Reviews from

in the past

This was a cute little platformer! Relatively simple gameplay but absolutely gorgeous art direction. The mechanic introduced in the back half of the game led to a lot of frustration and kinda dragged the game down a little though unfortunately.

A short and rather charming game with beautiful visuals, but is borderline unplayable in single player unless you have godlike coordination and multitasking skills.

Play with a friend. It’s a much smoother, prettier and funnier experience.

I was very excited for this and it didn’t really end up being what I expected, but it’s still a wholesome and visually interesting little walk. Frame rate tanks pretty frequently on the Switch however, so I would suggest a different platform.

Parece mais um curta-metragem ao invés de um jogo, só é fofo e aconchegante, apenas isso. a melhor maneira pra se divertir é ir com baixas expectativas e com alguém pra jogar (isso deve ser horrível de jogar sozinho..)

Wonderful lil game. Very cute story and was insanely beautiful BUT it was quite janky and difficult to play at times. Puzzles were neat though and it was a fun experience for my long-distance boyfriend and i <3

I played Blanc with my partner! Super cute, one of those rare coop games that actually has you help each other to achieve the same goal rather than just playing the game at the same time. Can’t deny the influence of Journey here either.

soy daltonico y le doy un 10 porque no he tenido que pensar mucho en si algo era morao o azul

The art is great and the characters are really cute, but it's boring af due to the repetitiveness and slowness

Less of a “puzzle” game and more of a “what-the-fuck-do-I-do” game.

Having powered through couch co-op classics like Portal 2 and It Takes Two, my partner and I might have had the bar set high. Even then, clunky controls, nauseating camera angles, and frustrating puzzles (if you can call some of them that) led to us nearly abandoning the game. The black and white art direction makes for cool screencaps, but more often it obfuscates where exactly the characters can go and what they can interact with. It’s a shame, since I don’t want to cast too much criticism on an otherwise cute premise.

Blanc besticht durch einen bezaubernden Artstyle und eine süße und herzerwärmende Geschichte von zwei ungleichen Wegbegleitern, die einander brauchen um an ihr Ziel zu kommen.

Die Rätsel und Ideen des Spiels sind schön gemacht und bieten auch die eine oder andere Überraschung. Man hat zwar nicht viele Möglichkeiten, aber es ist schön, dass jeder Charakter seine eigenen Vorteile mit sich bringt.

Technisch hat Blanc aber leider Probleme. Während unserer Online-Koop-Session hatten wir zwei Serverabbrüche und einmal hat sich ein Rätsel bei uns festgesetzt, weswegen wir neu starten mussten.

Auch den Preis von 15 € pro Person (warum wird Steam Remote Play nicht angeboten?) finde ich für die zwei Stunden Spielzeit unangebracht. Ich kann also nur empfehlen auf einen Sale zu warten oder ein Programm wie Parsec/Hamachi für ein simuliertes LAN-Netzwerk zu nutzen.

Vielen Dank an Grossstadtreh für die schöne Koop-Session.

I think this game got unfair reviews! I really enjoyed my time with this and would definitely play a sequel if it ever happens. Really cute characters and simple gameplay.

This game should be great. It looks amazing and has very interesting mechanics, but the camera is just awful. I know that it seems unlikely that one element can make a game bad, but Blanc's camera just makes for an unfun experience. Combined with the fact that this game drops frames like they're going out of style, I just can't recommend this game to anyone. There's nothing that you can get out of this game that you can't get out of a cute animals video.

Exactly what you think it is. Cute little indie coop platformer. Fantastic art style, but very basic puzzles and gameplay. Short experience, only took my wife and I 1.5 hours.

Blanc é absurdamente simples e rápido, o quê não seria um problema se não fosse o seu alto valor (tanto em real, quanto em dólar). Não existem desafios ou interações interessantes, talvez seja divertido jogar com uma criança mais nova ou algum conhecido, mas sozinho é algo complicado.

Penso ci siano stati giudizi un po' troppo negativi, nelle due ore circa che dura sto gioco è vero che ci sono puzzle veramente troppo semplici per la maggior parte ma c'è anche una direzione artistica veramente buona insieme ad una dolcezza che non diventa mai stucchevole data la breve longevità (come li chiamano gli youtuber/giornalisti? cozy game? boh comunque è quel tipo di gioco lì, dopo 3 ore su python a me ha fatto piacere giocarci)

tres beau a faire en amoureux mais full bugs (on a arrete d'y jouer car soft lock)

Feels like it was created by artists and not game designers. Excellent art style and sound design, uninteresting surface-level gameplay throughout with a hint of technical issues making it frustrating (could be from me playing on launch day though).

