Reviews from

in the past

Como primeras impresiones puedo decir que es un survival más, muy similar a todos sus competidores como Valheim, The Forest o Project Zomboid, pero en este caso con temática de vampiros.

Las especificaciones de este título debido a su temática me han parecido muy interesantes; huir del sol, conseguir ciertas ventajas dependiendo a que ser le chupes la sangre y los distintos poderes básicos son suficientes para conformar una experiencia satisfactoria.

Tengo ganas de seguir jugando y de ver que es lo que irán metiendo con la distintas actualizaciones, ya que no deja de ser un early access. La nota y este mismo análisis puede ir variando con el tiempo a medida que le vaya echando horas y de los parches ya nombrados.

"I love vrising. Vrising is the best game I have played in 2022." -Seltzy

He loved it and so did I. I love Morbius.

Vampires are a thinly veiled metaphor for capitalists and they create colonial land ownership by extracting the crystallization of human labor called “blood essence” from workers.

I don't know. I kind of like it, but also if i want to unlock the next power I need to collect like 800 of whatever resource and then wait for the planks and then wait for the sun to set and make sure I sucked the right kind and quality of blood. I can appreciate the setting and theme, and the danger the sun poses, but also: I'd rather just play a different game, at this point.

its being heavily criticized for being super slow and that everything takes so much time (especially the quests you get that can take you easily 5-10 hours if you play solo like i do) but honestly, thats what i really like about it right now. sometimes i need a game, that i can play, while listening to some music or a podcast. and i think its the perfect game for that.

Fun game! Wish things took less time to complete, but it's pretty easy to just go do some chores or something during the wait.

Podríamos decir que el secreto del éxito y de la supervivencia de las obras de vampiros a lo largo de los años se encuentra en la capacidad de transformación y de adaptación de dicha criatura. Claro ejemplo de ello es V rising, una experiencia de supervivencia vampírica desarrollada por la gente de Stunlock Studios en la que despertamos siendo un vampiro debilitado tras siglos de letargo con el fin de reconstruir nuestro reinado mientras batallamos en un mundo sumido en el caos.

Así, mejorar nuestro personaje y tratar de ser el mejor es solo uno de nuestros objetivos principales, puesto que el presente título nos ofrece material para perdernos durante horas y horas, con decenas de desafíos y eventos, misiones y contenido aquí y allá. Además, a pesar de un desarrollo no demasiado llamativo, todo gana un extra de profundidad al añadir la gestión de recursos a la sensación de aventura y combate.

En definitiva, a través de una perspectiva isométrica y bajo una luz que resulta mortal, V Rising viste sus mejores galas al amparo de la noche y pone de manifiesto una aventura en constante crecimiento, repleta de buenas ideas, pero que todavía tiene un largo camino por delante para demostrar que en las tinieblas del espacio habita una obra que espera pacientemente para devorar la luz y vitalidad del resto de contendientes.

Texto completo:

a banger until you drop stacks for a private, always up server & your base disintegrates overnight.

It was fun to play for the first time for me and my team mates. We got destroyed few times on pvp servers.

very fun for the like 2 weeks it was relevant. wish it got updated.

If the fantasy goal of this game is to "Become a Vampire Lord", then this game nails it. The two aspects of this are being the "Vampire" (combat & RPG mechanics) and the "Lord" (survival/building mechanics).

On the "Lord" side of this, compared to other survival games, V Rising definitely adds a ton of QoL features (really long durability, really forgiving base decay with essences lasting for a ton of hours, no weight tracking). All of this prevents the phenomena of a lot of survival games (which some love, some don't ) where in order to acquire resources, you have to sometimes bring multiple pickaxes, and possibly end a supply run short because you're low on weight. V Rising makes the supply run loop way more accessible and forgiving compared to other games. This in turn allows base building to feel relatively simple (though of course, the deeper you want to go into the aesthetics tree, the more you will have to grind for resources). Once you get the patterns done, it takes maybe 30-60 minutes to get a cool Vampire style castle up and running, which is super super feels good and hits the "Lord" side very effectively, due to the supply runs being more accessible.

