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in the past

I know I'm late to the party on this but Sand Land took priority and my consoomer gene took over so that Fallout 4 next gen update replay couldn't be stopped which took WAY longer than I thought.

Stellar Blade was something I had A LOT more interest in after playing the demo as opposed to its marketing campaign, which it desperately needed due to them being allergic to showing any non zoomer style fast paced editing that showed little of its combat of as opposed to the "Hot lady, uncensored outfits" focus but more on that later. I am happy to say the potential I saw in the demo was met, Stellar Blade is a fine action game from start to finish. So much so I am on another playthrough as I write this immediately after beating it which isn't something I do often, to get the final ending for the platinum and the new game plus patch helped in that regard.

The game's story, I'll be honest just seemed to exist in order to have a plot. Even the sense of mystery and intrigue the game had the characters would either immediately hint at its truth or outright say in an uninterested manor but that might just be due to the voice which, at least in english, was middle of the road. I thought Eve's (the player character) voice acting was the best and Adam, the second most prominent character, was the worst. Just the way he said so much came off as disinterested or "Reading the lines right off the page", almost was waiting for him to say the emotional tone all "DISSAPOINTED" style. If the naming of characters wasn't already enough of a giveaway, most should be able to piece it together within a few hours. The music was something I liked a lot more than the story though, as it had that somber singular vocal style I tend to enjoy a lot in games. The comparisons to Nier are not unfounded.

In terms of said action gameplay, Stellar Blade does a lot of things right with a lot of the staples I have come to expect of the genre. You have your perfect parries, perfect dodges, special moves, ranged options, variable combos and a skill tree to unlock and improve abilities all which come together to form a mostly cohesive battle system with only a couple of trip ups mostly due to needing to hold down some buttons immediately after some parries which lead me to use abilities instead. The first thing that got me was its variable combos, now it's nothing new to the genre but I still always enjoy a basic attack that's more than 4 lights and a heavy. Splicing heavy attacks into lights for different combos is nothing new but being able to go from Light>Heavy>Light for a completely different combo on top of the basic Light>Light>Light>Heavy>Heavy allowed the combat to stave off staleness in its first 2/3's. The only thing I wish there was more of in terms of basic combat was some more aerial options as there isn't much of a reason to even try fighting mid jump. Most, not all, of Eve's basic attacks could be dodge or parry canceled and it will be one of your most used mechanics. Parrying and Dodging are not only your main defensive options but they both increase your meters for special moves which as the game progressed I found myself using MUCH more as they outclass your basic damage by a large margin which they should as they use a resource. Every enemy as well as Eve has a "Shield" meter which reduces all incoming damage until it is depleted and then full damage is taken. Being able to get rid of it quickly is the main gameplan which reduces any form of damage while it’s active. However if you learn to parry effectively you can exploit the enemies (including bosses), I actually forget what they call it so let's call it poise, meter which is reduced by one every perfect parry. Once it's depleted you get to do a high damaging execution style attack that will kill most early and mid game enemies instantly, just like stealth attacks. However not all enemies have it though so you'll be brute forcing those enemies who are either lowest level fodder or annoying ranged ones. I'm not much of a parry or dodge centric individual, I'm an unga bunga tank kinda guy, but it was satisfying to perfect dodge a full combo or parry an entire combo into a high damage takedown. That being said, combat in the last leg of the game I felt got WAY too tedious and almost felt like it wanted you to tackle every fight with ability and poise meter depletion which just slowed fights to a crawl. Even with the main weapon leveled to its maximum to what available, even when shields were depleted it felt like chip damage. This is why I found myself spamming abilities more often in the late game which, imo, ruined the combat to some extent. The game also gets points off for introducing insta kills on late game bosses. I don't care if they can be stopped and you can just revive should you have an item, it's cheap. I died on the final boss due to not seeing the white on white target but I had the revive so it's whatever. The game made up those points in other ways such as not having many back to back or one life bar per phase boss fights in general though the boss variety could have used some boosting as you'll fight "same boss but different color/effect" several times if you're doing side content.