Fun with my brother for a bit. Very light on gameplay variety. Nearly quit it. Nice themes near the end.

Jugué con mi novia, nos justa jugar muchos juegos juntos y éste lo disfrutamos mucho, especialmente por el apartado artístico. Sí es cierto que el juego es más bien corto y que no hay mucho para hacer, pero es suficiente para pasar un buen rato... El hecho que sea corto hace que no llegues a aburrirte si estás inmerso.

considered deducting multiple stars for goat-related reasons

a cute hold-the-stick-forward-and-sometimes-press-the-action-button-like with light puzzle elements. playable in two hours, as more games should be

Kinda boring, although the aesthetic is nice. Not much going on here, to be honest.

A cute short adventure to play with a friend.

I played Blanc... more at 2 p.m. dw, it stands for 2 pettable munchkins! I was going to talk about how Blanc solves racism but instead I'm going to talk about my bestie. She's very cool I hope you read this someday and I hope you stop barking at me when I forget I'm supposed to be helping you. Alright, my bad... I'll think about thinking about you.

I could have used another hour of game content TBF. What if they grew up and it became a mid Tokyo Jungle clone? I'm an idea man contact me and I'll give my reply tomorrow at 2 p.m. as always!

A short cute game about two unlikely friends traversing the harsh snow-clad terrain to find their families.

I think this game gets some things right, like the clever use of pencil textures for the art style, and the concept for the plot itself is nice and wholesome. I think the music was also decent, but nothing too special.

The problems really lie in the overall brevity of Blanc, as well as how simple and sometimes inconsistent it is. The puzzles for the most part were very easy and I feel there could've been more of a use of the co-operative aspects to make more engaging puzzles.
Sometimes this kind of non-resistive design can work in certain areas, but in general just makes for uninteresting and at worst forgettable scenes or setpieces.

The controls for the characters feel kind of slippery and unpredictable sometimes, but ultimately doesn't hinder the gameplay too much.

The performance on the Switch version was also not great and was getting framedrops and stutters frequently and even disconnects here and there.

Overall it's nothing groundbreaking, but I do wish it was much a better game because I think its foundations are there.
If you want a nice and simple game to play with someone else, this isn't a bad pick per se, but there are much more effective alternatives.

Blanc is exactly what you'd expect it to be, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

It's a heartwarming tale of a fawn and a wolf cub that get separated from their respective families and help each other to find their way home. Along the way, each animal will use their specific skillset to open the way for the other and vice versa. This game was clearly built for co-op but it can be played solo. I played this co-op over the festive period and it was a perfect vibe.

Mostly, it controls really well but there are parts where it's difficult to aim your jumps or it's just not clear where you're meant to go. There's one instance where some baby goats help you out and they mirror each of the two main characters. This isn't made abundantly clear resulting in there's a lot of trial and error which almost got frustrating.

Blanc is an incredibly short experience and can easily be done in one sitting. Usually, I don't mind that at all as it encourages me to replay the game several times over. However, whether it's because the game is still fresh in my memory or not, I'm not sure there's enough here to pull me into another play though. At least not for quite a while. It could be a new Christmas tradition? Who knows.

It was a really enjoyable experience playing in co-op, so if you have someone who is a non-gamer and want to ease them in, you could do much worse than this.

Every puzzle is incredibly simple, and even though you know what you're supposed to do, it's asinine input system makes everything 10 times less satisfying.

I know it's a game you're supposed to play for the "experience". if you want that, there's better games for that, like Journey or Never Alone.

I think this game would look and feel great running at 4k/120fps, but the "toxic concepts in the game and creative industries, such as the obsessions with performance" seems to directly oppose Casus Ludi's mission statement.

I certainly give some points to this game for the artstyle choice, it's really interesting and pretty. But everything else is so dull that I don't know what they really wanted to do with this game. The characters don't feel nice to control at all, everything is super janky, the game glitched and I had to reset the game. The mechanics are unisteresting, there's nothing unique, remarkable or special, and to top it off the Switch version has really terrible framerate for a game that is not graphically complex at all. It has some sparse cute moments, but it's an overall lackluster experience. I don't recommend it.