Reviews from

in the past

I played on Switch and no matter what I tried, low sensitivity, high sensitivity, mid sensitivity, motion controls, aim assist, aiming never felt good and every combat encounter was just a frustration. Always shooting the wall next to them, missing point blank with a shotgun. I got 3 missions in. I'm not gonna leave a rating on this game because I don't blame the game for this too much, I've pretty much always hated aiming with a stick.

Shoutout to my great-grandma for the recommendation

doom is cool man. heavy metal and blowing up demons with epic gun shooting, chainsaw action, and punching dudes hell yeah

i think this doom works because of the way it incentives aggression; yes there are powerups and healing and shields all over the shop but the most reliable way to stay alive is glory kills, which are the icing on top of the cake. precious i-frames and promised final death for undead demonic freakazoids is what makes glory kills awesome. you obliterate and annihilation and when its at its best it owns. great fun.

i do think that sometimes shooting by itself isnt massively satisfying, in that bullets making contact with the enemy doesnt feel that good? in other shoots you might just get a like, little ticking noise or a vibration or something to acknowledge it, a small visual or audio reward that makes shooting itself satisfying. doom doesnt have that, and maybe thats because landing shots isnt the point of doom, but i still think id have appreciated it. unfortunately most upgrades are also just boring. i dont even know how many praetor suit upgrades i had in the end. i think the only one i really cared about was reducing self immolation damage from grenades which is also an uninteresting upgrade. when i found new weapon drones i'd click randomly on what the upgrade would be because i didnt care all that much. at one point i had 22 weapon upgrade points because i didn't care or need anymore upgrades. i didnt bother with basically any of the rune challenges because they were tedious and gimmicky and the reward was often a rune i didnt care about. as soon as i had the rune that gave me shields on glory kills i was like "yep, satisfied with rune challenges now" and moved on with my life. i wish i could have also like, unequipped some of the weapons i didnt use like the combat shotgun or automatic rifle, because they clogged up my inventory and when scrolling through weapons made it unnecessarily long. i know i could've used the number keys but scrolling is more fun, isn't it? story is basically non-existant and thats fine, i thought samuel haydens voice was cool. didnt give a fuck when vega died and i think thats why doomguy is the best guy in doom.

it was shorter than i expected! dont have too much else to say about it. could've done with a dash thing like in cyberpunk, but i'm told thats in doom eternal, which i would play, except i hear its just worse than this one, and i dont think i liked this one quite enough to want to play it again

all that being said, all my complaints are super minor ones, and the good far outweighs the bad. doom!

Sentimento de Pura adrenalina dito isso aos tópicos.
- Método.
- História.
- Game play.
- Progressão.
- Defeitos.
- Considerações finais.
Jogado através de métodos " LEGAIS ".
Dificuldade escolhida ultra violento ( praticamente o modo normal ), dito isso o jogo não foi particularmente difícil.
Uma bosta, em outras palavras perfeitas.
Muito bom o jogo faz questão de colocar uma alto-falante somente para dizer que a gente e foda e funciona que e uma beleza.
Game play
Muito bom, porem o desh do eterno faz falta.
O começo e sensacional, entretanto ao conseguir todas as armas da uma brochada.
A última boss fight e decepcionante, tanto visualmente quanto mecanicamente.
Em especial o bug na qual literalmente afundo, mais frequentemente na metade do game, entretanto não deve passar de consequências da versão pirata.
Considerações finais
Em 2016 esse jogo me deixou apaixonado pela franquia, desde então sempre andei mordendo as beiradas, me aventurando nos velhos títulos e por fim deixei o melhor para o final.
Recado para mim mesmo compra e platinar.

Frenético, rápido, brutal e muito divertido! Um reboot muito bem feito de um dos jogos que foram pais dos FPS. Poderia ter aprofundado um pouquinho mais a história? Poderia! Mas ainda assim, um ótimo jogo.

Doom 2016 is an exciting shooter that features an evolving gameplay experience: starting with a simple pistol, by the end of the game you'll be running around the map, firing shotguns and rifles, and committing brutal deaths. However, there are occasional feelings of monotony, but this is the only downside for me.
Doom 2016 - это захватывающий шутер, в котором ощущается эволюция геймплея: начиная с пистолета, к концу игры вы уже бегаете по всей карте, стреляя из дробовика и винтовки, совершая зверские убийства. Однако, время от времени возникает ощущение однообразия, но это единственный минус для меня.

Don't really have many in depth thoughts on this one, but this marks the 100th game logged in 2023 for me! Finally, a new year's resolution I actually fucking stuck to. It was fun :)

that being said i am never doing this shit again

This game makes you feel fucking awesome. The combat in the game is some of the most fun I have had with a FPS. It is a shining example of FPS games and one of my favorites.

The story is alright, but it doesn't need to be anything in-depth. The point of the game isn't to make you think or to wow with narrative. The point is to rip and tear until it is done.

