambiance of the original. Still a kick ass Metroid.

Good game with some great additions to the gameplay (360 aiming and counter) along with some truly great bosses. However in the context of a remake it misses the mark kinda undermining the point of M2.

A game probably too linear in a genre that has since become synonymous with open level design and sequence-breaking, it nevertheless is a good re-imagining of a game that sorely needed an update. Modernized controls make the action snappy and engaging, and while I believe the sense of dread it should have was desaturated too much to the point that it's almost unnoticeable (watch GMTK's Metroid 2 video for more on this perspective), it still is a highly playable game, and perhaps it was a sacrifice needed give a kickstart the franchise desperately needs.

Idk why people don't like this game. It's better than Super Metroid in so many ways. The control is amazing, the puzzles are way better, and the gameplay is just so much better. I love it, and it's probably my favorite Metroid game ever made. This or AM2R idk.

I finally got around to playing Metroid: Samus Returns (despite having bought it when it was released in 2017), and for the most part, it’s exactly what I want from a Metroid game. I like the exploration and gaining new abilities that then unlock new areas and make Samus more powerful. The Metroid formula works, and while I have no idea why Nintendo treats one of their marquee titles like an afterthought (my working theory is that unlike Mario and Zelda, Metroid wasn’t created by Shigeru Miyamoto), but the franchise formula works whether it’s in 2D or 3D. Metroid is also a great title for the 3DS since you can always have your map screen ready to go and it doesn’t take up space on your gameplay screen.

The one part of the game I really don’t like are the boss fights. There are various qualms I have with the game overall–the different areas aren’t visually distinctive; the enemy types are repetitive, the mini-bosses get to be kind of tedious–but none of them are as bad as the boss fights. Near the end, you’ve got three really tough boss battles, and some people live for those kinds of challenges. Those are people who play Dark Souls and Bloodborne and I am not among them. I do not want a game to punish me. I do not want to work to get really good at a video game. I want the video game to make me feel empowered rather than banging my head against a wall as I struggle to succeed. I managed to fell all three bosses, but not before I finally had to resort to a strategy guide to figure out how exactly they needed to be defeated.

The boss battles didn’t ruin the game for me, but they did make it a bit more tedious and take me away from the parts I enjoyed the most. All that being said, Metroid is one of the best franchises Nintendo has ever made and it’s insane that we’re still waiting on Metroid Prime 4.

hate that digging asshole

Decent, but held back by adhering to Metroid 2's basic game progression, which doesn't really hold up when used as the framework for a modern game on modern hardware.

poorly structured due to being metroid 2, but pretty fun nonetheless

Sistema de combate y exploración bien implementados, logra destacar en su apartado visual y se complementa con un desafió aceptable, llega a ser permisivo con algunos elementos dentro del sistema y sus herramientas, aunque con estas ultimas antepone la decisión del jugador, más allá de todo eso no logra rescatar gran parte del original y se siente aparte, pero logra ser lo suficientemente solido en un regreso de metroid.

it's fine. only metroid i haven't bothered to %100 complete because it's so boring

Não cativou meu interesse quanto os outros da franquia. Samus Returns tinha uns big shoes to fill mas infelizmente não conseguiu atingir minhas espectativas
also 3D graphics that shit ugly af lmaooooo

Completely missed what the original was going for. It ruins the atmosphere and storytelling and turns it into this cinematic action game. Doesn't hold up to the original or AM2R.

this is a solid 2D metroid, and since it had been nearly a decade since the last 2D metroid I'll anything half decent. Its no masterpiece but its definitely worth playing even if you already played AM2R.

Samus Returns is a game that should have been let down by repeated bosses and a slightly more linear world design with fewer truly hidden secrets, but which so thoroughly nails the core gameplay that I found myself obsessively plowing through it to completion over the span of a week or so. Is it objectively flawed? Sure. Is it a striking and absorbing return to form for a long-dormant series? Hell yes.

This game tries to give the Zero Mission treatment to the least Metroidvania 2D Metroid, consequently falling flat at both remaking Metroid II and transforming it into an actual Metroidvania. No better proof of this failure than the implementation of the teleport stations, brazenly forcing the issue, and I'm not even going into detail as to how bad they fucked up the original's atmosphere.

worse version of metroid 2 that also happens to be ugly-- terrible bosses

Complete 100% with all items.

an almost perfect game. One of greatest game design i've ever played. Good graphics especially using the 3D effect of 3DS. Amazing sound effects and musics that really gives mysterious vibe that this game is intended to be. Challenging exploration and combats. Bosses are challenging but not too difficult. Once you learned their patterns, weak points and samus's abilities, you can defeat them.

Only downsides are the repetitive bosses and one stupid game mechanic that you need to know if you want to complete 1005 this game. this game mechanics was not hinted nor explained, making your only option to know is solely by pure luck, accident or look up on internet. (hint: red spikes).

Otherwise, it's really a solid game. If you like 2D action shooter or metroidvania, this game cannot be missed.