The side content in the game is the usual game fair at this point, fetch quests, grab these items, fight this enemy etc. Some of these were tied to character stories and as such were the more unique ones and if you want what easily seems to be the "best/canon" ending you best do them all anyway along with getting as many collectables as you can of which there's A LOT. Honestly I think too many, especially when getting around isn't exactly fast or fun. Hope you like deserts cuz two of the largest explorable ones are just that and I think 25 of my 33 hours was spent in them. Eve does run quite fast but she slows down when an enemy aggros and their fields of vision are far and like 330 degrees I swear. They can't hear you running behind them for a stealth kill but if you're not DIRECTLY behind them then they'll know you're coming. The only other way around is via fast travel points such as your camps, where you will respawn upon death, and phones which you unlock by activating, however you're only able to teleport to camps with phones which still makes some long trips between points of interest. It doesn't help that you cannot set a custom waypoint unless it's on some mission objective or other map poi. At the very least most of the other places you'll go are linear to the point they have no map and varied in terms of environment to even out the double desert debuff. How does this game have more desert than Sand Land, a series ABOUT A DESERT?! Can I also just say that I loved there was a platforming puzzle with the playstation button icons that turned into their colors when jumped on? I sure do hope whoever made the ps5 controller has buttons with no color got fired or they release a one with the correct coloration at some point. Oh yeah there's fishing too, and that was a fun few hours getting them all.

I've seen this game be called "Booty Souls", "Gooner Souls'' and "Horny Souls" but I don't see really see a souls comparison here outside of the fact it has specific respawn points at the camps you need to activate and enemies respawn when you sit at them. Is the game difficult? Not really no, at least on normal cuz yes the game has difficulty options but there's no leveling or stat allocation, only skill points, which imo is the main component of what makes a souls game a souls game outside of difficulty. Make no mistake I did die a few times which were mostly due to fall damage as I was awful at timing the negation or getting hit by one of those long telegraphed attacks you're given all the time in the world to avoid. However rarely did a standard encounter ever make me worry, they were more of a nuisance than anything at best even when it was 4 v 1. It's closer to Sekiro which I also don't consider a souls game for the same level related reason. Main difference between that as well is Eve can take 10 times the amount of hits Sekiro man can since he has the defenses of wet 1 ply toilet paper. I'm sure it's much closer to that bullshit while wearing the skinsuit since it disables the shield. It's such a shame that "pretty lady" is what this game will be known for

I guess it's time to address, or rather dress, Eve. Yes she's conventionally attractive, yes her outfits are cover of vogue style or centerfold levels. I had the ability to play this game both patched and unpatched since I still buy discs and I'll install updates when I deem it necessary. I'll be honest, uncensored or not, I didn't really like most of the outfits and I unlocked most if not all of them from the initial playthrough. NG+ added alt color options for most and one entirely new outfit but my stance didn't change. Once I got the Full Black Dress outfit I exclusively used it on that first playthrough though on NG+ I considered going with the bear suit for some high octane Naughty Bear action. The censoring on the outfits felt kind of lazily implemented and I'm sorry but with the information that's come out what with the devs and the CEO going "Oh I think they look better this way" and "It was our choice", it begs me to ask why even make them revealing in the first place. It was clearly the main marketing tool well before launch and I do not believe no one ever once said "Nah these aren't good, we gotta change them" with how fast it was implemented. Like fucking Sony let this shit on there, those prudes, so it doens't make sense. Now it just makes this dev look like liars. It's also one thing for a Korean dev to not know that the unfortunate placement of "Hard" graffiti next to a neon "R" sign looks like slang for a racial slur, it's another to design multiple revealing outfits. Also you fuckers make Nikke, you don't have any sort of ground to stand on when it comes to outfit and character designs. That being said, there's more you can customize other than Eve's actual outfits. There's glasses and earrings which I didn't touch either of as I'm not really one for jewelry and I didn't like any of the glasses. You can also change the "base hair", I don't know what to call it but it's the head hair that more than just bangs that isn't the ponytail which the latter can be short or long. I made Eve a redhead cuz if anything I'm consistent though it seemed colors were style locked as the one I really wanted to use didn't have red as an option. It was honestly a missed opportunity to not have the title screen Eve reflect your customization. The supporting characters have outfits too but I only found 2 for each and I do not know if there are more.

There's a fun action game here, for the most part. Satisfying combo, parry and dodging along with variable abilities for that extra OOMPH. The combat does get a little dragged out in the back end unfortunately, the story tries to be interesting but is undermined by its predictable nature and varying voice acting. The actual exploration leaves things to be desired but that can be ignored if one so chooses. I would hope someone on the fence about this game who likes action games can look past the sex appeal cuz you have a good time here in that regard.

Em pleno 2024, a SHIFT UP entrega um jogo que se preocupa em ser, pasme, um jogo.

Mesmo sob polêmicas, Stellar Blade mostrou-se ser um game sólido, ainda mais levando em conta que é o primeiro AAA dessa desenvolvedora. Sua virtude mais perceptível é a jogabilidade fluida e ágil, ainda que seja uma ação cadenciada. São muitas influências, mas vou dizer que se assemelha a uma espécie de Sekiro, Nier e God of War.