On the "Vampire" side of the fantasy, the combat evokes a feeling that you ARE this badass vampire. The execute mechanic & blood draining mechanics especially enhance this. Blood Draining & Types is one of the unique RPG elements to this game, which I won't go into super detail- Alls I will say is that it definitely builds up the Vampire fantasy because basically you're incentivized to suck everyone's blood and feel like a badass. The execute mechanic especially feels SUPER snappy, which definitely evokes the feeling of being this "scary monster of the night" vibe, because you literally turn into an untargettable shadow, zip all over the place, then execute and kill the NPC. Feels great. Also, the Blood Tracking aspect where you hunt Named NPCs in the world to take their skills also evokes the sort of "I take your blood and your powers" which also hits the "Vampire" fantasy.

All in all, this is a great and well founded early access game. Can't wait to see where they go with it next.

Vampire survivor, muito mais elaborado, "Blood/10"

dracula sim (hes capitalist)

I didn't expect it to be as good as it is. There's lots to do, building doesn't take much effort but it looks amazing. If you are not into building, you can focus on exploring and beating bosses, the combat is really good. But like any online survival game my issue is the same: people tend to be toxic, annoying, and desperate. The only way to play it is to host your own server with friends and avoid public servers at all cost. The latest update made the game way better.

Writing as a PvE Co-op exclusive player.

Survival games in this format are nothing short of miserable. There are no forks in progression and you have one singular goal at any time. This singular goal usually entails grinding the same subset of enemies or scouring for resources for hours at a time. People generally praise this game for the combat, which is mostly good but sometimes frustrating. Nothing new if you're familiar with Battlerite. You get a lot of abilities and spells but they range from useless to redundant. The sunlight mechanic is exclusively annoying. The boss battles, specifically at the end of the game, are the highlights. It doesn't justify the games flaws for me though.

There are many features that exist for PvP alone, so when carried over into PvE the game gets 100x more insufferable. If you play PvE it is a necessity that you enable warping with items and disable durability.

I do not imagine there is a world where playing this game solo is a good idea. Friends make it tolerable.

I've heard this game compared to Valheim, and to me that comparison rings false. It's a topdown game like Diablo, focused on skill trees of different bolts and blasts to shoot at your enemies, buried beneath layers of deeply misguided crafting, survival and base building. Fun boss fights kiting mobs around as you sling spells and dodge, spread out between hours and hours of punching rocks and trees to upgrade your trousers to the next tier.

Notably, there's no element of procedural generation. The map is always the same. While you are pushing deeper into the world as you play, it's not exactly explorative as you always have the map laid out before you. There are base building elements but they're more akin to Dungeon Keeper than Minecraft, you can decide which squares your single-story Castle Dracula will occupy, but there isn't the kind of creativity you might find in other crafty survival games. This is what makes the Valheim comparison odd to me, since creative architecture and sailing out into the unknown were pivotal elements of that game that are more or less completely absent here.

For me, the skinner box elements were simply unbearable. My heart sank when, in the first five minutes, the game compelled me to seperately make trousers, gloves, a shirt and shoes out of bones. I played with five friends, and we got as far as building a servant coffin (after crafting a sawmill to make a forge, to make a crafting table, to make a tanning table, to make a grinder, to make a research table, to make a blood altar) and then had to wait 90 real-world minutes to progress. Someone asked what we're supposed to do now, what we're actually moving towards, and nobody could answer.

I played in early access (May 2022) so possibly the game will change and improve over time.

the first good rock and stick game. if you're serious about playing it, either do it offline or grab some friends and get a private server. Really nails the vampire fantasy stuff (both for your character and in the base building), cant wait to see what they add to it because it is already ridiculously content rich for "early access"

Controller support would be nice too. Be ready to do a lot of projectile dodging, especially the bosses further into the game. As a m&kb action game neophyte some of the encounters were quite frustrating.