There isn't a lot else to say. Holds up pretty well visually to the date of the review. No bugs, for the most part. I had an incident where I was pushed through the floor and out of bounds by a Baron, but that was the only time it happened. If I were to say my major issue, it's maybe a little short. However, if they made it longer, then it would have become repetitive, so I am conflicted.

7 years late, but that only made this game impress me much harder. It lives up to the hype and more.

This goes beyond the core gameplay and music, it is rare for me to actually want to commit to 100%ing a game full of tidbits of side content, but secret hunting and beating challenges in this game was so fun that I did it immediately, singeplayer wise at least.

Near perfect.

I don't have much to say that hasn't already been said. But it's interesting hearing the history of this game's development and how unconfident they were in a game like this doing well. The FPS genre had gone so long being a lifeless shell of what DOOM created. Total return to form here and more. This is a completely visceral power fantasy that gives you tools to slay, with a healthy amount of optional secrets and easter eggs to find. Just straight up fun. I even had a good time with its online multiplayer for a decent chunk of time.

And if you ask me...It's a significantly better game than Eternal was.

DOOM Eternal Review next~

The campaign’s nothing short of astounding. A brilliant representation of the franchise for the modern era. The gameplay is equal party hardcore and totally ridiculous. I also was quite surprised how well told the story was. It walks a fine line between self aware stupidity and sharpened commentary on man’s hubris. The only thing that held this back for me, was the console controls on a gamepad the further I got in started becoming sort of maddening. This game is a ton of fun either way, but it really feels more at home on a mouse/keyboard. Which is something I don’t find myself saying hardly at all anymore. Controllers have come a long way. This game still demands that extra precision though. Either way, easily recommendable.

played eternal first, ruined this game for me

Doomguy is the ideal role model, I won't elaborate further.

“Eles são a fúria, brutais, insaciáveis, impiedosos. Mas você…você será pior. Estripar e lacerar, até o fim.”

Essa frase define Doom, com um combate maravilhoso, diversificado, uma trilha sonora impiedosa de tão boa, Doom consegue ser um jogo de FPS ridiculamente bom, como é gostoso encher um demônio de tiro, e depois meter a rasteira, soca-lo ou até arrancar alguma parte de seu corpo, um jogo onde foi feito pra você se sentir o fodão.

muito bem otimizado e com graficos de cair o queixo, joguei em 1440p, tudo no ultra, e meu pc q é mediano, tankou a 120fps o tempo todo, unico problema dele são os bugs, que me incomodaram em certos momentos.

Kill demons, then kill bigger demons until you fight the biggest demon

Doom 2016 não só é importante por reviver a franquia com um jogo que vai totalmente no oposto do que um FPS moderno foi condicionado a ser pelo mercado, como também por dar uma guinada no gênero "boomer shooter", que só recebeu títulos de peso no decorrer dos anos, porém os pormenores e um claro medo de se jogar na natureza violentamente cômica da temática impede com que ele seja um clássico absoluto.

Para começar com o que mais machuca a experiência: A primeira metade é simplesmente horrível. Doom 2016 tem um tutorial de quatro horas repleto de fases HORROROSAS que são tão mal construídas, repetitivas e rasas que sou incapaz de julgar alguém que não foi além delas por puro tédio. Até a fase "Advanced Research Complex" o jogo meio que se joga sozinho, com confrontos curtos, fáceis e pouco variados, intercalados com corredores e salas pouco inspiradas tanto em composição temática como em estrutural. É quase inacreditável o quão tediosa é a primeira metade, que parece introduzir de forma muito insegura o tipo de gameplay que Doom entrega. Sei que esse é um jogo que, de certa forma, se distancia do que o grande público se acostumou com o gênero, e que cuspir suas mecânicas como se fosse o começo do milênio também não funcionaria, mas não consigo entender como não tiveram um pouco mais de confiança.

O outro ponto que soma como grande fator lobotomia é o quão escuro tudo é. Há pouca variedade de cenários, que se justificam pela narrativa e temática (Marte, reboot da franquia, instalações espaciais) e até podem ser relevados ou até mesmo ignorados, mas não há motivo plausível para que esse jogo seja tão escuro. Há o argumento (muito válido) de que a escuridão é intencional para causar medo, mas um jogo com a proposta de Doom dificilmente causa medo genuíno, e o que resta é uma visualização porca de confrontos que você tem total controle, mas que se tornam cansativos aos olhos e somam no senso de repetição. O jogo possui sessões que brincam com diferentes cores em destaque ou contraste (há um confronto onde tudo fica avermelhado e muitos inimigos se mesclam com o cenário, tal qual uma miragem, um dos pontos altos), mas a escuridão só se torna um motivo de frustração. Doom 3 possui escuridão como elemento central de sua proposta e funciona por estar interligado a outro tipo de controle dado ao jogador, algo que não acontece aqui.