O que mais me chamou a atenção foi o fato dos itens cosméticos serem coletados conforme a sua exploração. Nessa era dos jogos por serviço e de single-players lotados de microtransações, isso se tornou um milagre. Eu adoro sair pelo mapa explorando sem rumo, e por conta disso consegui as mais de 50 roupas de forma orgânica. E em cada canto que você vai tem algo de interessante, algum item como recompensa - isso é maravilhoso!!

Jogar Stellar Blade me fez relembrar os tempos de PS2 pra trás, quando os jogos eram mais direto ao ponto e tua diversão era a prioridade. Apenas citando alguns pontos negativos, ele possui uma mecânica de plataforma um pouco confusa, algumas missões secundárias que são simples até demais e a amizade dos personagens principais é construída de forma apressada. Felizmente são falhas mínimas. Detalhe que platinei com 100 horas, bem mais que o necessário, porém me diverti em todos os momentos que gastei nele.

Ah! Além de tudo isso nós temos a lindíssima da Eve, que tem uma dublagem super fofa e se mostrou ser uma personagem altruísta e benevolente - amei ela! 😘 E o figurino, ó, divino! Minhas roupas favoritas foram as do Kill Bill (amarelo esportivo), Paixão Esmeralda e a Rosa Negra - muito lindinha essa aqui!! Quais as de vocês?

Nota Final: 85/100 - O boss mais difícil de Stellar Blade é a escada.😥

When you throw Nier Automata, Sekiro and Bayonetta all into a melting pot, you wouldn't expect the results to be so bland.

The combat is fun, the level design is decent, the music is incredible and the story is dreadful. There are some interesting tidbits here and there but it just never fully comes together. There is also not a single stand out character throughout the entire journey. Eve herself is just entirely forgettable. The combat feels pretty good though. I enjoyed the parry and blink systems and exploring the world was satisfying. I just wish the two open zones weren't just huge deserts that feel a little too identical to Nier's.

In terms of the "controversy" surrounding the game - it's definitely over-blown and ridiculous but because EVE just has zero character - it does feel like you're playing dress up with a doll when it comes to the costumes. I felt a little slimy about it all. Bayonetta feels like a fleshed out character, someone who uses their sexuality as part of their dominance over her counterparts. Whereas Eve is just standing there saying shit like "We must defend Humanity", or "We will accomplish our mission for Mother Sphere" all while wearing lingerie - it just feels cheap. But the sheer outrage over it is equally embarrassing.

Stellar Blade has all the ingredients to make a great meal but someone forgot the seasoning, resulting in a totally acceptable but dull experience.

Eu escrevo e apago escrevo e apago sobre o que dizer sobre esse jogo, sendo que na real senhores, Stellar Blade é um puta jogo bom, trilha sonora foda, elenco de personagens carismáticos, combate divertido (isso vindo de uma pessoa que detesta soulslike) e gráficos muitos bonitos, especialmente da nossa protagonista ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Jogos como esse me lembram fortemente franquias ou IPs mais obscuras como de Nier, Bayonetta, Lollipop Chainsaw e Onechanbara, contendo belíssimas protagonistas tendo que lidar com diversas situações de risco e muita ação desenfreada; De qualquer forma, eu gosto bastante, então posso ser um pouco suspeito pra comentar sobre.

Stellar Blade é esse tipo de jogo, só que Triple A, com mais orçamento injetado e por consequência, bem mais trabalhado e apresentável. O resultado final ficou muito bom, da modelagem dos personagens que é incrível, dos efeitos especiais gerados pelos ataques, além dos variados cenários que passamos no decorrer da aventura; tudo é muito bem feito, não chega a ser nova geração, mas impressiona de qualquer forma.

O combate como eu disse é divertido, uma mescla entre soulslike e hack´slash que funciona surpreendentemente, a dificuldade vai depender muito do jogador, pra quem é experiente no gênero souls imagino que vai tirar de letra, mas ainda assim oferece bons desafios nos momentos finais; tem uma frase que eu li recentemente envolvendo os últimos 4 chefes que achei interessante, é como se o jogo tivesse falando pra você diretamente: "nós vamos testar suas habilidades tão intensamente nesses 4 últimos chefes, mas enquanto isso, toma aqui uma faixas musicais fodas pra caralho" e já fazendo uma ponte, quero elogiar fortemente a trilha sonora desse jogo; isso vai de gosto no caso, levando em conta que é um jogo coreano, obviamente teremos faixas coreanas, Tachy´s Theme é minha faixa favorita depois de um certo evento que presenciamos no game, seguida pela Raven´s Theme que é um soco no estômago logo de cara, depois você se vê procurando pela faixa na internet inconscientemente; além delas, temos outras muito boas como Space Center, Buzzsaw Slide, Flooded Commercial Sector entre muitas outras.