V Rising had one of the best states of an early access game, when it released, that I personally experienced. It has a bunch of cool ideas, it manages to merge a couple of different game ideas and mechanics into one cohesive experience and it has so much potential for the future, when you are interested in PVP. We have played through the PVE experience in a group and enjoyed every minute of it. I have yet to try out public servers and battle on PVP servers, but this might only really make sense if I have to time to uphold a base. I could write a much more detailed review about this game, as there is a lot to talk about. But i'm lazy, so i'm just gonna say: if you like the perspective of a moba or more specifically battlerite, if you are into vampire stuff, survival games in general with grinding materials, building an insane castle, grinding for better gear and trying out different character builds, if you are into a bunch of pvp elements like in rust and love to beat pve bosses ( there are TONS of them).... then maybe try this out? yeah, you should.

Really good early access title with a lot of content. Bosses are all unique with their own move sets and mechanics, and the gameplay loop feels really good.

I love being an attractive vampire lady that has a vermin nest IN her castle--oh it's so nasty, I love it--and getting burned to death by the sun every now and then. Fun thing that I realized is that I used to play it safe in any other survival games that I've tried so far, yet in V Rising I tend to be more aggressive, because the combat is fun and feels so rewarding!

found it immensely unenjoyable to play personally. was playing solo, which i heard after makes it worse, and i apparently didn't get far enough in to open it up properly. left a super bad taste in my mouth

Have not played it since the last few updates but I really did love playing it so much.

a nice game to play with your friends, but might be boring solo

dude fully release this thing alreadyyyyy

Como COOP RPG é bem interessante, porém com uma vida útil bem diminuta, além de existirem mecânicas de mmo/PVP que são simplesmente chatas e desinteressantes pra quem quer jogar apenas pelo PVE, que na minha opinão é a parte mais chamativa do jogo, matar bosses e raidar vilas de camponeses com seus amigos.

Da maneira que o jogo é dividido entre o seu sistema de PVP e PVE, percebe-se rapidamente o dano causado a segunda parte mencionada, pois o PVE eventualmente mostra uma certa falta de profundidade em suas mecânicas e em seus objetivos conforme você progride em sua jornada. Provavelmente a minha teimosia em querer não participar do modo PVP do jogo é o que leva a perda de interesse tão rápida no conteúdo atual, porém como eu já disse, o que me chamou interesse nesse jogo foi a proposta de uma experiência COOP de vampiros com amigos e tudo que possa ser incluso nisso, e por isso é nesse ponto que estou me atendo.

Das mecânicas de MMO/PVP citadas acima envolvem: Ter de manter a sua base alimentada constantemente, o que é chato se você não jogar muito, mas também é chato se você jogar demais, pois o material necessário é abundante e você acaba tendo que descartá-lo em qualquer buraco possível; O personagem de cada player fica online 24/7, se você quiser mexer na sua base enquanto seu amigo está offline, você tem que empurrar ele pra um canto, mas tomar cuidado pra ele ainda ficar na sombra e seguro, pois ele pode morrer enquanto fora do jogo; Constante grind incessante pra qualquer material que você precise usar, junto também de um sistema de queues demorado e chato pra um CARALHO toda vez que você quer refinar tais materiais pra poder usar no crafting; Entre outras coisas que vou deixar passar no momento para não prolongar demais.

Caso você tenha interesse no estilo de PVP de similares do gênero como RUST ou Dayz, personagens que ficam online 24/7, raids em sua base enquanto você está offline, tryhards usando de todo tipo de exploit necessário pra tentar ganhar de você, fique a vontade, talvez você tenha um proveito bem melhor desse jogo. Para os demais, pessoas sãs e/ou abaixo da linha de peso de 30 arrobas, que pensam em adquirir esse jogo pela proposta de um Coop divertido para os amigos, não recomendo por enquanto, talvez no futuro com mais updates.