De resto, esse jogo é sensacional. A segunda metade possui áreas mais abertas que se somam não só a movimentação rápida padrão, como também com o double-jump, que possibilita um maior controle sobre o nível vertical do jogador e sua relação com as armas, como também introduz inimigos que contrastam a nova liberdade adquirida. As armas são ótimas, mas não são tão ocasionais como Doom Eternal e outros do gênero, que apostam em uma mudança constante para readaptação. Se você quiser, pode jogar e zerar Doom 2016 apenas com uma única arma. Há quem prefira essa liberdade de escolha sem um uso pré-definido e há quem prefira o estilo introduzido na sequência, o grande acerto é que, nesse caso, a escolha pessoal não machuca a proposta. Um caso digno de estudo de design de inimigos e nivelamento, prova de que boa parte desse jogo foi pensada com esse tipo de questão já em mente. Quando esse jogo funciona, vai duro demais! É uma mescla de perder vida para ganhar vida quando se adota uma postura mais agressiva, e um gato contra rato sempre que falha, tornando todo confronto viciante e recompensador.

É um ótimo jogo, mas alguns aspectos me incomodam profundamente e me deixam com certa ânsia sempre que penso em revisitá-lo. A primeira metade é tão medíocre que ilude o quão sensacional é a segunda metade. Para apreciar 2016 vai um pouco de fé no que há por vir e persistência no que ele inicialmente propõe. A espera se paga, mas a um custo alto que não se soma ou gratifica. Doom Eternal é o ápice do gênero para mim, e Doom 2016 me parece uma porta de entrada digna, mas que não me desce tanto.

AMINA KOYMAK LAZIM (götünü siktiğimin yerinde)

This was a replay on my Steam Deck and goddamn I love it so much!

Playing this after Eternal, I wasn't sure how it would hold up. After finishing, I can say that while Eternal is good, DOOM 2016 is much better. Took me a couple levels to get into it but once I did I was completely hooked. Doesn't overstay its welcome, was exactly what I was looking for with the perfect balance of shooty shoot and exploration. Definitely could've used more variety in Glory Kills but whatcha gonna do.

I don't care about the multiplayer but the bit I played of it seemed inoffensive enough.

Beaten on my Steam Deck. First FPS I've ever beaten, and this was a solid introduction. Pretty satisfying to blast through hordes of enemies, and the soundtrack is a goddamn meme. While it's not as hard as Doom 93, it does provide a good challenge. Overall, this was pretty good, and I might replay it again.

Super fun shooter, will give you the most enjoyable panic attacks you've ever had.

As a person who cares not a HOOT for completionism or heavy exploration, I appreciated how optional secret-hunting was here. It's a great system: you get a lil reward for looking around and being clever, but you're not forced to if you just wanna get to the next gunfight. I enjoyed splitting the difference, looking for secrets if a detour caught my eye, but mostly pushing forward in an aggro fashion.

The combat is very satisfying: while the game doesn't directly encourage this, I found gunfights became a trial-and-error game of rock-paper-scissors. I developed and remembered lil systems for taking down each enemy. I've heard the next game goes all in on this concept, and I think I'll enjoy that.

The story is enjoyable set dressing, the graphics look pretty even years later, and the music rips. It's not the deepest experience, but it was a grand way to spend 20 hours!

The action and stress starts a minute or two in, and it never stops. Demons, to demons, to demons, to demons, to demons, to the final boss.

Doesn't quite hold up to a replay the way that I had hoped it would. Obviously some of the best shooting ever at the time, so the tightest arenas, just amazing combat all around great music great fun. But after we saw eternal tighten the screws on the combat system so efficiently, it's a bit hard to not notice how much cruft is in this game. Does anyone use the plasma rifle? The pistol? A lot of the weapon mods are a lot less satisfying to use than their counterparts, and this kind of causes the entire infrastructure of upgrades to collapse, because the intrinsic act of getting them is usually not very interesting ( kill X Demon with y weapon) enemy plays through the game already you know that the reward isn't going to be terribly satisfying. It's still quite fun it just feels a lot more hollow than I remembered it being. It probably doesn't also help that when this came out it was such a breath of fresh air to the shooter genre, and at this point we've had enough ripoffs that this template is a little bit stale. Surprised by how well the comedy holds up though

A contender for the best shooter of all time imo. Slick gunplay, weighty combat gives impact to your actions, character is a certified badass.

The game that rebirthed the Boomer Shooter genre, and one that very rightly deserves the praise that it gets. This is an amazing game in nearly every aspect, from the gameplay to the soundtrack, the environments and the enemy design, this game is absolutely pulse pounding. I would have to say on a personal level I dont enjoy the system by which the weapons are evolved, I dont like being required to play a certain way in order to complete arbitrary challenges, it warps the way I play too much, and I find myself having more fun if I just ignore all the little upgrades the game asks me to make. Regardless, besides that bit of tedium added by an unnecessary upgrade mechanic, the game is perfectly streamlined to keep the player in the fun zone, and once you start, youll find yourself at the end credits hours later asking if you really just played it for 10 hours start to finish.

very fun. prob would've had a better experience if i didn't suck on any difficulty higher than the easiest but the visuals, music, enemy design, and gameplay is so on-point that it doesn't really matter. cool game

Wow my soundtrack comes with a free game