Questão de personalização, tanto de builds gerais quanto da aparência da Eve é tudo positivo, realmente o lance de ter mais de 70 roupas SEM MICROTRANSAÇÕES é verdade (eu tava cético quanto a isso e felizmente estava errado) além de termos diversos penteados e acessórios pra escolhermos, customização é sempre bem vinda.

Em questão de atividades secundárias, o título possui uma quantidade considerável, entre elas temos as "secundárias principais" envolvendo personagens importantes, quadro de missões para completarmos tarefas, que nos dão mais contexto sobre o mundo do jogo, sistema de pesca, coletar latinhas de bebida e MUITOS documentos em cada distrito para os complecionistas de plantão.

Uma coisa que eu não gostei tanto, foram as similaridades entre os mapas semi-abertos que o jogo possui, naturalmente Stellar Blade é uma experiência linear, mas temos 2 segmentos onde podemos explorar livremente esses mapas eee, parece um CTRL C CTRL V sinceramente, apesar de terem suas diferenças, são praticamente o mesmo bioma, achei meio tosco.

Outras coisas que valem ser mencionadas:


- 1 minuto de silêncio para glorificar as animações desse jogo por favor, adorei aquele double jump que a Eve faz tipo estrela, muito bonito pqp.

- A empresa coreana conseguiu lançar uma atualização de new game plus day one, e a Insomniac Games LEVANDO 6 MESES PRA ADICIONAR A MESMA NO MIRANHA 2, MEU DEUS CARA.

PRA FINALIZAR, gostei pakas de acompanhar a jornada da Eve e estarei torcendo pra uma futura sequência, acredito que Stellar Blade se tornou um dos melhores exclusivos de PS5 no mercado atualmente e não poderia estar mais feliz :D


Not sure what to say. I’m too old to care about the drama surrounding this game. I saw a cool action game with a sexy lady a la Bayonetta and I threw money at it. Unfortunately Eve (and the rest of the cast) has the personality of a wet rag. She’s no Bayonetta or 2B for that matter.

What this game does have going for it is some seriously fun combat. When it clicks it clicks and you’ll be pulling off slick dodges and parries in the most stylish way imaginable. The animations for Eves moves are pretty incredible and it never got old doing a blink dodge and watching her slide around the enemy for some damage.
I did feel some awkwardness when facing groups of enemies sometimes and the gun play isn’t perfect. But those were pretty minor issues.

I wish the studio had been more inventive or ambitious with the world and story because man does it just feel like a Nier/Nier: Automata clone. I mean that literally. The stories and concepts are so similar that it feels almost legally actionable. I was definitely hoping for more in that department.

There’s not really much in the way of “builds” but you do get gear that leans towards different play styles. More aggressive or defensive, speed or criticals, etc. I also had fun finding new fashion to try out. It’s a good dress up game even if a lot of it tends to be unnecessarily revealing. I guess it depends how much that is gonna bother someone. shrug

Anyway it’s just a pretty solid action game with some sci fi nonsense and a pretty lady. Playing through ng+ for a platinum.

After doing four full playthroughs at over 60 hours, I think I've seen enough of this game to give my (contradicting) thoughts.

Like many others, I was looking forward to this back when it was revealed as Project Eve. Also like many others, I became viciously irritated when the coomers decided to make this game their personality (I don't mind sexy characters, what I really disliked was how weird people acted over Eve). I'm not interested in that trash, I'm all about the gameplay.

What I do take legitimate issue with was how the game was marketed as being like Bayonetta and Nier: Automata. I was hoping for a fast paced Platinum-styled action game but the combat is much weightier and more deliberate than I hoped. It's been compared to the Souls series, but I disagree to an extent (level design is very much Souls-y, the combat is much closer to Sekiro). Obviously it can be learned since the game is designed around this combat system, but I can't help but feel slightly frustrated when I try to instinctively cancel a recovery animation (I found it easier to pull this off by avoiding most combo enders unless an enemy was stunned). Thankfully there are accessories you can equip that make the combat much closer to a proper action game (my main build used three attack speed up gears + the exospine that made it easier to parry and dodge + def and shield boosts), and when you get into the rhythm of the combat it becomes pretty damn exciting. The boss fights are where the game shines, while they don't quite reach the peaks of Sekiro's roster (then again not much does), they're definitely some of my favorite bosses in the current console generation (I do few the endgame bosses could be SLIGHTLY nerfed. Hopefully the upcoming boss challenge update will let us fight any boss at any time, being able to practice them would go a long way).

The story has been criticized as being too derivative of Nier: A, and I don't disagree but I found it serviceable enough. The true ending does break into its own path and I hope a sequel builds upon this to make something super interesting and cool. The flavor text on the collectibles does a decent amount to make the world more fleshed out, and I think the story/lore is better here.

Side quests are pretty standard for the genre, ranging from fetch quests to outright hidden bosses. They're worth doing at least twice (once on NG and NG+) to get all the possible rewards, which brings me to another highlight.

The myriad of costumes is pretty great and there are a variety of cool outfits for Eve (and I don't just mean the super revealing ones). You can also unlock a barber shop where you can change her hairstyle and hair color, honestly playing dress up is half the fun in this game.

Platforming is another weak point of the game, the momentum and physics make certain jumps really finicky. A few moments in the endgame were genuinely awful designed (the Gears of War turrents section almost killed my first playthrough, thankfully if you drop on easy mode you only need to deal with one. I don't care if it's cheese, I refuse to play it any other way).

Still, in spite of the flaws I can't deny that I had tons of fun. I'd do yet another playthrough if I wasn't itching to clean up my backlog (I got Horizon Zero Dawn on my list next, I wanna get to it so I can make room on my PS5). I suppose this is my GOTY by default so far since it's the only 2024 release I've played so far (my copies of Infinite Wealth, P3R, and FF Rebirth are glaring at me). I hope Shift-Up learns from the mistakes made here and makes their next game an even bigger banger.


Combat that was good enough for me to play this game three times straight without getting exhausted. Focusing on sidequests makes the game feel a lot longer, but it's definitely enjoyable all throughout. Fishing was also fun and I spent like 4-5 hours on that alone lol, although I wish you could do stuff with the fish besides just complete quests. We need a boss rush!

Stellar Blade lives up to the hype as it delivers a well written and captivating story along with a main protagonist that has the potential to be one of PlayStations best icons when it's all said and done.

The future is bright here!

The combat and visuals are quite good. The soundtrack is stocked with banger after banger. But the actual game is just so... boring. The endless side content is incredibly rote and unengaging. The open world sections are completely unnecessary--in fact, they actively work to the detriment of the game's pacing. Stellar Blade would have fared far, far better as a tightly paced, linear action game.

basically only played this out of sheer curiosity because everyone was throwing a fit about how "woke" and trash it is (plus found it for a discount) andddd

its alright, but imo tries WAAAAAY too hard to be like nier automata (a way better game) when its clear that storytelling and writing was not the strong suit of this team (especially with THIS voice acting, good god). It's strange because I feel like this game actually has better combat than nier but worse everything else (the music is equal tho holy shit its fire).

But judging it on its own, the story just was not very interesting, and the environmental design also leaves a lot to be desired, you will either be exploring one of two places in this game after the first area: a desert or a sewer/lab until the end of the game, the lab areas in particular feel so alike i was stunned there was two of them (both with the same boss at the end as well). Combat is a lot of fun tho, felt like a great mix between bayonetta and sekiro and I never got particularly tired of it minus how precise the dodges need to be to actually give iframes. Bosses were definitely the highlight, but a little bit too easy, until the endgame where the last 4 bosses are genuinely excellent and pretty challenging tho, loved those but it also sort of disapointed me that the entire game was not like that. Sidequest design is also just kinda there, very typical and I never really felt motivated to do them aside from the true ending (which I did not get because the "lily" bar not being visible is the stupidest fuckin decision in this game, think it glitched out or smth cuz it would NEVER appear)

Overall, a decent enough game, not worth the 70 dollars at all but yeah at a sizeable discount for sure, all I hope is that it wins best soundtrack at the game awards and makes EVERYONE mad, cuz it deserves it lmao

This is pretty solid game overall with no glaring issues but a bunch of minor ones. Although the exploration was fun, I felt there were way too many crates with upgrade materials rather than interesting rewards. Although the combat was fun and the encounters were consistently cool throughout the runtime, it was a little bit too mechanically simple for me. Overall, this feels bogged down by too many “buts” when I think about its quality to be truly stand-out, but it’s definitely good.

My first impression was a bit whatever here, I didn't play the demo and only really gave this a shot because the combat looked fun in the trailers and I have a library where I can play games like this for free a couple weeks after launch. I booted into it and wasn't entirely sold. I'm happy to say that I pushed past the initial "tutorial" area and ended up having a pretty solid time!

I'll start with the story because it's what I have the worst opinion of, I thought it sucked! Well, that's not entirely fair, I wasn't even really paying attention for half the time because I was so checked out whenever a cutscene came up. The voice acting (at least english, which I played on) is pretty bad and awkward. Most of all Adam who had the most robotic delivery in a game full of robots. Speaking of Adam, I just did not like him at all. I don't have a ton to say about most characters, because like I said, checked out, but I didn't really like anyone. Eve was fine but ultimately not that interesting, Lily was chill, I liked the little shop robot D1G-g2r though. I'm a sucker for cute lil robot dudes but it's not great that a little shop keeper with a bit part is the only character I really "liked". You also can't skip any cutscenes which really bummed me out. I don't have much else to say on the story, I can't speak on the Nier ripoff comments cause I didn't play Nier but if that's true I don't have very high hopes for my feelings on the Nier story if I ever get around to playing that.

The world and exploration as a whole were pretty solid! I do think visually it's a little bit samey, like the two main open areas are just kinda huge deserts. It did feel pretty satisfying to explore them and the more linear sections, most little paths you see led to a fun little chest or a robot with upgrade materials and it always felt good to find those. There were some little puzzles around the world but none of them too interesting or anything. There was a weird attempt every once in a while to do platforming challenges and it just did not feel built for that at all. The jump feels a bit awkward and grabbing ledges feels incredibly inconsistent and bad. There were little tunnels you'd grind down on your sword and those were pretty fun but that's as far as I wish they took the wacky environmental movement moments. The game looks pretty great, I don't think there's much of a distinct or interesting art style but it's a game that clearly uses the power of modern hardware well and looks pretty solid as far as environments go. Some of the later game areas were genuinely very pretty and nice to look at. Side quests were whatever, pretty generic openish world quests and as someone who didn't like really any characters or the writing here they didn't wow me. The music was pretty great too, lots of solid and beautiful songs! Not entirely my style, and not something I'd like add to a playlist or anything but it was a pretty big standout.

Gameplay is where all of my stars are coming from, I was indifferent towards it near the start and it for sure takes a little too long to start feeling great but once it reaches that point it's a lot of fun! I do wish there were a bit more natural combos maybe that played with timing DMC/GoW style but a lot of the extra mechanics make up for it a good bit. The beta skills are all pretty solid but the Square beta where especially when upgraded had such a really solid weight and feeling to it and I loved it. The burst skills you unlocked were really cool too, and had a ton of style to them. The Circle burst skill was my favorite of those and was great for crowd control. You also get a R3+L3 super mode that's a spoiler but felt really cool! There's also an upgrade you get that turns your drone into a gun, and I wasn't entirely in on it/didn't fully get the purpose for a while but they do these neat survival horror style sections where your blade gets disabled and you can only use the gun and it opened up to how strong it can be. Some of them felt way too situational for bosses, like the huge beam gun which I wanted to utilize in bosses more than I was able to but felt really good shredding smaller enemies. The missiles were my go to for bosses, they absolutely shred shields. All of the ammo felt pretty useful though, especially against normal enemies and drone upgrades felt way more valuable when I got a better grasp of how good the gun was. There also were some combat items which I did end up using a bit more by the end of the game but I just generally didn't care about. I had like 40ish of each one in my stock by the end of the game. That's all the attack aspect of the game, but the thing that really hooked me was the defensive part of combat. I'm someone who loves a really good beefy parry and this games parry feels pretty great. Nothing of this game is very much like Sekiro but the one part that reminded me a lot of that is how much they incentivize parries. It's similar in that, especially for smaller enemies (a bit less so for bosses) if you focus on parries you can stagger and enemy and get a big attack that will kill almost any non boss enemy. The parry itself feels really great and it never got old chaining parries together to wipe out smaller enemies or get a big chunk of damage out of bosses. There's also a blink mechanic where if the enemy does an attack and it flashes blue or pink you dodge towards or away from them depending on the color and it's another layer of depth that fills up attack meters/activates weak points for the gun and it all comes together to feel really fucking good, especially in big boss battles and you hit a ton of parries and hit all of your blinks. The boss battles as a whole were pretty good, fun attacks with lots of chances to do parry combos and such. A lot of pretty cool cinematic flair namely when you beat them they do pretty cool and over the top animations for the killing blows. I do think they were a bit easy/generic early on but the last few especially were really fucking sick. There's one boss right near the end that would react to me spamming certain beta skills and counter them and it was a cool ass moment.

I don't think this is like a crazy mind-blowing experience I'll cherish forever, but I had much more fun than I was expecting to and that's all I can really ask for! It's a bit sad that this game will be mainly known as the game a bunch of insane weirdo dorks whined about for no valid reason (which, to be fair, is funny to make fun of them) when I think it was a solid game that can stand on its own.

Probably one of the best combat systems I've ever experienced in a video game so far. An absolute recommendation.

very impressive that a game can try to be ninja gaiden, nier, devil may cry and sekiro all at once, yet still somehow fail to capture the essence of what it aggrandises.

here’s the thing: this is not a real action game, it is a hollow facsimile of one. stellar blade tokenises action game design traits and shoehorns them into a dull modern template until it coalesces into god of war 2018: titty edition. mechanics lack any real depth while combat design is shallow and simplified. why is it combo-based if these are so heavily disincentivised? why are enemies so static, not playing to the strengths of the system? i’m glad they took the ninja gaiden route (e.g. letting you cancel an attack with a block) over sticking to animation priority, but my respect for the combat system mostly ends there. level and encounter design also lack anything beyond perfunctory consideration. enemy configurations often feel like a copy/paste job and never encourage a change in playstyle (e.g. switching between singular enemies/groups) or utilise risk-reward strategies. btw, there are only so many times you can pull the ‘enemy laying in wait behind the door/wall’ bit. if you must, then at least show me some intent, some playfulness. this shit just feels like getting 40 minutes into dead space and realising you’ll be repeating the same boring jump scare for the next twelve hours. bosses are, unsurprisingly, the best part, but sorely lack the dynamism required for what (i think) they were going for. all of these things are literally, categorically, the most important aspects to nail for a successful action game! it speaks volumes that they all feel half baked.

we can only assume that, at some point, an active decision was made to focus on adding AAA bloat instead of further developing and refining these most crucial design aspects. had shift up not been so enamoured with sonymaxxing every aspect of their game, we could have seen something legitimately interesting. instead we have a bird’s nest of disparate influences, filtered through the money-making machine until a big grey bowl of no-identity slop comes out the other end. who would’ve thought!

Coughing baby NieR but the combat sure is fun.

Trying to tell people why I like this game is like trying to tell people you only go to hooters for the food.

Eu esperava muito mais desse jogo. Do começo até mais da metade ele é muito sem graça e personalidade própria, as mecânicas de combate e até a movimentação são bem travadas e é claro que isso atrapalha muito a experiência.
O jogo não é ruim mas deixa muito a desejar, sinceramente eu só consigo recomendar ele para alguém se estiver com um bom desconto

Probably my favorite Sony published title of this console generation so far. The narrative and pacing can be rough and it wears its influences perhaps a little too proudly but I think a fun yet flawed game such as this one is infinitely more interesting than another awards-baiting, third person, over-the-shoulder, cinematic experience. For being Shift Up’s first big console game, it feels like the only way to go from here is up.

the goon game turned out to be pretty damn good

Incredible combat, interesting world, solid story, and amazing OST. My only issue is its a bit too easy but the bosses are incredible. I still need to try it on hard mode to see if its better but overall amazing game.

Gooners aside this game is actually really good outside of a pretty mediocre story

Ever since the Project EVE trailer they showed back at a Playstation Showcase a few years ago, I was pretty hyped for Stellar Blade. As someone who loves games like Nier Automata I was looking forward to another game in that vein. When I later found that this game was less hack n slash and more soulslike I was a little disappointed but still overall excited. Turns out, the combat would be my favorite part of this game, and it would be most else that would disappoint.

First of all, the game is pretty, not only the enticing character designs (I like butts) but the overall graphical quality in general. My only complaint with the look is that the majority of areas in this game look identical, and the most interesting themes are barely fleshed out and almost all at the very end of the game. The two open areas are just different flavors of brown empty deserts, and most of the stages are just cityscapes that look very similar.

Moving over to gameplay, this is where Stellar Blade excels. Combat is a mix of slower, pattern recognition parries with flashy counters and combo strings. This almost makes it sound like Metar Gear Rising, however it is much more stilted and deliberate. Enemies hit for a ton of damage, and mistakes are very costly, but successful dodges and counter open the door for high-damage counters, and build gauges that allow for powerful attacks. This system is fantastic, but a little clunky at times, especially dodging as it needs to be perfect for you to be invulnerable, and you need an upgrade for that dodge to actually move you a fair distance. Locking on is important, but using the gun makes it so you lose your lock on, making later fights where you are required to switch between sword and gun really frustrating. Some enemies also have very unclear attack animations, and the combat really suffers any time you have to fight more than 2 foes, especially in the early game when you don't have your special moves. The world is interesting to navigate, you move quickly and there is a lot to explore. You have to keep your eyes open for ledges to climb, and there are some interesting environmental puzzles. My only complaint here is that when you have to do precise movement (like a few jumping puzzles) it is too easy to fall off due to animation delays and buffered inputs, and swimming is infuriating.

A lot of these issues I would overlook if I were engaged by the story, however this falls completely flat for me. While the concept is really interesting, it takes until the final few hours for me to actually be interested in where the story is going, and by that point I was already impatiently skipping through dialog or grabbing a drink while characters talked. This especially happened for the sidequests, where I just couldn't get invested in any of these quests (except one). The English voice over is really bad and I switched to the Korean which was better, but it doesn't change the poor dialog and characterization. Eve is such a nothing character, the only thing I know of her personality is she hates getting wet (lol), same with Adam and most other characters. Which sucks because there are so many moments that would have been so cool if I just cared about the characters more. It finally culminates in a fairly cool finale where you have to make a choice, but you can't get all the endings in one run, you have to play at least 2 times to get every ending. I would be more likely to play again for another ending if there anything different but all you have is a few minor NG+ gameplay additions. So I ultimately dropped the second run and watched the endings on YouTube.

Overall, this game is good, really good even, and I really want to see what Shift Up does with its next console game because I think they have clear passion and talent and could make something better in the future. It is just unfortunate that this game was dragged down for me by its story and a few gameplay stumbles.

A pretty good game despite the admittedly stupid controversy.

This game feels partially inspired by Nier: Automata with the overall themes and narrative. The game has pretty good worldbuilding and side quests but an ok main story.

Gameplay-wise, this is where the game shines. The open world is quite fun to explore and find secrets. The combat is really good with how expressive you can be.

For the people mad I didn't give this a "high enough score", I'd say this game is like an 8.5/10. I was looking forward to this game since I first saw gameplay of it way back in 2021 when I was 16. Now that I'm almost 19 and the game has come out, I can safely say that in a lot of ways, I think this game exceeded my expectations in terms of gameplay.

When I first played the demo, I thought the combat was good, but a little slow and clunky at times. That demo portion did not do this game the justice it deserves, because after the 2nd boss fight in the first hour or so, the game really starts to kick into high gear. The combat takes a more Soulslite direction in contrast to the Bayo-Nier sort of style we thought it would have, but it still feels like a wonderful mesh of both.

The game feels more like Star Wars Jedi or Nioh than FromSoft's Souls, which I think makes the game feel more approachable for people who aren't into the Souls genre. There are still hack n slash sensibilities in this Soul-esque mode. The Soulslite parts come more from little things like the lock-on, the healing and items, and the resting spots. However, this is a pure true-blue Capcom/Platinum Games style action game at heart.

There are so many set pieces and action moments that had me locked in and hooked. The boss fights were so much fun and provided a shit ton of challenge. I especially appreciate the high difficulty, even on the Story Mode difficulty, which I would personally recommend to the people that want to play this game but want a more fun laidback experience. The game is still challenging on Story Mode difficulty, which is pretty nice.

The biggest sticking point with gameplay is the platforming, because holy Christ is it janky. It's hard to describe, but it feels incompatible with your jumping for some reason. I don't know why this is the case, but it's there and it's annoying, but the platforming isn't there often, as the game has pretty linear missions, despite the open world, which I will talk about in my review video for the game.

The real thing that put this came below 4.5 stars and below a 9/10 was the story. I thought the story was just too derivative of Nier. There's copying your friend's homework and there's copying your friend's homework while trying to replicate the handwriting and writing their name on top. I'll go more in depth in my video, but I did feel like there weren't any surprises because I had played Nier. I also didn't find the characters all too interesting either, but that's just me. Maybe for the ones who didn't play Nier really love this story, but as someone who has played Nier, it felt too familiar, narratively.

Despite the unoriginal feeling story, I still enjoyed the hell out of this game, and it is my personal favorite game I've played this year so far. The combat's great, the bosses are fun and challenging, the set pieces are cool, and I really loved the visuals. I would definitely recommend this game to fans of Capcom or Platinum's action games

Polémicas de parte, temos aqui um jogo de ação muito bom. O jogo destaca-se pelo combate divertido e intuitivo que nos incentiva ao dodge e parry. O plot é minimamente interessante para nos deixar agarrado e a OST é bonita. Recomendo.

Stellar Blade


Apesar de toda a polêmica, como um bom fã de Bayonetta e Nier, esse jogo é indispensável.
A história está longe de ser tão boa quanto Nier, mas tem personagens e designs legais, ambientação detalhada e uma OST ABSURDA.
a Gameplay é simplesmente deliciosa!

This game is incredible. The combat is extremely addicting and fun- the attacks, combos, and counters feel super satisfying and look amazing. All of EVE's finishers go so fucking crazy dude. the exploration is engaging, soundtrack SLAPS, the side quests feel rewarding and worth doing. The story is decent, it's not anything groundbreaking but it's solid and cohesive. But man the customization is just top tier. Had a lot of fun mixing and matching the different outfits, hair styles and accessories. Lord those outfits. GOATED.